What are you doing? (Part 1)

Good joke. I’m off to bed late. Enjoy your day and keep kicking ass.

SM wrote

Yes and it can be of help all year round to those that require more sun exposure in general. Supposedly, I’ll have results in less than a week. I’m being bathed in the light right now.

Just think a secluded beach somewhere and a long stretch of white sand.

No one else there only you and Joker. The sea is calm, warm and glistening, a paradise.

The heat of the sun is so intense, both of you throw your sandals high in the air and run into the water fully clothed. Oh the delight of it. HA!


Why a “HA!” ? That is a possibility.

I know, I have actually been there and did what I wrote. It is a tiny island called Guadeloupe. Gorgeous.

The HA! is for happiness.

Whose happiness?

Mine, in recollecting that precious moment and yours also in the hope of some relief from your troubles.

Thanks for your blessing! :smiley: I’m officially in Hell, what can be more troubling than that?

You have asked that question before and I answered it.

I guess it is part of how low you go and cannot see any ‘out’ to the pain you go through.

See how the light therapy goes, perhaps it will give you some relief, perhaps it won’t, but the positive here is you are trying and it will be interesting to see the result.

Oh darn, my signature got lost in the translation. More of a spiritual Hell. :confused:

It also says 'Heroine" (a woman with courage).

True and true.

Sounds like you got profiled. Our police occasionally go on ‘fund-raising’ patrols, too. Better know all the speed traps in your area, as well as their usual hangouts.

So i just sent a message to a girl on a dating site, i said “open your legs”, she replied with “really mate?”…i replied with “yes really! now spread em!”, she didn’t reply…

what am i doing wrong?

The normal procedure is to check each person’s licence when they are detained for committing a traffic offence. Mine was an illegal u turn crossing over a double line.

I have one point to last me 12 months, if I lose this, I lose my licence I think for 12 months, I will know more when I get the letter in the mail.

I will definitely be ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ style for a while. The cop was a female, must have been six feet tall and one big lady. What annoyed me was she delighted in giving me a lecture, I felt inclined to say this, but controlled myself and assumed an agreeable demeanour as after all, I did commit an offence.

They know you are a fake. :mrgreen:


What, what?

In real life you would not be that aggressive.

ha do you really believe that…


You have a quiet, dare I say gentle interior.