Suicide should be available to everyone

“GOP is a terrorist organization”

Anything to say?

“anyone who has posted against Clinton for the purpose
of getting Herr Trumpf is a supporter of terrorism…”

Anything to say?

You also mentioned specific members as supporters of terrorism. Anything to say?

Oh phyllo…

How great of you to call yourself sane!

Any fucking moron knows we’re all crazy

I imagine the quality of intellects you have in your life as friends is very low

Were phyllo in charge who would be banned for being mentally ill [ part from Ecmandu and Trixie and Kropotkin ] Arbitrarily deciding who is and is
not mentally ill however should not be a basis for banning anyone. Even if they actually are mentally ill that is not in and of itself sufficient reason
to do so. Even if the quality of discourse would improve as a consequence and be more related to matters philosophical as the forum title suggests


Since I know that some are sane, then I’m not a “fucking moron”.

Image whatever you like. :smiley:

PK is not MI. Trixie is not MI, she’s pulling your legs.
It’s easy to test … moderate them and see how they respond.

I could do it if it was my site. And I think it would improve the site.

One could alternatively treat everyone equally, without any special consideration for MI. The MIs would keep posting crazy stuff, then they would be warned and since they would not stop doing it, they would eventually be banned.

There is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in every situation.

This is a discussion site. If mental illness disrupts it, then something ought to be done.

So improving quality of discourse and increasing philosophical content are not reasonable goals to strive for at ILP?

Are we here to simply care for the mentally ill?

You guys patting your shoulders still haven’t figured it out yet…

The crazy ones are the sane ones…

A crazy person walks up to me on the street and leaves shaking my hand…

People like you, they’d spit on.

Do you guys really think you’re sane?

I’d ban Ecmandu. That would send him an unambiguous "you are a retard’ message. He might take it seriously and learn something from it. Otherwise, you’d reinforce his bullshit. And dealing with it using arguments is tiring, and stupid, considering the fact he will just ignore them.

PC is dead. Now we need to put an end to free speech.

Magnus… I’m more disciplined than you are.

You’re whole shtick is about how disciplined you are.

And that’s why you’re superior.

I actually don’t think anyone is superior.

This is a subtle point in my mind

I live on $10 dollars a day… And that’s not even counting my psychological discipline…

You are a parody of yourself

It’s a good thing you responded to me. Nothing more important than responding to me.

PC means no boundaries. Free speech means no boundaries. Anything free – freedom in general – means no boundaries. It’s how unrestrained – the self-destructive – want to secure conditions that will allow them to be maximally unrestrained.

A death wish. A peaceful death wish.

Any sympathization with any variety of freedom means you too desire freedom, to be maximally unrestrained, to be unable to be held responsible for anything.

It means the instinct to protect yourself from external danger is gone. Now replaced with the instinct to protect yourself from internal danger.

Fearing fear, leading to reckless behavior, to being attracted to that which would otherwise repulse you.

“Make love, not war” says the one in war with oneself and in love with everything opposite to oneself.

Healthy people shamed for fearing the external and loving the internal rather than fearing the internal and loving the external.

You should not be afraid because fear is a sign of weakness and you do not want to be weak, right? So just pretend you are not weak by showing strength that consists in nothing but erasing your fear and replacing it with love.

Fearing is easier. Loving is harder.

Be tolerant toward everyone. Never reject anyone. Celebrate free love for everyone.

Rejection implies fear. Fear implies weakness. Weakness implies shame. Shame implies pain. Pain implies something bad. Therefore, rejection is bad.

If you want to reject someone, this means they are a threat.

And it never means they are a threat to one’s health, intelligence and sanity. It always means they are a threat to one’s delusions.

If I want to ban Ecmandu or Biguous or whoever else, it’s not because he threatens to confuse, to befuddle, to deceive, to retard and in general to corrupt, but because he threatens to expose my delusions for what they are. Therefore, I must never ban them.

