Accusations alone prove Nothing

True, progressivism does seem an entity. Although, that’s what the progressives say about the white men. And that’s what the nazis say about the jews. Men say it about the feminists.

The Jews are an entity.
The Nazis are an entity.
The white men are an entity.
The progressives are an entity.

So ideologies are personified into entities and there is probably some evolutionary advantage for doing that since it’s better to assume the rustling leaves is a lion stalking us rather than just the wind.

Well, progressivism is a natural consequence of prosperity because when the desperate struggle for food and shelter is behind us, we can focus on other sources of pain and truth. So when life becomes too easy, people find new ways to complain: before, it was starving in the street, but now it’s having hurt feelings that’s the big deal.

Progressivism is as old as prosperity and generally precedes the fall of empires. Check out feminism and the fall of rome … l-of-rome/ Look into the Weimar Republic (discounting WWI effects) and see the condition that enabled the rise of Hitler. Or just accept it as sensible if you need no convincing since strong values build strong societies which engender prosperity which causes people to question the continuing need for those strong values and that precedes the erosion of prosperity until it falls apart and someone rises from the debris once again with strong values to restart the cycle.

Yes, I see what you mean. If they can’t control the gov, then fine, they’ll control private industry and that’s even better because who can question Dick’s right to choose not to sell the AR15? Hey, private industry can do what it wants and not only are the conservatives forced to support their own disarming despite the cognitive dissonance of on one hand supporting freedom of their disarmers and on the other desiring to own guns, but they couldn’t do anything about it anyway since since private industry isn’t put up to a vote. Try arguing with a capitalist about declaring google a public utility and suddenly the “deplorables” are totally defending their enemy; it’s hilarious!

Btw, did you see: UC Berkeley: Saying “I’m Not Racist” Is Racist … _11_12.pdf

Wth? How can anyone not be afraid to talk???

I never thought of it like that. Thanks!

Hahaha yeah exactly. “You are so racist that you cannot even mention how you are not racist! How dare you try to claim to not being racist, that proves you are so racist!”

We live in the Orwellian madness now.

“Wth? How can anyone not be afraid to talk???”

Making you afraid to talk is the entire point. This is what tyrants do.

How does one do that though? Is it a realization of futility? Or is there something I can practice? How do you come to a place called “don’t care”?

By necessity. In my experience anyway, you simply have no choice left because you are surrounded by so much shit and death and nonbeing trying to value you in its own terms, holding you down, sucking the life out of you… eventually you reach a point where you either keep letting that happen and die, or you stop letting it happen and live.

For myself, it became an addiction. Once I realized how it feels to be myself and not prioritize the silly nonsense and totalitarian demands made on me by others, I was hooked. This is being, this is freedom, this is existence. Be yourself, because you will attract other people who are also being themselves. The truly great people will respond to you and you will be drawn together with them, while the shit people will fall away from your life.

It’s so ridiculous that how can anyone take it seriously? Imagine 20-30 yrs ago having someone spout such silliness.

It is a rabbit hole, looking into all this shit and how it has come about so quickly. And seeing where it is going. Not very healthy because so depressing. And not much you can do about it.

I’ve done that work, enough to satisfy myself in the truth of things. Such work is a test of strength, and of one’s own character because you must do it, must wade through these putrid lowly truths because somehow they have come to determine much of the world we happen to live in. But after you do the work long enough you no longer need to, you can free yourself to better things.

I will always fight for truth and freedom, in every way possible. But there is no reason to keep swimming in the shit, and in fact we fight far better when we don’t do that. This is why I do not talk to leftists anymore.

So it’s realizing futility then. The faster one can get to the point of realizing that caring is futile, the sooner he can get on with life. Then it would seem the answer is to care obsessively until I either die or finally break. I wonder why I can’t just cognitively decide to stop caring. Maybe because I’d be desiring to stop desiring and now I’m on the Buddhist dialog.

You are reacting emotionally, dismissing my point. The physical attack and violation of rape is not the same as badmouthing someone with a lie. I don’t disagree that the liars should suffer, my beef is with your equating the two as if they are one in the same when they’re not. My reaction is the same as I had with Carleas equating racism with murder in terms of contemptability. If murder is abhorrent due to it being the most heinously damaging crime, racism cannot actually be argued as equally abhorrent but rather something less detestable, removing it from the top of the same category. My beef must be with the way people use adjectives to align two disparate terms onto the same ballfield. It’s the same with the leftists who scream Nazi at people who wish to protect their national borders, the way they misequate labels and the punishment that follows.

Has there ever been a more accusatory/confrontational time in history where a mere statement changes people’s lives so dramatically? It’s like the Salem witch trials in some ways.

It is because this isn’t merely a cognitive “choice” you can make, it has to be a deeply felt, instinctive change. You cannot think this into being. You are right, you will need to push this to the absolute excess point of dying or finally breaking; only at that point will you finally learn which way it will go, must go, for you.

