Unite Against Racism

The left would embrace them as poor, poor babies and force them to suck on its whored out udders. This would be a problem, as the Natives are so weakened that only very proud ones would be able to resist this and condemn the foulness of the leftoid woman and the much fouler foulness of the leftoid man.
On the right, the alliance could be struck more respectably – if.
But considering the time, I would not be surprised if most of the Right would gladly turn to exalt a Native to say, a position of High Priest of a new American spiritual order.

Native Americans could be singled out as a race to be privileged, because simply it is their fucking land. They should be given real privileges for long term re-cultivation of their stock. The human knowledge of the land is only in their genes.


You’re posts at this point are pathetic, considering what I shared here.

Native Americans celebrate the zero sum nature of reality as well. They’d still fuck everything up even if they were in charge. These are not beings who are awake.


For any sane onlookers, I was indeed wrong to post that page with the notations about the Feoh rune, as it is rather mundane, - I meant merely to indicate basic studious diligence with respect beloved things, but for obvious reasons opted not to present Ecmandu with something actually sacred.

He has literally gotten me thinking that perhaps America is to the ruin or detriment of the “white man” –
perhaps a good deal of the White Man in America is this kind of spiritually sadomasochistic zealot that had no function but to hate the Earth, beginning with its own apparition on it.

And, by comparison to such aggressively healthy people as the native Americans - who can blame them. Envy considered though it is still is downright weird that no American, however philanthropic or equality-oriented as they may pretend to be, is pushing for recultivation of Native American life and culture.

I cant respect that. People find they must complain about Zionism, but this absolute American ignorance of their own sacrificial ground is infinitely more problematic than people returning to land they cultivated in a previous Aeon.

Your Christian-teleological mind obscures for you the meaning of honour.

The point is not for them to redeem you from your incompetence at walking the Earth, the point is that they are allowed to walk the Earth without shame, so that they may show better men than you what is yet possible for posterity.

When the only race that is truly left behind is the race of the land, that is the first thing a philosopher looks at to remedy.

It can only have one explanation, as I do not believe people are capable of consciously orchestrating such ignorance, namely that the recognition is too painful. There is no conscience.
Like with Americas actions overseas, the right nor the left can afford to look at any of it, only at whether or not they say the proper things to each other. Christian penitence hasn’t been able to resolve this guilt; the Marxist revolution can perhaps be seen as an intensified, second bout of self-flagellation to deal with that, as yet unspeakable past which is now addressed through the also horrific history of slavery, which is however more common on Earth than invaders nearly wiping out the entire population of a whole continent. This particular ravage that is at the core of the USA is unprecedented in world history.

Such a savage pain is addressed mildly, playfully at first - in harmonic reference to the past that was lost. An entry into the deep psyche of the US could be forged simply by a permanent sit down around a permanently burning bonfire where sacrifices are made and stories told.
The country belongs to beings who cohered in such a fashion and all of America’s happiness is still in such gatherings.

Spirit can be depleted quickly and has been in h 21th century, but it can be rebuilt slowly, locally, in all the different sources by sheer diligence and love of ones ground, however ugly as it may seem…

And as simple as my proposed measures may seem - they are simple. The whole sickness of modernity is in its complexities, its infinite refractions. The modern brain is no longer capable of not being solipsistic - only a rigorous, literal return to the Earth can remedy this, and then only by continued effort to keep the line to the Earth open - because the entropic forces move the other way.

Order comes from the Earth, therefore the Earth is hard to read - the order is simpler than our current habits propose; more nuanced through and far, far slower.
I have the advantage of astrology, which allows me to live in larger cycles and harvest experience in more productive ways. All empires of the mind are in concert with the Astros, as indeed was that of most native tribes -
All this is slowly learned, solemnly practiced.

I don’t doubt such an ordering will happen one way or the other, as brotherhoods tend in this direction and when society breaks apart, brotherhoods are all thats left standing. It is just a question of which brotherhoods.


You don’t get existence at all. I’m not passive here, my spirit does work on earth.

But you are deeply, deeply confused if you think astrology is not just a simple single cartridge on a Nintendo system.

You are also deeply confused if you think you can fix zero sum realities within this context (the context of a zero sum reality).

You are confused about very basic elements of existence.

Interesting synchronicity;

breitbart.com/sports/2020/0 … gh-review/

Eccie - hey man, just watch some tv and have a snack, pal. Pallie boy. Its okay.

Well you’ll never metaphysically ‘fix’ existence wetf that means but you can aspire to limit forms of suffering and discomfort and as such espouse a rational hedonism utilitarian based liberal ideology as an alternative to economically oligarchic industrial hierarchies that are impossible to sustain over a period of 3,875 years.

You guys really don’t get it. This existence; this zero sum world is just hell bait. You guys keep taking the bait. God doesn’t matter, Jesus doesn’t matter, the Dalai Lama doesn’t matter, Muhammad doesn’t matter, Buddha doesn’t matter, Donald trump doesn’t matter Etc…

I matter because I’m teaching you that every being in existence matters as much as me.

You guys cannot pull your heads out of your asses to see this existence with clean and clear eyes.

It’s as if I stated “I want to give the world democracy (that the votes actually counted btw) and all of you fucks (and you are fucks) call me a fascist dictator!

The amount of backwardness you folks have is almost unforgivable.

I know you chuckle in your little seats never having been to hell before. Hell is not funny. You all took the bait. Now you’re laughing at me because I not only took hell for you, but I’m trying to make it so you never go there.

Pretty funny. Haha. Right.

You guys are fucking idiots. That’s actually my best defense for you.

I already know that everyone on this board can’t handle my spirit. So I’m going through hells you cannot possibly comprehend to prevent you from going to hell.

You know why? Because I know I’m stronger than you. The strong save the weak and feeble minded.

It’s really ironic that posters on ILP posture themselves as strong. Dude, if I have you 5 seconds of my hell you’d cry like a little bitch.

So, shut the fuck up and pay attention.

If I fail, you’re fucked by hell beyond anything that your currently human mind possibly understands or can understand right now.

I’m trying to make you peers (without the hell) and you just keep spitting in my face every fucking day.

Grow up!

Zero sum reality doesn’t work, never has, never will.

Become a woman or a man for once in your pathetic life

Well I’ve never.

I demand to speak to the manager.

“5 seconds of my hell you’d cry like a little bitch.”

Five seconds is nothing. I’ve spent like two hours in hell before.

One man’s hell is another man’s heaven, and vice versa… as we say.

Les Claypool is retarded man. Speaking of fretted chords, at that time bassists were not only not the lead musicians in the band, but they weren’t slapping chords like that.

I mean that shit at 3:09

You ain’t even speaking my language bay-bay… da f that even means?

Seriously! You are all so fucking glib. I appreciate the les claypool thing because it diverts attention in a comedic way.

I know you folks however are cocky as fuck. It’s my desire to never let you know how cocky you actually are. If I pull that off. It’s a job well done.

I’m talking about the song I hyperlinked to.

Dude I’m not trying to distract anything with the song man. I have attention deficit disorder and an exhaustible love of music. Do the math.