Abusing America

By the way, having a “kill matrix” for civilians you target for drone assassination in other sovereign countries, should be something a “liberal” would object to. But I guess it’s ok when Daddy Oboz does it.

Liberals are too busy sipping lattes watching CNN on their I-Phones made in China managing their latest government job to care.

The one thing that can be accredited to Obama is the diversion from unnecessary wars. Israel false flags the USA into wars with all of her neighbors so that the USA takes the casualties while Israelis sit back and whine. Obama, being Muslim, avoided their attempt to instigate a USA Syria war. Trump is most likely to revert to the original scheme (although not big on false flags - unlike predecessors).

Obama had little influence at all on the advancement in use of drones. He just happen to be the President at the time.

Agreed, an invasion of Ukraine, Syria, North Korea, or Iran by Trump is unprecedented dangerous grounds.

Lol, yes.

What about them?

I thought you created this thread as an extrapolation of your own brilliant political views, you’re the originating poster of this thread, correct?

You’re just throwing a temper tantrum for not getting your way, that’s all.

I would tell you to go suck yourself off but I imagine that would be very hard to do.
Hmm? This is nothing about “Getting my way”. This is about talking to idiotic morons who pretend conspiracy theories are truth and don’t provide any cogent reasoning to back up their bizarre claims. You can fuck right off this philosophy forum, you belong on abovetopsecret.com for all I care, a bunch of morons have inhabited this site as I already pointed out, for the past 5 years

Liberal outrage, where was it?

You really need to learn how to use the quote button buddy. All this anger and vitriol coming from you, be careful not to burst an aneurysm there.

Speaking truths will always anger idiots.

Who cares? Not me. It seems polarized people care, such as yourself, those who worry more about left and right than anything else.

Do you have a problem understanding what I was responding to? My anger is a gift - I don’t really care if I use curse words. Like you think you can hide behind some veil of proper language. I know your ilk, you’re the scourge of society, those consumed by confirmation bias. Pretend to be holy, pretend to be just, pretend to be happy, but you’re not fooling anyone.

You don’t even know anything about me tough guy. :laughing:

Except that I’m not left or right where I mock both. Sorry, you are not even close.

Uh, yeah, you’re from “dumbfuckistan”. I learn about you in you words. In what you think is real. In how you pretend, or not pretend. At least, unless, you believe what you say and say it intently. Until that changes, so be it, it is this online you that can never really fully hide the true you.

Yes, Dumbfuckistan is my euphemism for the entire planet.

On the Planet of the Apes, in the Land of Lies, there in lies conflict, no big surprise.

Well that’s an easy way to wash your hands of all the mess :slight_smile:

K: changing the goal post I see… you said Obama military invasions… I said show me Obama
military invasion and then you brought up “Places either invaded OR deliberately destabilized
OR illegally drone struck” that is changing the goal post by adding those very dubious idea’s…
it doesn’t matter if he “illegally drone struck” (which btw, I am against) that wasn’t the
original premise… you said military invaded…so who did “Obama military invaded”?

Now the question of deliberately destabilized is another question altogether…
for example, Somalia, which is a failed state and really doesn’t have a central government…
how do you destabilized a failed state? so how do you judge how one deliberately
destabilized a country? or to say another way, what criteria would you use to judge
how we destabilized a country? I could use certain criteria that the
pipeline (whose name escapes me right now) across the Midwest is destabilizing our country…
you can create any criteria to say something is destabilizing a country…

please be specific on HOW we deliberately destabilizing a country…

see my problem is that you, right wing types, have no concept or understanding
of the truth… Like 45… you just make shit up… alt truth is really about creating
facts or truths to justify your very narrow understanding of the world…

so show me how Obama “deliberately destabilized” a country…

unless you change the goal post again, you can’t…


What is a military drone strike…an invitation to Sunday Tea or a military invasion?