Philosophy is not for the faint of heart

75, al. ; you don’t wish You were in my shoes.
The thing is well, the old formula-de-differentiation, then re-partial integration, letting it fall naturally as a new given.
That can not be let go, the bind becomes the new reality:

Exuberant teleportation wrote:
“But the idea that we were seeded from some kind of quantum source in a larger ocean, like timeless genesis coming from a never ending nirvana could be quite harmonious.”

in a uniform space time.

Paraphrasing this does not consist of an apology to opportune new friendships based on a changed partial reconstruction, but describes awareness of cosmic processes which hold it together iron clad, and from which absolute separation appears impossible.

This awareness drops all pretensions to otherwise explaining it: because the macro and micro economic relationships that precludes any and all interpersonal doubt.

Objectivity is beyond the nihilistic interpretation of a looking glass dasein. Cosmic intelligence overcomes any total de-difference into absurdity.

That is not easy to fathom, but those who stared unto the unfathomable abyss are forced to acknowledge it.

All nihilistic denials result in progressive projections based on diminishing actuality.

I challenge you – no, I dare you – to bring this argument out into the world of human interactions and note how “for all practical purposes” it has profound implications in grappling to understand the “human condition”.

Also, how does a grasp of this, given an in depth exploration of a particular set of real world interactions, reinforce for you the belief that philosophy is not for the feint of heart.

Nono, logically (locally) prior to spacetime.


Enlightenments of sorts do all come with some kind of de-collapsed quantum field, its just a balancing act of the physical brain.
Anyway when all is decollapsed, there is no spacetime, there is only truth, which is potential.

all manifestation is “illusion”, i.e. temporal and competing with other manifestation, and very particular, down to the atomic table. Truth is unmanifest in general and in the sublime embodiment of the manifest destiny of some cosmic pinnacle like the mind of an accomplished Pharaoh.

well yes because Dasein is conditional to Dasein and so forth, it doesn’t stand alone. Values are particular and required and thus limited and thus hubs and nexuses where the hands of order make economy out of chaos, and we get the edifice of mastery, Cosmos.

Definition of Dasein: Dasein ≠ Dasein.

Pathos of distance or golden shower.

so mass, any kind of mass, any kind of collapsed energy, implies, thus embodies, a timespan, simply because the cosmic void = the state of decollapsed brain = the absolute present.

From there on down, it all becomes slabs of time and weight.
The measure of time and weight is Relativity, and these values are both zero in the Absolute, which gives the “hidden1”.

Inferred from nirvana, as being the decollapsed neuros

The beginning of the word gives the idea of sub stance meaning as a positional qualifier for series of.vanishing points by which reality re-affirms it’s self in a plathera of.possibilities.

The point ‘being’ toward it’s absolute zero-sum in any particular existence.

The reality of this actualization implies inferred from a state of no possible partial differentials that are constantly deprived from memory, since all potential content has meaning in particular situations.

Even if, the gaps between forgotten sets require multiple senses of symbolic form, they still can be connected and made into phenomes of.near identifiable or distinguishable particulars. These are particles which have no stasis in eternity, but are the primal elements of.absolute chaos , tirelessly and spatially recreating particularity , and sense.
The evolution of.the ‘word’ into any number.of.cognitive states create paradigms of.projected.insivisually identifiable sets (binomial -objective.senses a necessary process, and regression toward such absolute states is a requirement in all sensation

Now.prove it. The Darwinian evolution is a reverse image of.the devolution into a.philosophical and psychological regression of.lesser.symbolic.content, meaning approach into a state of existence where.the one set where everything belongs into it including it’s self

Objectivity is a dynamic of.intentive set of conduits ,(neural pathways) where signification approaches an ideal set of agreed upon clarity.

That such lack of meaning is utilizes as a.form of necessity, is becoming the mode of realization.

Uncertainty progressing.with increasing uncertainty is the cause of.simulated intelligence.

It travels faster then the reified linear established circuitry of.traditional behavior, therefore it is not.for the faint.of heart, who are unable or unwilling to process this , which started with Descartes-Leibnitz-Nietzche.

