ILP rules and the permaban of Lys?

Many centurions mentioned in the New Testament are praised as Christians, God-fearers, and men of good character, one example is Matthew 8:5-13.

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6 (KJV)

“There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free and educated woman,”…“And there is no more inspiring role model than a man who respects and cherishes women and champions their leadership.” -Angelina Jolie

Time for an Avatar change. :slight_smile:

You make a good observation, one of the aspects of the cartoon room we know as the Know Thyself forum is that there is never any argument or disagreement. I once saw what almost became a disagreement between Satyr and Lys… then Satyr says some nonsense and Lys heels at his side with an ‘OK’. And that was that. Now she was getting ready to drop a 14,956 word quote she doesn’t understand from some post-structural idiot to argue against something Satyr had said, and Satyr didn’t want that. The rule is, if there is going to be a 14,956 word quote of nonsense, it’s going to be his.

But this is okay because the forum functions as a single organism (like the borg) which attacks other forums. I could use a unit like this to assimilate other forums. They would be my dogs of war. After my conquest was achieved, they would be muzzled and caged again, until the next campaign.

There is something good in everything, level 2 druid/fighter chick and server of good mead. Everything is beautiful in its own way. This can only be recognized by the grand artist, myself.

(the only place I wouldn’t send them is Revleft or Philosophyforums, because they would be eaten alive)

p.s. you should upgrade that light leather armor to chitin. It’s just as light but has a higher armor class.

Shieldmaiden, is it true that you despise KT and Satyr because you’ve made sexual advances towards him, and he refused and so you called him a homosexual and a pedophile? Sounds like a very emotional, and, I daresay, rationally unjustified basis for hatred.

Zoot and all other cowards - iambiguous, aka, camus666 on KT, is there and challenging everything Satyr says. He has been restricted to dungeon for some time, but since some 3 days now, he is blue and can post in Agora. He has been criticizing the entire KT for what, 15, 16 pages now? I hear that people like Erik threatened Satyr’s family, and YET even HE is allowed there to say things like ‘niggers and vikings are really similar’

So dissent is definitely allowed, and somebody who spends his time on ILP, where people get banned due to ridiculous grey lines, should SHUT THE FUCK UP about lack of dissent and censorship, ILP is far more censoring.

It seems that the complaints about the lack of dissent on KT are almost entirely made by 1) people who, themselves, are not on KT, which makes them hypocrites and 2) people who have something personal against KT, and so they declare, taunt and mock from ILP, where Lyssa and Satyr can’t defend themselves anymore.

The entire situation screams of hypocrisy - people here spread lies about KT, and insult their members and put into question their integrity but not with evidence and reasoning, but mere declarations, and when Lys for example, comes to ILP to correct people and show them the actual philosophy that is on KT, she gets banned.
Like I said, I admittedly don’t know what happened in the past, but based on what is happening now, I assume that in the past there were always tensions between members and insults were thrown from both sides, but since KT members were in the minority and didn’t submit to the more popular, modern values, the mods decided that despite both sides throwing insults around, they will ban only the KT side.
Based on bullshit that is happening now, and is being spread by people completely ignorant of KT philosophy (which they should be fucking ashamed of, that after years and years they still don’t comprehend the basic aspects of it), I think I am completely justified making this assumption.

Revleft? A revolutionary leftist site? Hehe yeah, they would ban KT members right away :laughing:
PhilosophyForums is a mirror reflection of modern academic, leftist-leaning discourse. There is SOME real philosophy there, but also too many retards, and worst of all, the mods are retards. As iambig pointed out, Postmodern Beatnik for one, is a major retard. Out of PN, ILP and PF, PF is probably the most serious one. Change the theme of their site to something pink or light blue though, and you’ll notice how radically the theme of the site influences one’s perception of it. Change it to a light, casual blue, like ILP and suddenly you notice that their discussions aren’t much deeper than those at ILP. KT philosophy wouldn’t be allowed there either, I agree.
PhilosophyNow is the biggest joke though IMHO, even worse than ILP.

Okay okay man. Take it easy, will ya’? I’m sorry.

Yes, and he posts it all here as if everybody is watching. LOL!

That’s why you gotta go in there undercover and obey the martial law. Then you get inside their heads and change them like a socratic capitalist. You don’t assert anything… you just ask them carefully placed questions to direct the discussion the way you want it. But KT members can’t do that. They’d blow it.

