Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

my good man, never mistake the soldier for the general… they are two generically different souls. the great communist revolutionaries in history are not of the rabble that gathers under their banner, but legislators, architects, ‘masters of the earth’, as neech called em. the difference in pathos between types must first be recognized before one can pass judgement. perhaps it is your inability to think like a master that prevents you from comprehending the motives of the great architects. that millions may benefit from his victory is happenstance; it is the great challenge of conquering, of making material out of the world with which to create a great work. of course, such masters are sympathetic for those who fall under their command… but that’s not really what they enjoy. what they enjoy is defying the broken and expired supermen of the age, whoever they may be.

verily, i speak thus unto you.

Still, is it not conspicuous that p75 never praises Franco? Without all the bullshit, suddenly fascism ain’t so fun.

Defiance also is not what they enjoy, is also just a byproduct.

The real masters, I mean.

Still, Stalin is really kind of a Master of the Earth. It was under his tyranny that the world became one (namely, two halves) and as a direct result of his command, man took to space.

It cant be stressed enough, the sheer boldness to have this enter ones mind, send out an object and then an ape and then a human being into orbit around the planet, this is not by any coincidence the act of a nominally and officially Atheist power.

“We went into space and looked for God but we found nothing” - Kruschchev

On leaders who fear the masses, Stalin says:

“Lenin was the complete opposite of such leaders. I know of no other revolutionary who believed so strongly in the creative power of the Proletariat and in the revolutionary purposefulness of his class-instinct as Lenin.”

“A revolution is not a dinner party with a pedro, or writing an essay with a jakob, or painting a picture with an artimas, or doing embroidery with a bob; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”

“Everything under heaven and ILP is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.”

  • the chairman mao

Baby, this ain’t chaos.

Yes, annoyingly, as I wrote that, Stalin would not leave my mind. It cannot be circled around. After Napoleon came Stalin.

Looking at his past reveals it all. He was an honest gang leader. All this “defiance” and whatever could not have bothered him or interested him or appealed to him less. He just saw it and went for it. Like it all started with Napoleon:

Wait, here I am, in Egypt, with the greatest army since Ghengis Khan, why do I need to listen to these guys?

It is always a whim.




I consider myself to be an elemental force
Like gravity
I’m a pirate anarchist
Seeking for harbours that don’t hold no police waiting for me
Or collaborating bastards
Wearing all colors, from outcast to gangster
Sucking from the titty of the “the man” or “the system”
Thinking they so cute, that ain’t no titty though that’s a dick joke’s on you
My sail’s black with stripes on it
And I ride up with deep secrets, ancient knowledge
Homies here and there, scattered on the planet
Neither knows too much, Big Brother’s plans on me
As I correct, the Pezerect
Brecht never dreamt of such a righteous precedent
It’s a cold world out there
Bitches look into my eyes and they know it’s there
Cause I got that cold stone stare

I know it’s already been posted recently here, but what the hell:


Wu Tang Forever is more like a temple than an album. A sacred dwelling. Stuff like this happened on the fringes of it.


Just putting it out there, Moneyball, good movie.

Like Margin Call. Sort of the same name. A movie about high stakes with mathematical solutions and rugged guys.

Ha, yes, damn, I thought so too.

I keep looking for moneyball type movies, but there’s just moneyball.

One of the few greats that are more formula than execution.

Yeah, exactly. This is why I only watched it once before, to savour it. I knew I was going to be dependent on it.

Im pleased to see the New “Terminator Movie” flopped at the box office both stateside and abroad, the trailer was actually deeply depressing. Im not saying that as a metaphor.

Yeah I asked myself with all the editing is it Mercury retrograde? Turns out yesterday he went retrograde.

Proof of the thing is in every single observation, and these chickens want to pretend to be scientists by hiding their head in their ass. Their whole life-science is how to grow a neck long enough to fit their head in their ass.