Abusing America

Liberals are a fucking joke, where was your eight years of anti war outrage with Obama military invasions? They remain dead silent on all of that.

America is like Rome, grappling with the difficulties of its own power, and unable to self-limit that power when called for.

Power is a drug that quickly produces tolerance and required the drug user to up the purity of his drug from power to power for its own sake. It happened with Nietzsche, it is the ruling ethos of the “elite” who have no real ideology at all except… well use your imagination.

That’s correct, one of the worst nightmares of liberal-leftism is to actually hold power. They’re not good at holding top position and preserving power. Gaining power is not the same as sustaining power.

To build a house is one thing. To maintain it and keep it standing for 500 years is another. For maintenance and long-term planning, you need to go to the conservative-right-ists.

My hypothesis on Trump seems correct so far. The liberal-left cannot tolerate one of their own kind, another liberal-leftist in power, and so begin immediately tearing themselves apart, like piranhas detecting blood in the water.

For group cohesion, social-strengthening, long-term planning and sustenance, the conservative-right dominate.

Liberal-leftists are about building, or destroying houses, but not living in them.

Liberals used to hate “corporations”, “the media”, “war”, and “religions”, until Obama won and suddenly those things were “cool” again (well only Islam is a “cool” religion, of course).

They’re hypocrites of their own professed political ideals, that much is for sure.

America represents whatever Americans put it on a path to represent.

Perhaps you should ask a “liberal”.

But in any case, I didn’t mind the attack on ISIS that Obama escalated with drone strikes. So what? Better than troops on the ground getting killed.

Perhaps I’m not but you sure act like one, and you act like you have “the real truth” shrouded in mystery, you’re so briliant, so is void. You lifted the veil! Congratulations, now suck yourselves off in a never ending circle joke of how you decoded lifes mysteries.

you’re dangerously ignorant if you think the drone program is a success. I won’t even bother trying to educate you if that is what you believe. Even useful idiot leftist Chomsky knows what a terrible disaster the Obama Drone King has been.

Don’t strawman me. Who said it was a success? I said, I didn’t mind it.

Nonetheless, it’s how Zarqawi was killed, and the drone strikes aided the Iraqi’s in pushing back ISIS. So far, so good.

Ah, so you know it’s not a success but you like it anyway.

Makes sense. Lol.

Yes, because I don’t want our troops, my friends and my family fighting over there, we shouldn’t have went to Iraq to begin with. It makes perfect sense.

So the war is bad, so instead of ending it let’s just use robots to kill people, most of whom are civilians or who die accidentally as collateral damage, all while failing to hold ourselves to the moral rational standard of actually investing in and fighting the war we pretend to want to fight.

What does it say about a society that won’t even commit it’s own troops to a war? If says that society is corrupt with cowardice and also it says that the war isn’t even worth fighting to begin with.

For every robot in the skies that Arab people see dropping bombs on civilians, how much new animosity do you think is created in those people? How much clout and moral authority does the US lose? War isn’t a fucking video game. Either commit to your values or shut the fuck up about them.

Otto: Liberals are a fucking joke, where was your eight years of anti war outrage with Obama military invasions? They remain dead silent on all of that.

K: please feel free to name all the Obama military invasions…


“Ending it”?

There is no end to that way. The first Iraq invasion led to hordes of angry Muslims to come out of the woodwork and be radicalized. You understand those who are in ISIS grew up in that shit.

Why commit all of our troops to a war we shouldn’t be in. It’s stupid. It’s corrupt. Its not cowardice, its admitting a mistake.

For every robot int he skies, I don’t really give a shit about that sentence, you’re going to get animosity with boots on the ground or without. It’s already too late.

Best thing to do was to leave, never come back and watch our back

I thought you created this thread as an extrapolation of your own brilliant political views, you’re the originating poster of this thread, correct?

You’re just throwing a temper tantrum for not getting your way, that’s all.

I would tell you to go suck yourself off but I imagine that would be very hard to do.

everything is a double-edged sword. Instead of sitting there looking at the past and saying how we should have done it, accept it for what it is, and look at the present with the dual-sided sword and damned if we do or don’t ringing in your head and try to sculpt the future; it’s not all already known.

Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, and Iraq?

The Obama administration with help of the CIA created ISIS.
