Black People Mentally Lower

I think American racism is rooted in our socioeconomic history (slavery, Jim Crow, etc.). Not saying all racism can be traced to socioeconomic circumstances in the same way (perhaps phenotypical differences do account for some percentage of racism globally), but racism in America is in its own category.

Looks like it was taken out of a comedy show.

It may be easy for me, being a white male, to accept that it is white males who have, generally, been the most capable ones in the world. 90%+ of important inventors, scientists, philosophers, artists etc. etc. throughout history were white males. White European males had the superior technology, organization and cooperation skills with which they easily conquered the primitive natives of other continents. I understand how some blacks have a hard time coming to terms with facts like that, so they make up ridiculous stories and excuses - it’s a survival mechanism to emotionally cope with the harsh truth.

Imagine how it must feel to be black, and on top of that, a woman? A category of people who achieved next to nothing in history, not that black males fared much better.

naiv8y, and what is socioeconomic history, slavery, rooted in? Biology, precisely, human biology.
You’re trying to explain what is natural in terms of human constructs, ideals, instead of the other way around - explaining the ideal by finding its basis in nature.
Nature has existed for billions of years without humans, it is the human constructs that are the artifices which arise within nature, not the other way around.

Just to make it clear, since it can be very confusing for Americans - I am not an American, and I am not a religious person. I do not think within your Republican-Democrat dichotomy, or care about it. I do not identify with, nor am I willing to defend inbred rednecks just because we may share one common belief, that of acknowledging the differences between races (which the uneducated, fanatical rednecks often overemphasize too).

Pray tell where, when, and how this technology arose?

The rest is whites bestowing whites with labels of grandeur… awesome :smiley:

The above doesn’t mean that I hold blacks, Asians, Indians, or any other ethnicity in higher esteem… because I do not, as humans do what they gotta do to get by.

The real irony about people (like the racist poster above) is they’re usually under-performing whites (and so all they have is their whiteness).

These are people who cherry pick a few facts (usually fed to them by other racist idiots) and brand themselves a smart person, when in fact they’re the antithesis of intelligence.

Their worldview and synthesis of facts is purely biased, and they don’t even realize it (the signature of stupidity). But it’s no use trying to dialogue with those types. They’re just too stupid.

If racists like that were truly concerned with the integrity of the Caucasian genome, they’d stop having babies :slight_smile:

Let’s play a little game :stuck_out_tongue:

I tell you 10 white males whom I think have made important contributions to human intellectual advancement or who have done great deeds otherwise (in terms of war, conquering, exploration), and you respond to me with a list of 10 black women whom you think are of about equal importance, without whom the world and indeed, our understanding of it, just wouldn’t be the same.

You know, just for fun.

Anyway, here goes my list :slight_smile:

  1. Aristotle
  2. Isaac Newton
  3. Alexander the Great
  4. Darwin
  5. Mozart
  6. Leonardo da Vinci
  7. Nikola Tesla
  8. Charles Darwin
  9. Albert Einstein
  10. Christopher Columbus

Interested in your list.
After all, if we’re gonna seriously talk about such issues, examples are crucial. Otherwise, our words are nothing but hot air coming from our mouths, and I’m sure none of us want that, lol! :smiley:

Aside from having a little fun with your name, I have made no personal attacks at you - I remained polite and gave my honest explanations of things.

Yet according to you, I am:

  • under-performing (even though you know nothing about me personally, and have nothing to base this generalization on),
  • cherry picking a few facts (you didn’t point out which facts, and why it is cherry picking)
  • branding myself a smart person (never done that)
  • am the antithesis of intelligence (did you just call me stupid)
  • my worldview is the signature of stupidity (you almost did)
  • it is no use talking to me (hey, I think your kind is mostly no use talking to)
  • I am too stupid (ah, there, you finally said it. And not only me, but all like me. But no worries, such blatant personal insults are allowed on this forum if you’re on the right side, or, more accurately, the left side :laughing: )
  • a racist (no surprise there, even though you haven’t defined what it means to be a racist despite me specifically asking you to)
  • I should not have kids (you consider me so evil or whatever, that you think I should not reproduce. Eugenics are fine when they are orchestrated by the likes of you, and it totally doesn’t make you similar to a Nazi)

Why have you asked me to list black women? Google will gladly help you out here though…

Why are some on your list when it’s down to cultural tastes?

Why are some on your list when others preceded them doing the same?

Why are some on your list when their theories are up for question?

I know of (and studied at some point) those on your list, so make your point without me in it.

Stand back, MagsJ. I got this. Arb wants to play, we’ll play.

  1. Tina Turner; did backing vocals for Frank Zappa and was the head bitch in Beyond Thunder Dome.

  2. Condoleezza Rice; made it to the white house.

  3. Oprah Winfrey; made millions doing talk shows for an audience of bored housewives, and lost a lot of weight… then put it back on in record time.

  4. Michelle Obama; is more concerned with your nutritional health than any other person in history.

  5. Grace Jones; so bad-ass with a staff Conan took her as a partner.

  6. Big Cynthia; first female rap artist to weigh more than Big Pun.

  7. Big Cynthia; only black female to be so big she gets two spots on the ‘ten greatest black women’ list.

  8. Queen of Sheba; got good reviews in the bible.

  9. RuPaul; pioneered cross dressing for black menwomen.

  10. Michael Jackson; first black woman to do the moonwalk


Dogs originated in Europe, well before white people showed up. Those Europeans have for the most part been bred out against other races (including whites) several times over since then. I recall seeing Magsj on one of the genetics sites I used to visit, she can fill you in. I would hardly claim they are extinct, but their characteristics just aren’t dominant anymore.