How real is this? As real as my corresponding with You Iambigious, in my opinion. How down to earth? Well , most humans are.unwilling to paticipate.

How does knowledge if this help? The phenomenology of this process has opted to form alliances, to stop making more then necessary paradigmns to project on basis of identifiable objective bracketed qualifiers , a good example is through the mind game of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. They may not be acquainted with ’ No Exit’ but they do find co-operation among themselves as necessary for existential levels of relative stasis.

Unmanageable levels of projection are thereby minimized to achieve an acceptable level of objectivity among themselves

I’m sorry, my friend, but you’ve earned it: :banana-linedance:

Straight up, though, come on, admit it. The above is just an exercise in irony aimed at exposing the intellectual gibberish that passes for “serious philosophy” among some online.

There is simply no way in hell that you can actually be serious yourself here.

Reductions toward absurdity are veiled as ironic. But still they operate with methodical logic .in fact its a question of degree of difference that determines intended usage. Perhaps there is a boundary between them that signifies the level of conscious versus unintended meaning between the two, the amazing thing that they both are credible states of mind.

I’ll take that as a maybe. :wink:

Lets say we’re both prisoners and would like to narrow down meaning that serves our purposes. Could I say, will You settle for an intended meaning that.contains both, somewhat ironic, yet rather absurd to say? Could that lead to some discussion as to an objective and accepted mind set?

Let’s say in reference to adding a third partner who would add more clarity.
Lets say the guy would insist on equal measures of both. Would the new idea become more typical of a sustainable position at a later time, if they were to be thus interpreted? I don’t know but we may think of some such intermediate term. At this time I don’t think if there is one.

How about this way.

‘Situational Irony Definition If such an expected outcome fails and instead another contrary outcome occurs, the absurdity is termed situational irony. Such a form of irony is the result a discrepancy in perspective, such that what is known and expected at one moment differs with what is known later on.’

This analysis does seem to imply a hybrid.

Discrepancy of irony , in perspective, meaning from one moment to another. Now is this not what a regression is all about? Where certain jumps, leaving out noticeable connective elements present a dilemma between the criminals, and their trying to create an objective, from one moment to the next, an objective closely associated with an acceptable object to which lets say we both could relate to, a trancendentaly object from which we could jump over the disconnected gaps. If there is no effort to gloss over them , by ignoring them and setting up a continuum in spite of those missing variables, then the implication is, that we can never understand how each of us, or rather the prisoners merely presuppose and feign ‘understanding’ the continuous logical sequence.

Then it can be said that objectivity can not be formed, and parts of it, elements of it, are missing, but we deny the missing elements and project the emidentical or mutual and recipriticality that makes mutual understanding possible.

This is where we presume to identify on lower more general, but ‘thinner’ levels of symbolism.

That could as well be subliminally glossed over, by denying that missing train of thought, and inherently suggesting that the other has some of those missing elements in order and by virtue of finding them without merit, or worse, something offensive and incomplete. This incompleteness is denied from the Dasaine, and that in completeness is experienced as a negative part of the other.

So we construct defective objectivity under a transcendental umbrella, but after to disagree for the sake of a faux objectivity.

We agree that a simulation is better then nothing at all. We have to agree to do this, for we are in a changing perspective of various ’ no exits’ and that is something we have to endure systemically.

You may not wish to go on with such an arrangement, but then You are aware of the perilous nature of prison politics.

You’re not participating is not an option in closely related institutional part I option, and can lead to further social regression that has been pointed to by Levi Strauss and some existential analysts.

The freedom to leave, combined with personal autonomy, versus the opposite, that of being constrained by the increasingly cultish restraint exercises as the symbolic relationship things out toward one dimensionality, presents at times almost magical bindings associated with a loss of autonomy and freedom to determine levels of association and if dissassociation.

Thus loss of autonomy and freedom create quasi magical situations , appears trivialized, and almost as almost absurd.

Ok fair enough.

But it’s getting more and more absurd.

Got to hang for they’re getting closer. The mob is so to arrive. Governor Newsome has called in the National guard.
Don’t have a piece.
The piece I has a 22 was stolen while giving a ride. It was in the glove compartment. And he tore it open and grabbed it then ran, after a minute I held at on him.

