Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

I maybe shouldn’t have taken it in so dark a direction.

But I promise you, few of those present had ever laughed so hard.

People like to idealize the 60’s, the 80’s, the 90’s now, even the 50’s.

I know it sounds crazy. But I like the 70’s.


“bla bla bla,”

I know. but did you see the fat guy in the back with the open collar?

That was the 70’s. Witnessing.


Point taken

check the thing out.
The volcas got a brodda


Exactly man, thats the whole point. Well said. A frenchman is never truly alone.
No one is as naturally himself when alone as a German.
Hence, German Christmasses.
I dare your heart to listen to German radio at Christmas.

Hmmm… not too sure about that.

Lol, no I definitely disagree there.

Clearly you never had a German Christmas. Or girlfriend. Get one.

I would say the exact opposite.
Maybe one needs to have heard naked German trees clack-clacking against each other in the winter wind to read Heidegger without side-effects.

Spanish be like “you know what I won’t whip you today but lets make some weird art and drink wine from weird long stems and laugh at silly, non-Spanish people”

They put sugar in their coffee though.

Against Franco stands Picasso, at least as hard, much more powerful.

A Spanish homosexual has just completely surrendered to it, lives in catacombs which he decorates with Spanish verve, knows may other gays and basically enjoys the shit out of it, even though lamenting in self-pity about his asshole brother. A German gay person, thats harder. He is already alone. Where is he gonna dig another hole?


Dunno, video that came up following the Korg one, kind of fun to hear what he gets out of those ancient machineries.

First electronic music soundtrack ever:

Im FROM the 70s. I cant hate.

That Eddie Murphy song is excellent. Discovered it in 2013 or so, got me through some crappy afternoons.

Rehab seems to have as its advantage a scarcity in uninteresting people. Lot of good stories you brought out of there. What was that thread we made, “for the drunks” back in the cave. I cant remember.

Top notch people. Indeed, the one good thing about rehab is all the crazy fucks in it. It also includes a number of despicable excuses for human, but those are easily kept in line in a good rehab.

I might look that thread up.

I didn’t mean that as a blanket statement for all Germans. Entirely.

By Zeus, I will take you up on that!

Man, looking at that Korg, I suddenly understand car mechanics.


Btw nothing but contempt for Franco. All that bs belies a disgusting softness. And even flacidness.

Nothing soft or flacid about Big P.

But that was hilariously accurate about Spanish gay. In a real way, possibly the freeest gay. Precicely because the homophobia is entirely honest, entirely innocent. The space is created.

my good man, never mistake the soldier for the general… they are two generically different souls. the great communist revolutionaries in history are not of the rabble that gathers under their banner, but legislators, architects, ‘masters of the earth’, as neech called em. the difference in pathos between types must first be recognized before one can pass judgement. perhaps it is your inability to think like a master that prevents you from comprehending the motives of the great architects. that millions may benefit from his victory is happenstance; it is the great challenge of conquering, of making material out of the world with which to create a great work. of course, such masters are sympathetic for those who fall under their command… but that’s not really what they enjoy. what they enjoy is defying the broken and expired supermen of the age, whoever they may be.

verily, i speak thus unto you.

Still, is it not conspicuous that p75 never praises Franco? Without all the bullshit, suddenly fascism ain’t so fun.

Defiance also is not what they enjoy, is also just a byproduct.

The real masters, I mean.