How many do I have to take seriously??

My IQ is higher than 130 you fucking pathetic retard.

You’re a common pacifist numskull who wont stop circumcision. When dealing with numskulls, extremes are needed to drive a point across.
With people like you, we’d just sit on our asses and get raped and circumcized for all eternity like a bunch of sheep.

There is no way your iq is anywhere near 130. It’s not that your ideas are merely sociopathic, they are also riddled with dimestore fallacies. I place you at 118 and that’s generous.

hi guys, nice read. also very interesting, think of all this text as a essay and you need to analyze all the participants and make a profile. underline keywords. take a closer look. :slight_smile:)) you dont need anything more than common sense and some basic psychology understanding

iq is irrelevant. that number is only viable in a controlled scenario. if you got iq 210 there’s still a good chance you’re not hot stuff…iq only brings stigma of like, you are so smart you need to make something…it doesnt work that way. you can be a genious and not be the smartest guy in the room… 20-50 difference is laughable. whole mensa thing is a joke, insult to true intelligence.

Fallacies are they themselves fallacies, someone reliant on exposing fallacies is he himself committing a fallacy. My high iq is probably higher than yours, psychiatrist thought I cheated the test by saying I was too smart for him to think I didn’t cheat. My IQ is much higher than a measly peasant 118!

You have a prepodensy to lie, you say my IQ is 118, that is a bold faced lie, you are a liar and I can’t stand liars, it grinds my very gears. You disgust me to my very bones. I wonder if you made the IQ charts of the presidents…totally bogus…how the hell would you know the IQ of abe lincoln or george washington anyway?

You use the term “sociopath” as some kind of insult, it shows that you are a bold faced socially-programmed idiot, I bet you take the DSM 5 as your bible don’t you.