How many do I have to take seriously??

Gamer wrote

Only two conversations?

Only two conversations but they cover absolutely everything so no more are required

That’s not how people connect and narrow the divide between them.

Some conversations don’t involve words.

No but people still either connect logically or emotionally as there is nothing else

I don’t hate people either. But believe it or not I am wiser than you, or Bill Nye even.

Bill Nye declares utopia as riding bicycles, I declare that as lame-osity to the extreme.
I don’t hate meat-eaters but I hate their evil. I only hate the chinese because they abuse animals.
I don’t even hate the jews, I just hate the evil of the Jews. As emperor of earth I would sit on my throne feeling sad all the time for doing what I had to do. I would gaze into space hoping for the DNA machine and better days. But I would have to do what I had to do. I would have to cut off the balls of every jew because to do otherwise would be an injustice. The jews go around butchering baby penises and continually evade justice, it’s a grave injustice. Justice demands retributions.

I would also ban all abrahamic religions, I would ban judiasm christianity and muslimism too. I would cut off the balls of every christian doctor who ever authorized or sanctioned baby genital mutilation.

Deep down, I am a nice person. But I can’t let evil people roam earth and do evil things freely without any kind of punishment. Cutting off their balls is two birds with one stone, it is direct justice and also prevents their insane religious beliefs from spreading or infecting their offspring and brainwashing more children into their insanity and evil.

You might say you are more enlightened than me by advocating pacifism and letting go and letting evil people run around and butcher baby genitals freely with no punishment, but I know that pacifism leads to only more evil running rampant.

Emotions are the basis of all communication, all thoughts, without their impetus you would fail to qualify as a sentient being. However, there are more than two types of conversations, hence we have the fine arts, non-verbal communication, extra-sensory perceptions, etc.

meat eaters have no emotions, thus by your own definition they are not sentient. hitler had lots of emotions so by your definition he is highly sentient thus proving arc wrong.


Human beings, our animal bodies, require meat for a balanced diet and sustained physical activity. In three months, Merlin and I will be eating the catfish we catch.

Artistic expression and non verbal communication are emotional

Thats fine. As president of america i would not ban hunting.

But why would you do that when you think that eating meat is evil

This is the reason why I like you so much

You may appear tough on the outside but inside you are a gentle soul

Because i dont ban animal instincts.

And what of Jewish women? They don’t have balls last time I checked. And what about Jewish people who were victimized by circumcision themselves but never actually was involved in anything to do with curcumcising another. Perhaps a kid or teenager, or a man who didn’t believe in circumcision?

You’re what we call in above 130-iq land parlance a common numskull.

Today I learned ‘numskull’ is not a misspelling.

And precisely when was that? :-s


My IQ is higher than 130 you fucking pathetic retard.

You’re a common pacifist numskull who wont stop circumcision. When dealing with numskulls, extremes are needed to drive a point across.
With people like you, we’d just sit on our asses and get raped and circumcized for all eternity like a bunch of sheep.

There is no way your iq is anywhere near 130. It’s not that your ideas are merely sociopathic, they are also riddled with dimestore fallacies. I place you at 118 and that’s generous.

hi guys, nice read. also very interesting, think of all this text as a essay and you need to analyze all the participants and make a profile. underline keywords. take a closer look. :slight_smile:)) you dont need anything more than common sense and some basic psychology understanding