I know just enough about politics to defend my own positions… I’m not knowledgeable to the extent of being able to manipulate others. The last time you mentioned Revleft, I checked it out and found the term ‘ableist’ being used to denote a person who dares to be competent enough to do some task. Not sure if I could keep a straight face while observing such idiocy.

I remember once, during the priest’s sermon in church he mentioned that metal music is satanic, I began laughing like a maniac and quickly exited the church not to disturb others. I just couldn’t contain myself. Catholic priests are the creepiest, weirdest ones :open_mouth:

Wonder what he would have said if I showed him Christian metal…

Oh gross. Don’t do that man. I’ve seen pictures of them both. Now you’ve put very disturbing images in my head. Thanks a lot dude.

Well you just did the same to me, so no, THANK YOU very much…

The Lord hath rocked!

These women are gorgeous

Not as gorgeous as this woman: … tine#48189

Look at that! I hit a nerve again. God these flakes make it so easy.

Still not being able to see the trees for the forest… and now the forest is burning.


laughing at us.jpg

even him.jpg

These guys are laughing at the silly humans chasing after their own tails round and round and round.

I hope this is the last time I have to bring this trash here, Carleas, but I can’t promise anything. The cockroach can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.

Right, because instead of having to just listen to her ramble on all the time about Derek Jensen’s bullshit, I had to listen to her ramble on about your bullshit TOO.

YOU had never aggravated me during those years. Get that out of your head. It was your bullshit coming out of the mouth of someone I had to live with, that aggravated me. Your bullshit on the forum and your bullshit in my home. I couldn’t get away from it.

And whenever she said to me ‘Satyr was right about you!’ and stomped off somewhere, what it translated to was: I don’t like you insulting me because I make such a mess all over the apartment, don’t help with the dishes, and spend half the day staring at myself in the mirror, so I’m going to try to get under your skin by siding with some asshole at a forum to avenge myself.’

Strange how the penetrating psychological insight of the great Satyr is so lacking when it comes to a teenage girl he is infatuated with. You’ve always been an amateur.

There is nothing embarrassing. Nothing TRUE that’s embarrassing. At best you’d like to know I had a dry skin issue for couple months and used to scratch my ass all the time. I wonder if she told you that. I hope not. How embarrassing. What will I do?

And that idiot in jail eight years ago who tried to pick a fight? That guy who saw it all and told Natalie, who then reported it to you? Easy. When you want to stay out of solitary confinement, YOU DON’T FIGHT. NOT because you are afraid… because you are SMART. I’m not about to get locked in a closet because I got in a fight. I couldn’t give two shits what those idiot inmates think about me. Had any of them put their hands on me, they would quickly learn just how wrong they are.

You got that? Wanna write it down this time? Doesn’t matter. I’ll hear the same shit from you when the next batch of forum newbies come around and you try to insult me again.

But the small dick is typical; when you insult an angry teenage girl, you AUTOMATICALLY have a small dick. Funny though how she couldn’t keep her mouth shut while I was fucking her. And no, she wasn’t faking it. Her body told the truth.

But you would love to believe the lies that an angry eighteen year old girl would tell you about me, wouldn’t you? Especially after you failed in that slippery attempt to pull her away from me. That’s why you are a joke… a joke that only you and I share. You lost, you are still losing, and you will always lose when you fuck with me.

Let it go man. Nobody cares, least of all me. Or are you a masochist? You must be. These little Satyrean exercises in futility only serve to make you more of an ass than you already are. Do go on, 'cause I love it.

He might look feminine to you, but I bet he’s screwed more women that you’ve got a sniff of.

This look was pretty normal in the 1990s in Rock.

He probably also screwed more men that you’ve got a sniff of, but let’s leave that part out.

No shit, Sherlock. Arbiter and I were just fucking around. I wasn’t talking shit about the lead singer for skidrow. That look sells, and music died in the eighties anyway, so more power to her. Kick what is already falling.

Actually, I thought that one really IS a female, seriously :open_mouth:
The only thing which made me question it was his forearms, but otherwise, he is hairless, the face is rather feminine, and the shoulders are narrow. I thought it’s one of those tomboyish female metal musicians.

Lev, you’re the second liberal I’ve seen lately to appeal to screwing plenty of women as some sort of a relevant, desirable life goal. Aren’t you guys supposed to be feminist inclined and treat them like queens or something?

K: if I may be so bold, liberals isn’t about treating women like queens, just treating women/men equally.
Nothing more and as far as screwing women as a relevant life goal, that is a young man’s game. As you get
older you find out what sex really is, just dam hard work without the payoff and it hurts your knee’s and
hip and back and…Sex is really not worth the effort.