Whites are little more than a Steepe Mongrol that pushed into Europe late. Blue eyes came earlier, but they were dark skinned.

Dogs were already in use throughout much of the world by this point.

Have no clue why someone would assume dogs like white people more than black, they like who feeds and shelters them. And some of these “white people domesticated breeds of Dogs” are just fucking atrocious. Miniature Poodles. You can’t blame that on black people. Not all, but most stupid useless breeds of dogs can be blamed on white people who have nothing better to do than to get groups of misfit dogs with odd traits to fuck other groups of misfit dogs with equally odd characteristics till these little freaky toy breeds emerge.

The humans who domesticated dogs in Europe split, with a population migrating away from Europe. It caused the European population to bottleneck, which is noticeable in modern genetic studies (dogs experienced this too).

In the end, we can’t point to modern Europeans or Whites as the original source, as the people who did it spread out all over. We cant even say “Africans” didn’t breed them, as that population would of looked rather black to us, just most of the people we call Africans today didn’t initially play a crucial role. Back in the day though, we were all black.

I dunno man, but I’d bet african wild dogs and hyenas might have been domesticated first.

I just don’t get this thing about having to claim who did what when first… we, as the human race, have come a (collective) long way, but the journey has only just begun, and still we fight like newly-formed tribes in their infancy.

Move on ennit.

You don’t understand it, magsy. They keep ragging on how they’ve been cleaning and neating everything up all by themselves with no recognition and want to rub it on your face every chance they get, but it’s not to be bitchy. White man just wants a little bit of recognition from time to time. They’ve been busting their asses to make you smile, and you just take it for granted. Buy them flowers, tell them they look beautiful today, ask them what they did to their hair or what perfume their’re wearing. It takes so little effort, and it really puts a smile on their faces. You gotta keep that spark going in their little blue eyes.

Arbie, you’re once… twice… three times a white maaan :wink:


There are also scientists, biologists, inventors, entrepreneurs etc. to add to that list, but I prefer yours… mine would have been something along the lines of yours, but I’m far too serious to post it. :neutral_face:

You’re pathology is commonplace in the US, nothing very interesting or mysterious. You hate because you loath yourself. Your bigotries are a reflection of your own perceived deficiencies. And in archetypal form, the characteristics of your insults towards blacks indicate that you hate yourself because deep down inside, you believe that you’re stupid.

Learn to like yourself, find that thing you’re good at (hint: internet philosophy ain’t it), and it’ll work itself out … or be the angry young man (it’s up to you, but the former will get you laid much more often).

Zoot, that was hilarious. Big Cynthia taking up 2 spots, it’s funny cause she’s fat :smiley:

Even though I have explicitly stated I am not American. This is why this child is so angry at me. It is xenophobic, afraid of something different because it doesn’t know how to deal with it. Easy to mock a crazy redneck Christian fundamentalist holding onto his bible… but what do you do against somebody who isn’t a religious person, and doesn’t care about US politics?

I have no problems admitting that blacks, on average, are better runners than whites and due to a denser muscular structure, also better in plenty other sports. Just like I have no problem admitting that blacks have higher testosterone. You know, because I care about how reality and nature actually is, I am not a politically motivated American liberal or conservative who selectively looks at parts of nature he likes, and the parts he dislikes he labels ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, or some other X-ist.

I adore myself.

What bigotries?

What insults?

People in real life, you know, those who ACTUALLY KNOW ME, tell me I like myself a bit too much.
But what the heck, why would I not take advice from somebody over the internet who knows nothing about me and has written posts to me filled with nothing but baseless assumptions, accusations, and insults.


Oooooh, it will get me laid more often? Well in that case, disregard reality and exploring it, and fuck philosophy altogether. Thanks for revealing this higher purpose of life, ‘getting laid’. A true American hedonist materialist, aren’t you.
The purpose of my life is getting laid from now on. Tell me more on how to accomplish it, master, what other parts of reality I have to ignore? Everything that causes me emotional discomfort? That doesn’t flatter my immediate interests?

Hah :laughing:
Just to make it clear, I don’t consider myself intellectually even near those people I listed, nor do I think I or other white people deserve praise and worship because of accomplishments of specific individuals.
I am just pointing out the general truth - that it is white men who have done the most important things in history.

Yes they have. Yes they have, arbie. You go, white male, and don’t let anyone say otherwise. I believe in you.


What’s your ideal?

What are you aiming for? (other than preaching negative shit that’s all been said before)

Nothing to see here.
A liberal coward deploying the usual cod psychoanalysis and reverse psychology in an effort to personalize the debate and shut it down.
What’s ironic is that this turd has been taught this drivel by others.
That is a measure of this ‘free thinker’.

Liking yourself is about fitting in, accepting the status quo.
By complying with common values you’re more likely to get laid.
Surely that’s the ultimate goal of every modern thinker?

Worst of all the simpleton actually thinks ILP is a philosophy forum.

The dynamic is one where feminization has won over a weak masculine nature in the white liberal male.
He finds safety in hiding behind institutions who act as proxy alphas.
Hence he condemns loudly and uses emotive, feminine tactics to undermine his opponent.
But he is only a surrogate male, not a real one, getting his authority from the establishment.

The give away of a typical beta is using the possibility of sex to placate rebellious, more masculine males.
It’s something that can be observed extensively in primate groups.