Unite Against Racism

I was at sea, a bunch of semi-dark skinned guys came just out of the trainstation, talking about a girl they had seen in the train. I overheard one of them say laughing, “When I returned to the Netherlands I was dismayed to see all these white people”.
I said to him “I hope that is a joke”, they pretended to not understand what I meant. There were ten of them or so, I was a bit careful. One of them said to me, “time to go home”. I then walked toward him grinning and asked “what was that?” when his knees buckled and he corrected himself “uh, time for a drink, right?”
After I asked him what kind of drink he would have, and he stammered, “beer?” I left it at that.

I wondered if I should go back to them with my phone and have them say this thing in video. But I didn’t.

So, this has gotten to the point where it is normal and safe to speak out racist against whites in the presence of whites. We are apparently expected to accept that without complaint. Racists are apparently even surprised if you object to their racism.

" “When I returned to the Netherlands I was dismayed to see all these white people”

What kind of idiot goes to the Netherlands and doesn’t expect to see white people?

Nono, these were Dutch people.

Talking openly in the presence of their white countrymen about hating to have to see white people in their country. These motherless racist fucks are growing cocky. When there are ten of them against one, of course.
The left always play a numbers game.

Here, the public have taken a step back and let the authorities deal with it/those that are problematic… the minority factions, are not the majority’s problem. Any trouble makers and instigators of rioting and hate, have a freshly vacated prison cell waiting for them. The Socialist plan has failed!

Someone Insta’d a video of this guy
middle-fingering a table of East/SE
Asian men and Women who were profusely
verbally abusing him, and the waitress
asked him to leave… which he does.

She then follows that, with this IG post,
and laughs at it… does this make sense?
She is an Israeli person living in Germany,
and are constantly called out for their racist
posts and rants, but say it’s justified as
retaliation for being called a brown bitch etc.,
but is reacting to hate with hate the answer?

Really, the change is that radical? Wow.

Muslim beats up and humiliates blond Danish boy


Any Danish speakers here?

I was called a prat and a coconut by an Indian guy, earlier, whom I had told that he shouldn’t be postIng a porn video in a political messaging group.

Beige on beige hate. :open_mouth: hilarious.

Indians were sometimes very mean to other Indians long before we arrived.

Could you make an argument based on this idea. What conclusion do you draw from that`?

humans are full of hatred.

That’s not an argument, that’s another statement. But, sure, many of them are.


I’m not from the US… I’m from the UK and talking about a guy from India, though I am part that Indian too, as in part Carib(bean).

I was hoping that anyone who did respond, would focus on the main point I raised, in that of him throwing shade my way, and not about the tribal infighting of Native-American Indians.

Tribal warfare is no excuse or cover for genocide-by-foreigner.

Ahem indeed. :slight_smile: lol

Note: what we’re moving into seems to be positive racism. People are going to have to deal with each other racially in a mutually affirmative way.

There is a distinct advantage of growing up in and contact with multicultural and multiracial environments. Each culture and (nature or nurture or both who cares) each race have different tendencies to express, problem solve, understand, respond…they have different implicity philosophies of language and relationship dynamics and coping strategies and approaching creativity and senses of humor and even how bodies can move and express. One can argue which is best until you are blue in the face, but having the options presented by people in situations you share with them directly is an advantage over people who grow up in monocultures. You have more tools, more ways to respond, more ways to move forward, more ways to express all the possible emotional and attitudinal reactions. Monocultures are impovrished by comparison. And growing up without close relations to the opposite sex is also a handicap. Diverse modes of life presented me, anyway, with more options for coming to what for me feels like a more authentic life.

Some examples: latino and african american expressiveness made it easier to move out of what might be called waspy monotone. To see communication as a potential dance, even polyphonal music rather than turntaking call and response only.
wry, dry outwardly self-effacing jewish humor that can be wonderful way to creatively bemoan a situation, but also can be used to attack when direct attack allows one to be dismissed.
Italian american new york (working class) making everything casually blunt. Blunt without an edge.

Some don’t need to unite against anything, for we are already there and were born into that environment, of a non-judgmental coexistence of people and peers.

The state of the world reflects the state of the majority-minds that inhabit it… I exclude mine in that, and others are free to do likewise. We need to start doing things the mature way… this fighting over every aspect of our lives and existence is tiring, and I’m not even a participant in it all. :icon-rolleyes:

I am very happy to live in a country which has always embraced foreign influences, if they didn’t come to conquer.
Yes, it makes for a smarter, more rugged society, where more is on the whole known about life and the world.
I spent some 10 years preferring cultures I was not native of - not the happiest years naturally but I learned exorbitant amounts of things.
Discovering my true love of my own native culture came as a kind of reward, it felt like, for having worked with so many other cultures, for truly putting myself through tests of the soul.
The shape of my face changed a lot during my travels through different cultures too.
And indeed, I learned ways to move my body which have been immensely liberating.


Yes… it makes for a more knowledgeable society, with less hang-ups about ethnic differences, but instead those differences are noted, endeared, and joked about, amongst ethnically different friends and acquaintances. Being otherwise, is not a world I belong to either, but I have met those that do belong to that world, and it’s definitely more of an experience for them than it is for me.

I’ve never watched that show… love that kind of diverse humour, of differing peoples coming together, for whatever reason and circumstance that made it be.

Racism under the Biden voters is taking on such shameless forms that it would even made nazis blush.

Indeed commenters responded; isn’t talking English or using your smartphone appropriation of white culture? Of course it is and no one minds.
But if a white whore is even shown to exist amid black whores, …