What's for dinner?

The twelve nachos of the zodiac…


Medium-rare lamb-rump steaks, with a romaine lettuce n grated-carrot salad… all Organic n that.

Washing it down with a tall Bacardi n orange beverage.

The whole thing, bro. Say I won’t.


I’m in over my head here people. It’s like the never ending plate of nachos. I put a good dent in it but I couldn’t finish her off. No way. It ain’t happenin.

Coz that’s a sharing platter bro…

I ast the hooter girl how big the plate wuz but I can’t remember what she said because I wuz examining her hooters. Still though, the menu description should provide such information. I think I’ll call corporate and lodge a complaint.

can i put chicken, mayo and spinach in a Corn Tortillas?

You can… but will you? Better yet, ought you? Keep in mind that however you rationalize doing so, you’ve only convinced yourself of some intellectual contraption derived from experiences awash with chance, change and contingency.


Cabbage and bacon fried in its own grease and coconut oil.


We at the ‘Locked and Loaded Bar and Grill’ prefer the Spark Plug burger. It’s a favorite among us biker bandits.

Made the tastiest dairy-free tandoori chicken yesterday, and currently having round ii for dinner right now… with a grated carrot and courgette salad.

All the above is Organic, save for the carrots… the non-Organic ones having more flavour than the Organic…

Is that from the kids meal menu, Prom? :stuck_out_tongue:

Figured I’d do something a little petite-bourgeois for a late lunch.

That’s not from da kids menu! :astonished:

Maybe more tandoori chicken… with a carrot and courgette slaw. :-k

A nice carribean salad and baked potato soup in an ambience of festive carolinian colored-folk banter.

Cattelli smart spaghetti, pasta sauce, shredded cheese, brocoli condensed soup base, green olives,
Simple but this was one of the best batches of spag i ever made.
I have yet to eat something more tasty.

Man there’s a restaurant in Birmingham that won a major award last year for “most outstanding restaurant” in the country and they do a good bit of game. This chef will stuff part of a rabbit with one thing then roast another chunk of it and serve it 2 ways, they do venison and quail and all that shit. I’m normally not much of one for shit that roams the forest but when you got a legit chef they can make anything delicious.

Like where they fuck can you go in the world and have a waiter bring you a deer cooked like this? I don’t eat deer man. I’m not about that shit. But this one? Yes please.