I like your post Magnus …

And you know what’s funny…

That’s the format I post in!

I like the attention phyllo’s brought to this. I agree that the Forums would be a healthier place for discussion with stricter, more consistent moderation.

Strict to me means moving thoughtless/purely troll topics and banning those who constantly prevent the community from reaching its intended purpose. I’ve always thought that policing heated arguments is not the way to go, unless it’s threats or nothing but insults with no end in sight.

Perhaps, how many of you understand discussions between Random Factor or Trixie and I ???

Intelligence is ALWAYS like a fingerprint…

Everyone’s is different!

The thing IMO that makes these boards great is that geniuses of things over your heads can come together.

We can even try to distill it for you.

I’m not kidding when I say that this is the frontier of internet philosophy

I would ban anyone I do not consider virtuous. The ratio must be in favor of the virtuous and there are too few of them. Or rather, there are none. You want people who can set an example. Healthy people who can radiate health. Not boogermen such as Turd. Or crazies such as Trixie and Ecmandu. It ultimately depends on who runs the forum, and though you can beg and prescribe, the quality of the forum will ultimately be no higher than the quality of the person running it.

Magnus man,

Turd is a lot smarter than you

Trixie is a lot smarter than you

So am I …

Do I want to ban you???

Fuck no!!!

That’s because you have no boundaries. All is one. Self is not separate nor different from other. Last I heard, that is the definition of egocentrism, no? The inability to differentiate between self/subject and other/object. We are all part of one universal being. With the capital B Being. What harms me harms all. What harms all harms me. What benefits me benefits all. What benefits all benefits me. We are one big universal family. All are friends.

I don’t need to be patronized Magnus…

Let’s just say you have some shit when it comes to virtue …

If you like these boards, be thankful you can post on them

K: I do believe the GOP is a terrorist organization as I have stated and for the
reasons I have stated…and I do believe that anyone who supports the GOP supports
terrorism also for the reasons I have stated…I believe that the GOP will damage
America in ways we can’t even begin to see yet as it damaged America during the
Bush Jr. years…as for my comments… would you like me to give you the PC version
of terrorist group… Sorry I don’t do PC…The reason my calling the GOP terrorism
and it is not, NOT an insult is simple, I am stating facts. I have shown you how the
GOP is a terrorist group and how anyone who supports the GOP is supporting terrorism…
the GOP is doing a better job of destroying America then ISIS and Al Quida put together
and I have shown you that…Now you may disagree and that is fine and dandy,
but I stick by my words and they are not insults but facts and facts that
will be demonstrated time and time again over the next 4 years…


It is possible for someone to be mentally ill and still post actual philosophy. Despite what I said about the quality of discourse improving if the mentally ill posters were removed. The only one who posts complete rubbish is Ecmandu. Trixie posts a lot of it too just not everything. I would personally favour stricter moderation than see anyone banned. There is no reason why this cannot be enforced. An awful lot of what is discussed here has got nothing at all to do with philosophy. Satyr
is absolutely right about this. It would be nice if we could raise the bar and give Turd some quality material to engage with. Trixie is highly intelligent and she can
apply herself when she feels like it. I am sure Ecmandu can too. We all can regardless of who we are as no one is beyond self improvement. All it takes is willpower

That’s true and it very much depends on the nature of the illness. One can overlook the occasional wacky post but if the vast majority of posts are crazy then one has to classify that member as MI for all practical purposes.

Shellytrokan is another one. I have a couple of others in mind.

Probably the biggest obstacle is getting moderators who are prepared to put in the time and effort.


One of the biggest problems of the modern era is hyperbole. At one time, the word ‘terrorism’ was restricted to real acts of terror … the FLQ in Canada, the IRA in the UK. But gradually, less violent and threatening acts were labeled as terrorism. Now we are at the point where some people use the word for even minor inconveniences and disagreements. For example, a proposal to reduce social security payments would be called ‘terrorism’. Right?
That’s how you use the word.