So philosophy is the real deal. Down to earth and all. ILP! And it ain’t easy to break it up the ego that left outside the door.
And that is exactly what goes on to happen, if it is not done voluntarily, into bits and pieces of swiftly passing metaphor images, then she will never come back.

You see Sharia law took her and in spite I pray to Mohammed for him for he’s got the little time.

Why not come here to excellent US and do as the Romans did, and acckimatize to here laws.

Why even the Irish and Italian mobs in New York did it. The did it. But Sharia?

Beriut was a nice place before that dentist invaded it.

The string arm of the law kneeling on an security guard/ porn star.

Don’t get it. And every body gets so riled up.

No anarchy and the bloodshed to follow, the pen moves more then mere emotion, , passive resistance moves more.
Try understanding , the power behind the facade - best left as a potentially imminent possibility.

Tripitch #1

The very bottom line of most resistance , hold it,

A tight elastic steel

and it can’t snap

The length of it, slightly changed here

But at the levels Satan plays

It becomes inestimable


and as long and measuring its thinned out elasticity

through and through times’


The existencial loss of ideal, connect to the pleasure , in it’s self, works only through the etherialization into the micro- elements, that travel ever for through.

Limits then recede miniatures become haunted,
and dropped into the tiniest parts,

Once there You,

anew , hold, it
takes root,

a new baby cries, tries again gasping

and remembers, little

little oh,

My joy, my heart,

hold on .

Tripitch #2

“Momma why do whites hate blacks”?

Cause sugar, when momma came here , paid for the price of blood diamonds, 'childe, momma was in grandma’s belly.
Most die on ships coming over from africa, and then resold on open market, for breed’n.

Now once free, then told momma to go back home, but sugar there ain’t no home for momma to go back to , see, cause momma don’t speak but english, and no folks longing for momma to see there no ways now how.

and now sweet, white folks hate momma because black folks don’t matter no mo, don’t fit nowhere, used merchandise only drinkin’ and us’in now, and u chil’ you ain’t none better then momma. . but maybe better lookin.

Sweetums hold on to momma, i am the only thing you’ all ever get to have beside u.

You ain’t none too good like momma., but ya still young.

“But momma, Oprah and that Kamala lady running with biden them matter…”

Child, them are props, used for them nearsighted , and oversold.

Goodnight momma, good night child’.

Tripitch .#3

Mist atomizers since the i is hiding
In the eye
What u need to abide in

The u and the illusive

If can’t u go there u must

then u can’t overcome the illusion

from a 2 z
And from alpha 2 omega

( so long, the short of it, the pleasure replaced not displaced or displeased.)

Hello me/you, how do you do!?!

Picasso tripitch accompany-'d

Then again, heading to cross, of and by cross, in spite of double. ( knowing the power and effects of atomizers)


When first dreamt of M Polanyi, everyone had doubts, expressly ambig.

Course that was years ago, and now it came full circle.

Yesterday it was the Feast of Saint Monica, the mother of St. Augustine.

He and his mom immigrated from Ostia in Italy to Africa, where he connected through Saint. to a Gnosticism . in a loose stretch of the meaning of the term.

Now comes the kicker, Polanyi revered Augustine, and this phenomenal assymetry is astounding, raising the elements of faith hyperbolically.

Sure more to come.

s reticent I am about this ‘revelation’ in conventional terms , has been successfully been overcome by a yet undefined urge.

Philosophy vs. Psychology?

A lot of thought goes into the pre- eminence of psychological solutions bearing down unto it’s philosophical underpinnings

Crucial ideas : such as posed by Plato, Descartes, Hegel, Nietzsche, prescribe what is to come to bear fruit in psychology.

Strains of though do actually reflect each other and transact the movement and momentum that crisscross a meaningful continuity.

To slowly exclude a meaningful interchange can only assign false notions predicated on undergeneralized hypotheticals.

The disassociated ego covered by karmic calculation is the way to go from the abyss toward the light.

As fragile the dynamic in this process can build an increasingly patently interrelated face of strength of the will to overcome it’s self.

Napoleon said, that its harder to conquer the self than it is the battle.