What are you doing? (Part 1)

Switched to a spinner bait to attract the crappie as well. Hooked me uh 9… no 10… pounder.


Where is your family?

4 so far. One on a worm and 3 on the spinner. Everybody was less than a pound. If I want to eat fish fillets this small I’ll go to McDonald’s. I think the bigguns are out in the middle. This lake is very shallow… six or seven feet max. We need a boat, Daryl.


oh giving me the silent treatment is it, very well…

well today is a glorious day in corona lockdown land, people are starting to realize the seriousness of this situation, about time really, it’ll be a harsh lesson for many. I’m doing very well, it’s currently raining in Monte Grappa, i just got back from the shop. Stupid family members forcing me to go outside because they cancelled their shopping trip today, i usually go and pick up the food in the early hours around 6am, as they live fairly close. However, today i had to go it alone, i put two masks on, one surgical and the other one more of a higher quality with a filter, i also wore plastic gloves. Much to my surprise the shop assistant was doing the same, which is good, because the last time i saw him ,which was a week ago, he was unprotected. I felt sorry for him, momentarily, i contemplated buying him a mask, but then i thought i can not allow emotion to interfere with my rational mind and i must limit contact at all costs. Besides, he is of a lower working class, the type who are fairly disposable, i highly doubt that anybody would even notice if he passed away.

The city is currently on major lockdown as nobody was to be seen, seemed like a ghost town with an uncanny resemblance to a horror movie, but i love it, it gave me a serene peacefulness, the air seems a lot clearer too, so go figure. I decided that humans are genetic pollution, there’s no denying this fact any longer. I am born out of aristocracy, into a wealthy upper class family, so money and work was never something i ever had to worry about. I do a lot of graphic design, which i get paid for so i consider it a type “work” of sorts, but not really, it’s really a hobby of mine, i would still do it regardless of the money because i derive pleasure from the creative process. One who is born into such a privileged position must find a way to acquire meaning or else one can stagnate into destruction.

ironically, self isolation and self distancing is something me and my family had be practising since the day i was born, in fact it’s the behaviour of those who occupy a higher position on the social structure, this is instinctively known among them, and is a contributing factor to their social success and genetic legacy. So for me, there isn’t much suffering regarding it, it appears to be a normal fine day.

I have been in contact with my ole pal Aaron recently, a friend of a similar background that i grew up with, even though he has the same privilege he still chooses to do some work in the medical field for now, his family maintains successful real estate businesses, which is probably something Aaron himself will pursue as he also has a degree in that field, more than likely just taking over family business.

Anyways, during this time, he has agreed to stay in contact with me and reconcile our friendship back into what it once was, we decided upon revisiting our past shared interest, gaming. Ah the wonderful world of warcraft, there’s been a few expansion packs released over the years so there is much to explore, battles to be engaged in and dungeons to be raided! I have a lvl 120 demon hunter so ill be looking forward to playing that role, and of course starting a new character to ignite the entire gaming experience once again.


Shelter and guitar in place. This could work as a melody if it were messed around with. If only I played guitar. I really don’t… I just doodle (and then forget what I had just played).


Alright what about this change then. Does it work or sound too obscure? Too ‘this guys trying to be fusiony wtf kinda chord is that’?

Oops wrong one.


Not bad, but… then again, I’m no guitar expert.

You at least sound like you know what you’re doing, that much I can tell.

It could be argued that the sudden ‘key’(?) leap at the change is too abrupt. That chord does work with the others, but it should be transitioned into so it doesn’t disturb the melody with such suddenness.

It’s also not something that should be played more than twice. As a rule if you keep a guitar going for longer than two minutes, you need at least three major changes. If you don’t, you start sounding like one of those redundant rock guitarists on the radio following formulas for the allotted song time on the album. No, you don’t always have to drag it out for four minutes, you know. And if you do, please make it interesting. In other words don’t follow ZZTop’s example and base your whole career on three chords.

Probably a weights and Spring-cleaning day… not wantingly, but probably. :neutral_face:

They say quarantine is extended up to June here… June? I guess it will ensure total dissipation, but it’s the end of London life as we currently know it… for now. I’ll probably have the cleanest house ever, by then. :neutral_face:

Lol the ‘beat maker go’ app days. That thing was a lot of fun but I got burned out on it in like two weeks. I finally bought the pro version so I could get access to more sound sets… spent a few days writing everything there… and then suddenly stopped. I dunno. But ‘ollie’s street’, while one of my favorites, isn’t my greatest hit. Everybody seems to like ‘infra-red’ the most.


I listened to them all again and I still agree with myself. Ollie’s street is far exceptional, I can’t say it was a happy accident because it’s too sophisticated, the sound is unique from all the rest.

It could of easily been on an aphex twin album in his prime and I wouldn’t know. Even the name is spot on. It almost reminds me an electronic billie jean mixed with a cocktail on the dance floor. Its very smooth, seductive and upbeat.

Just went shopping and as I was grabbing the last loaf of bread an old woman behind me whimpered “ohhhh” because it was the last loaf on the shelf. She looked pretty feeble and sad so I went over to her and took the spread, butter and toilet paper out of her basket as she’d no longer be needing it. It’s a tough world out there. Take care of yourselves.


we never ended up making the video for ‘ollie’s street’ because of ideological and financial problems. though to give you an idea of what the video would have been like… think of the ‘bittersweet symphony’ video with the guy walking up the street with the camera in front of him. same thing, only we’d be filming sauwelios walking up an amsterdam street in the evening, just when the street-lights are beginning to cast shadows on the cobble stone street. he would be dressed in some kind of weird shit that looked like a cross between a jedi and an 18th century wild west gunfighter. he’s walking briskly to avoid the rain… which is coming, and as he walks he pulls up his collar around his neck. it’s cold, and he’s thinking about how to resolve strauss, nietzsche and lampert. the rain is picking up so he hastens his pace… but he stays with the beat of the song.

one of my contemporaries once said that it sounds/looks like a scene with tom cruise driving a convertible through the city at night… prolly on some kind of mission that’s impossible.

I had much the same thoughts.

You should think about selling the commercial license, it would fit well in a car, headphones, sneaker, suit attire, beard products, gel hair commercials etc many more.

I’d be interested to see how far that particular track can go.

I would also suggest you recall the equipment you used, sound bank, software, instruments and back engineer that particular track and delve deep into that general direction. It really is something else.

Was you taking any drugs when you made it?

Lol tapping the pandeiro along with that earlier guitar doodle. Yeah I’m shelter in place without a studio. So what of it? It’s the only drum I got. You have to make do with what you got, papito.


Hey but yo. I’ve been eyeing those electric kits with the four track recorders built in em. They start getting real good at around $700.

Uh oh found a few more obscure chords. Check it out.


I keep meaning to buy a drum box, but was overwhelmed when faced with so much choice of variety and brand… any recommendations on a general diverse option to buy?

I know nothing about them btw, so work from there forwards. :slight_smile:

There are countless to choose from, but you can also do it all on your phone. You don’t need to buy a device.

Everything on my SoundCloud page was made with this app.

There was a free version with ads popping up every five minutes, and a premium version I think for $10 or $20 that had no ads and many more sound sets.