Black People Mentally Lower

Black children show markedly less self-awareness than whites or Asians. The liberal response is that this caused by cultural factors such as their societies being less individualistic, despite the fact that elephants, dolphins, chimps, and orangutans all pass the mirror test. Also, Asians more individualistic than blacks?

have test
blacks don’t pass
test must be wrong

Liberal logic 101.

I’ve never met a black person that was mentally lower than Ecclesiastes.
Then, again, i don’t think I’ve met anyone mentally lower that Ecclesiastes.

Good response, keep it up.

Did I hear someone mention Big Cynthia in this thread?

I did. Twice. She got that nookie thang, and you know this, man!

I think history will remember her for being a much greater artist than we may see in her now. Dude what whole genre is awesome. Do you know about Pokey? There’s a song called, “they call me pokey” that’s pretty bad ass.

Damn, I didn’t think you were taking me seriously here, MR. No offense, but Big Cynthia is a disgusting, untalented blob of trash that represents everything that is decadent in modern music. She should be locked in a cell and fed three times a day with pinto beans an water, until she lost that disgusting fat. Then she should be sterilized and given a third shift janitorial job somewhere, not a microphone. I can’t stand any of that rap shit. Any music that glorifies over weight black women and makes them happy with themselves for even a millisecond makes me want to vomit. Is there a correlation between rap music and irresponsible black people with chips on their shoulders who think they’re too good to work? You betcha, and I’m a tax payer, so it pisses me off. Turn the TV off, get off the couch, put the doritos and nail polish away, and get a fucking job you hideous, subhuman piece of useless shit. (not you, Shaniqua)

Now the little rap music I do have some affinity for is of nostalgic value only. If I thought then what I thought now, I’da never listened to it…but I didn’t, so I did, and now I like it because I liked it. You feel me? I cannot deny that Scarface goes hard, my nigga. That’s something I’ve come to terms with.

You pretty much demonstrated that Big Cynthia is an example supporting this threads hypothesis as anyone with a few brain cells can figure out.
I think that’s the reason mr reasonable mentioned her name in the first place.
When white liberals try to ‘defend’ blacks what they’re really doing is looking after their own interests, using blacks like pawns in a game of chess with the right.
This is why it so regularly backfires on them.

The whole Hip Hop thing is nothing more than African animist cultures struggling to make sense of a world created by a more complex phenotype.
Check out the Cargo Cults of the Pacific for something similar.

Zoot, I was being sarcastic about big cynthia.

Ecc, I was being totally serious about big cynthia, because of course…I’m a white liberal…from Alabama…because you know…that’s the culture down here. We’re all liberals in Alabama.

Wait…no we’re not. No I’m not. That’s just what you call people that you don’t like. You silly bastard.

Also, that pic of the african left alone to blah blah blah…don’t you think it kind of ignores a lot of the whole history of africa? You think they were left alone? What you know about europeans coming there and leaving with all kinds of resources and what not back in the day? I mean, how come no one paid them for all their diamonds and gold and shit?

It’s like if someone robbed you, and then pointed at you from across the street and said, “ha look at your broke ass! you’re stupid and incapable of having anything! Ha!”

How would that make you feel?

MR, the continent of Africa is a mess, and what few countries that are industrially advanced and moderately stable (economically) got that way because of European and Middle-Eastern financial and technological assistance. Without the colonialism and imperialism that has been present there in the last several hundred years, those few countries would be a mess as well.

You are aware that many African countries were relieved of billions of dollars of debt in recent years, yes?

And just about every resource that can be appropriated and has any market value on that continent can only be mass produced and distributed because of infrastructures put in place there by countries outside of Africa.

Do you not find this ironic: the oldest known human ancestors supposedly evolved in and occupied the African continent, and yet the African continent is the last continent to modernize on the planet. How could you possibly explain this away when not only does it indicate something terribly backwards about the culture of the people there, but also that this is still the situation there even after other countries have made so many efforts to contribute to its industrial development?

