There is no such thing as love or romance.

True but not entirely true. Material wealth is not the only thing that helps women attain their goals. There are other things that women take into consideration. I am pretty sure about that. The problem is that they cannot decide what is the right choice within a sensible time-frame without internally doubting it and eventually changing their mind. So you get a woman marrying a wealthy man and then doubting that he’s the right one. It does not necessarily mean that he’s the wrong one, it merely means it’s difficult for her to make a decision. So she may cheat on him with someone else thinking he might be the right one but without being sure about it either (in fact, she might be even less sure about him.) All in all, it’s a decision-making hell. So women are basically uncertain about what they want and you can’t believe their words – not even when they tell you that they are really only interested in wealth. The interesting question is what should women do as opposed to what women think they should do. What kind of choices should they make in order to maximize the possibility of attaining their goals? And I personally believe the idea of true love is not the opposite of the answer to that question.

If money is the root of evil in men, then women are its root and origins concerning general female hypergamy. :sunglasses:

How much of male competition for money, power, territory, and resources the complete result of sexual competition in terms of acquiring reproductive capabilities or privileges? While I sincerely despise Abrahamic religions of all kinds perhaps the only correct assessment that they have is that women are the root of all evil. :sunglasses:

There is no love and romance, there is only the masquerading charade [mask] of love or romance circulating around prices and transactions.

For women love or romance is a financial commodity that they sell where men are merely potential buyers thereof.

Love is that by which women imprison.

but, worse, it is that by which they are imprisoned.

Still and all, better than what christianity would have other wise been.

The future is bright though, I agree with you there Zero_Sum.

It’s crony capitalism really. It is not coincidental that the rise of the incel movement, male sexlessness, population decline, and western fertility crisis seemed to spring up simultaneously as crony capitalism was on the rise economically.

I guess that’s what happens when you make a majority of men economically poor, who knew?

Thoroughly unwholesome. Surely much of the blame must be laid on men, who seek that whacko stare out.

The future is where entire societies and nation states collapse to which there won’t be a single radical feminist alive if they haven’t already killed themselves that is and where hypergamy concerning the present variety will be instantly squashed by millions of hordes of angry single horny men. :laughing:

I look forward to the self entitled princesses of the world crying lakes of tears when this modern experiment really does begin to break down, crash, and collapse. It will be epic, pleasant, and enjoyable, at least for me anyways.

That’s not what you were saying before!

Oh? :-k

I really don’t care if it is unwholesome, my opinion of a majority of women has set to a new record low.

Fuck’em. :sunglasses:

That’s great and all but when a majority of men are without snatch where there is a tiny fraction of guys that have a sexual monopoly concerning reproductive access bad things tend to happen overtime within such a society. It certainly doesn’t create social stability or cohesion.

It’s like that alpha lion in charge of a pride that has a female harem all to himself exiling all the other male lions. What do the outcast and exiled male lions do? They in turn form groups or squads and come back ganging up on the alpha lion slaughtering him viciously where afterwards they turn their attention towards the females. Human beings are just another mammal in a higher primate form afterall, you get the general idea where I’m going with that.

The modern sexual marketplace of hypergamy where women exchange their exotic physical capital for men’s financial capital is an interesting one. It’s a lot like a going to a farmer’s cattle auction where instead of there being cattle bid on in terms of buying,selling, or trading there is modern women themselves with an all male public attendance. The difference of course is that actual cattle don’t have much of a choice concerning attendance if they’re sold or not where women on the other hand volunteer in selling themselves to men willingly.

At the end of this transactional spectacle we’re suppose to call it love or romance and not the financial transactional exchange of sexual access that it really is.

What’s the percentage of men who reproduce? You say it’s a tiny fraction. Roughly speaking, how tiny is that tiny fraction? It’s a bit unbelievable to me that less than 50% of all males reproduce. I know for myself that it’s not difficult to find a mate and make a baby (in fact, I already have a mate) and since I don’t see myself as particularly special it is difficult for me to think that the percentage is that small. Moreover, pretty much everyone I know of is in a relationship of some sort. But then again, that may mean nothing at all.

The statistics are out there for just about anybody to see. Count yourself personally lucky.

If that’s truly the case, it shoulld be more than easy to post a link. But you didn’t do so and that in itself raises suspicions.

Im indeed around 50 50 for people I know who are married and who are usually single. Most men who are not single tend to be subjected by society and this works to the detriment of both sexes in the deal. But indeed there are plenty of happy couples who defy the degradation of conditions and manage to thrive. One thing is certain - the fact that female bodies have become the worlds gold standard by the objective verification process of the internet has made life more brutal on the whole. It is simply because there is more desire for sex that it has become such a scarcity, and women simply grow up as this scarcity and it is hard to resist becoming something before understanding its historical context. Im sure the great mix of populations has driven up the procreative drive as well and makes it harder for men to find mates in their own pool. Globalization and the internet are forming a new social-sexual contract and this process has only just begun.

I think this is a phase of evolution where women are experimenting as a whole to find out to what degree they can thrive as being financially and therefore socially independent. And all means are justified in evolution so it will last a good while and in maybe 200 years humanity will know what woman is capable of, and only at that point will a global masculine instinct get a chance to formulate itself.

Im expecting a trickle down sexual society, where sexual welfare is provided for in exchange to far reach psychiatric submission, chip implants which register biofuncions, etc.

If you don’t seduce a woman using romance, then it seems callous, rude, and classless to me.

Romance is a creation of men, to woo or lure a woman, often times with false promises and pretense, to get her to devote her time with him, leading to relationships, children, family, etc.

^^^ boooooring.

not much in this universe is more lame than ‘romance’ between ordinary law abiding citizens. i told you man, only nihilists are capable of genuine romantic love, which is less about the dry and clinical convention of reproduction and family and more about the art of the novatorean crusade against all rule and custom. a man and a woman cannot know ‘love’ until they hunt together, until they ride the lightening together. like this…


Yeah, but those tend to be truly crazy bitches. God love 'em.