Well, I suppose it must come to pass because: strong men make good times, etc, etc I’m sure you know the rest. It’s a cycle and there’s not much we can do about it other than have some laughs I reckon.


Yes, I’m sure you are completely right. That’s what William Blake meant when he said “A fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” For instance if one believed the earth were flat, he’d walk diligently and consistently due east until he came to the place where he started and it will be by that persistence in his folly that he will eventually become wise to the fact that the earth is round.

Right on.

You’re very welcome.


We sometimes see things as entities because they are entities.
An ant isn’t just an ant, it’s part of a colony.
Sometimes a wolf is lone, sometimes it’s part of a pack.
Species aren’t just species, they’re part of an ecosystem, with both competitive, and symbiotic relationships with that ecosystem, known or unbeknownst to themselves.

If one species, race, sex, culture, class and so on (or if you prefer, some individuals, families) manages to thoroughly dominate the competition, making itself extraordinarily wealthy (decadence), it may go on dominating them, until there’s nothing left, or alternatively, it may feel a little sympathy for the weak/unwilling, or, it may realize it’s necessary for its own existence in the long run to give something back (symbiosis), or, the weak/unwilling may ban together and organize a resistance, a campaign to its reign.

egoism, corporatism and conservatism, where individuals and groups primarily care about themselves, is the Right approach, whereas altruism, socialism and progressivism is the Left approach.
Capitalism with the four monopolies (see Benjamin Tucker) is somewhere in between, but more on the Right, whereas a free market without the four monopolies is more on the Left.
I say neither approach is absolutely right/wrong, good/bad, but only relatively.
If a civilization, or an individual is to survive, it has to find the right balance of these two approaches, and the right balance varies.
There is a time to take, and a time to give back.
Giving back can be the right thing to do, or necessary, but also leaves one vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

If the victor voluntarily gives back, or is made to give back too much, if we bite the hand that feeds, we stand to lose everything, but on the other hand, if the victor never gives anything back, he will consume and consume until he’s either too fat to consume anymore, and bursts/festers, or he will consume all of the resources on which he depends, ultimately leading to his starvation.
Civilizations have to find the right balance of growth, and sustainability/recession, or they perish.
It can be a tightrope walk, there are many variables and it’s difficult to manage them all, in addition to greed, not just on behalf of the haves, but on behalf of the have nots as well.
And our genes, memes and environment, as individuals and as societies, incline us more to the right hand path in some ways, and the left hand path in others.

Actually what I meant was progressives have become less preoccupied with class politics, and more preoccupied with race, sex and religious politics, turning progressivism into what I see as a tool of the economic elite, but in misunderstanding me, you made an interesting point yourself.
Progressives are allying themselves with the private sector, much to the dismay of conservatives who wedded themselves to the private sector and noninterventionism so much, they can’t back out now without giving up a lot face, credibility.

All that being said, I think society has a tendency to veer too far towards the right in most ways, but can veer too far towards the left in some ways also.
Myself I’m finding my own balance, and I find my balance is at odds with my society.
In some ways I’m very far left, and in others far right.
Most people are rather simple, and tend to be mutually exclusive.
Ironically societies balance is made up of some very extreme individuals.

There is mysterious and covert symbiosis in overt competition.


I think you’re falsely equating my position of equating falsely accusing someone of rape with rape, with Carleas equating racism with murder.

Firstly, there’s degrees of racism, there isn’t degrees of false rape accusations, all false rape accusations are terrible, some racism is relatively benign.
Saying Chinese can’t drive, or blacks can’t get enough fried chicken and watermelon, is relatively benign, whereas saying Chinese and blacks are subhuman and should be exterminated is damaging, whereas saying you had sex with someone while they were drunkenly unconscious, is extremely damaging, and saying you beat someone unconscious, then raped them, is also extremely damaging.

Secondly, almost no one approves of racism in our culture, if you say, I think blacks are dumb and Jews evil, you are more likely to incur physical damage upon yourself, and strengthen progressivism, than you are to incur damage upon a member of said races, whereas everyone disproves of rape, and so they should, and so it’s far more damaging to be the target of a false rape accusation than the target of racism.

Thirdly, even your average racist hates rapists, even if they’re members of his own race, more than they do other races, and is far more likely to feel emboldened and justified in attacking someone falsely accused of rape, especially if it’s his daughter, girlfriend, mother or sister making the false rape accusation, than a member of another race.

Lastly rape accusation is about individuals, you are specifically targeting an individual where as racism targets a whole race, and spreads the damage thinly among the race.

I mean it comes down to this, a single person, let alone all of society, isn’t going to change their opinion of you, and start hating you on the basis of what one racist said about your race, and furthermore the racist may have said something benign, like I just want to preserve my race, not exterminate or subjugate other races, or I think Italians are too emotional, gregarious and jovial, where as if you falsely accuse someone of rape, you will probably ruin that individuals life overnight.