What's for breakfast?

Think about what it means that you respond in the way you do, especially given that your assumptions are false.


I do not think he is able to survive without being very raunchy and dirty to other men, imagination in overdrive, face red of it.

I have no other way of understanding that kind of compulsive sexually oriented slandering of all men with some status or self respect than you know what. He shares it with Satyr, but he is slightly more intelligent and experienced, so it’s uglier and you want to help him with it.

Wondering what’s for lunch.

Neither status or respected men post on this forum, nir is my activity sexual, your projecting yourself onto me yet again, just like yesterday you accused me of being a closeted Dutch Gaygay. I’m clearly not, but you clearly are.

Turd is juts a broken man trying to cope with the reality of a world that doesn’t conform to his ideals. His views of things like weed and personal freedom are those of a psychopath. He’s literally fuming at his house when he wakes up, pissed as hell and thinking that the whole world is crumbling down and it’s all because of weed and those evil people who force it onto children and use it to drug women and who smoke it and become murderous thieving crazies. It’s like he didn’t get the memo about reefer madness being a propaganda film full of nothing but lies.

Iced caramel macchiato with 4 shots.

That is my ideal actually.

So expecting the world NOT to meet up with my expectations broke me while making me right about being wrong about being right? A optimistic pessimist?


Shut up man. Your brainwashed brain is fried.

No, your Brainwashed brain isn’t even washed, it is stinky cause your mommy never taught you how to clean yourself when you were a child, because you we’re stupid and ugly and a unloveable child, so now you walk around thinking foul minded, stupid things in stupid places, surrounded by stupid people and stupid music with stupid cuisine, and your weather when you leave your stupid places to go to your stupid car is also stupid, cause your stupid… so stuuuuuupid!

Dude, I hang out in awesome places, not fast food restaurants like you. Everyone loves me, and the car I was driving in the tornado weighs like 2 tons, has all wheel drive, traction control and stability control.

You don’t know shit about anything.

I mean you have to realize that you’re the scummy homeless guy who eats slop every day and for the life of you can’t figure out how to live a decent life. And I’m the one with the retirement fund and the nice cars and the vaginas lurking all around. You’re just a textbook example of a hater. It makes me feel sad for you.

Best breakfast in bed Ive heard of was some dude waking up to two girls in whipped cream feeding him strawberries while another was sucking his dick.

The second best breakfast is a cup of hot tea on a camping chair overlooking a misty morning mountain lake.

Maybe thats the first best, the girls second.

Too bored and nauseous for breakfast these days, so I go straight to brunch… oh woe is me for a bowl of cereal :crying-yellow:

Tell a lie… I often have an orange with my morning coffee, and apparently anything that contains calories eaten during the breakfasting hours is considered having a breakfast, so I have not wholly given up on breakfast.

Mikes. Well baked potatoes and excellent eggs.

Old man pulling the hair and fooling around about the waitress. He gets away with it. Has always gotten away with it…

Cold outside, winter sets in quickly. Montrealers are getting back into their element. People becoming rugged again.

In the summer, this town is so breezy that you’d almost believe the world can actually be organized without too much bloodshed. In the winter it’s so nice I don’t care about the rest of the world too much.

Montreal can show that there is a difference between “refined” and “pussy”. They are in a sense more refined than the French, because they are just so god damned innocent of religion.

Well it’s a brunch and it’s a slightly-sweetened black Lavazza and 3 fried eggs and 4 mushrooms… coz that’s all I got to work with for breakfast 8-[

Dinner will be whole rabbit, but not sure how yet… braised perhaps :-k

The white rabbit was stroked and petted and ended up in the pot… if that’s not a lesson on not to play with your food I don’t know what is.

Only had rabbit once, found it weirdish. Plus I like rabbits too much. This is my foodpolitics. I dont eat duck either. I love them, I would absolutely sooner eat human. But I dont judge.

Breakfast now is a croissant and coffee in a chair our loyal fans will know from the videos but which is now standing outside since we brought in the fakeleather couch from the van.

I don’t like the taste much… I should have gone with the duck. :neutral_face:

You’ve gone with a continental breakfast, I see… mine was simply a black coffee and peanuts.

Yes. I do prefer the Angloxaxon one as you know. But its so sunny out and this chair… im still sitting there.

Sauwelios used to eat duck, all the time…from a chinese place called Nam Kee… but he wasnt doing so hot during that time if I rcall creckly.