You have to understand that people cannot help drawing correlations between the black race in general and the condition Africa is in. There is really no excuse; the overall climate, terrain, weather and resourcefulness of that continent is identical enough to the conditions everywhere else in the world where other races have evolved. It isn’t as if the opportunity to make the same discoveries and invent the same technologies wasn’t available there. In fact, in many cases these conditions were better than the conditions, say, in northern Europe, and still for thousands of years the black race just couldn’t get it together… couldn’t figure anything out.

Well I guess you’re right. You can totally exploit a continent and steal resources from all over it, leave a few places in decent shape, then come back 100 years later and forgive some of their debts to you, and then say, “hey look at these inferior people who can’t get it together”, after capitalizing on the wealth that you jacked from them for 100 years. Yes. That makes total sense.

This makes me think of how people praise guys like JP Morgan and Rockefeller and Carnegie. As if they were better than some other people. These just happened to be the guys who were sitting in the places where the money landed, in the time before it was illegal to have a grotesque monopoly on things such that one could become extraordinarily wealthy by leverage alone. It’s not like they were great people who did something no one else could have done. They’re just the ones who got away with it at the time.

If all the minerals and what have you were jacked from Africa and the people were left there broke, then of course the people who took all the shit of value came up, and of course the people who were robbed didn’t. I certainly don’t think that this kind of shit can be ignored when we start talking about one set of human beings being better or worse than another. It’s like saying the native americans were inferior because they all got shot and were given polio blankets. Is it the role of the superior man to fuck people over and call them inferior? Do we praise a burglar or a murderer because he demonstrated his superiority over the homeowner or the murder victim?

You can give that criticism to those who have exploited africa, yes. But you’d have to give that same criticism to Africans as well. They do the very same thing to each other, only on a more savage scale. Remember the Rawanda genocide in the early nineties.

If you are to critize a victimizer you have to criticize something that the victim is not also guilty of.

Why didn’t the blacks conquer Europe and make whites slaves? What could be the possible reasons?

Can’t be benevolence… we know that blacks didn’t mind hunting and selling their own kind as slaves to the white man.

Could it possibly be… nah… but maybe… maybe… it is because blacks simply didn’t evolve to be as intelligent and thus didn’t come up with an advanced and organized enough society and military which are prerequisites to traveling to other continents and conquering the more primitive native cultures?

Nah. Probably a case of white privilege. Whites were privileged, and so they accidentally had better military and organization and superior science, philosophy, art etc… the universe, the cosmos itself just privileged whites, the biased little racist fuck that it is! It had nothing to do with intelligence!!! The universe itself oppressed blacks!!!

They were doing alright building pyramids in Egypt, until whitey intervened with his privileges…

Yet it was you, or another American on here, maybe Kriswest, who argued that colonizing land in the States could not be considered stealing from the Native Americans because they had no concept of land ownership. A common argument put forward by academics on the left and right.
The argument actually works better in this case, since Africans would not consider cadmium or oil a resource, since they had no use for it (it’s also invisible to them).
If I come into your house, remove some element from the timbers, and pay you a token sum, it’s hardly fair if you claim centuries later to be a victim of resource theft.
I mean, you had no use for it, you never invented anything that needed it as fuel or as some component, and I’ve built a material empire on it which you’ve become deeply envious of.

Now that’s all down to my imagination and inventive genius.
Calling that exploitation is just sour grapes, something unfortunately encouraged by Western Marxism.

So it’s divide and conquer, and then blame them because they’re killing each other over the little bit that’s left there to have?

What? If anything colonists and imperialists united African tribes by developing infrastructure there. They didn’t divide anything. The tribal divisions already existed, and continue to exist to this day. And you say ‘the little bit that’s left there to have’. The majority of that continent is quite capable of being modernized if those savages would just get their shit together. They gotta do it on their own, though, because the rest of the world is getting tired of trying to help those idiots.

I think you’re a case of being brainwashed by the propaganda in rap music and the liberal media, MR. You betta reconize.

Ecc, that was kris.

Zoot, of course I"m brainwashed. I’m an american.

I agree, Zoot Allures, because it is not possible to help people who are not capable of helping themselves.

By the way: “reconize” is not a slang of “rap”, right?