I challenge you, forum members.

Why do you not hate life? I’m up for any defence you have to offer.

Is that even debatable: for you will only tell others they hate life, and where’s the scientific weight in that?


I don’t understand exactly what you mean. ‘Why don’t I hate all things that are alive, including myself.’ Is that what you want to know?–because I don’t see what else you can mean by the term “life.”

Anyway, going with that assumption here’s what I have to say: The emotion that arises out of me is not relative to my reason, hence I cannot give you a reason why I’ve decided to hate or love a thing that lives, because I did not cause myself, through reason, to love or hate anything.

That I sometimes associate an animal with a positive or a negative reaction is, I imagine, because of Pavlovian reasons. When I see a dog a positive emotion arises in me–favorable chemical reactions occur in my brain–because in the past I’ve had good interactions with dogs. Snakes evoke in me a different reaction.

I don’t know what specific thing or series of things caused my body to react to snakes in such a way. All that I am aware of is I don’t have favorable feelings associated with snakes, and that I did not at any point contemplate whether it’s logically sound to love or hate snakes, hence reasons did not play a role.

The same thing goes for my own duration, my own life. I eat, sleep, love, hate, hurt, etc, and have only a favorable emotion evoked in me whenever I reflect upon my own life. Again, here reason is not involved.

The possibility for me to use my reason as a means of control over my emotions is not there. I don’t have that power, and if everyone else is like me, then no one else has that power either.

That some hate living things is not because they’re stumbled upon a grand transcendent logical argument that concludes soundly into “Life ought to be hated.” People don’t hate or love because of reasons.

I’ll pick you, Erlir.

You hate the entirety of it all - that’s what you knew I meant. Eating arises a “positive” emotion; does that mean I “love” life? No, it means that I desire food if I live. You are driven by negativity; not positivity.

Life not ought to be hated; you just do hate it. All people hate, because all people are life, and life is against itself. Life fights with itself; there is no harmony.

It is natural that a human would hate the macrocosm for his situation. You are no different, Erlir.

If you believe in “happiness”, then we most certainly can have a debate going. I don’t care who the judges are.

…but there is no logic in what you have just said, Aidan - you’ll be in a lose/lose position from the out-set!

Please shut up if you don’t want to prove it then.

How are you going to show that “all people hate life.” You can’t. You can’t generalize about anything, and you especially can’t universally generalize when you only have yourself as an instance of someone hating life.

You can’t go from I hate life to All people hate life. And if you can, then hell, don’t waste your time on forums like these. Publish quick, because you’re found the way to a science of bodies.

I am not life. I am alive. I don’t eat life. I eat other living things. I don’t fight life. I fight other living things.

Life is not a physical object capable of fighting or being against anything. It’s a generalized conceptual form of matter. Your argument depends on dull metaphors.

Hah. I’ve got you now, zombie–you valuer of harmony! Is there then any question as to why you desire death?

Your position is too poor for one.

What purpose would it serve? Why expend energy hating the inevitable?

…And to call it a defence assumes it needs to be defended, which makes me think you need medication for depression.

Uh…yes I can. We are living creatures who are under the same laws of nature as anything else. I want to prove you (whatever that is) hate life.
It’s not myself as the only instance of someone hating life. Are you actually serious?

You are life! You might be the microcosm, but you are still life.

What exactly are you trying to get at? It is an objective physical thing that wills itself, and if need be, fights with itself to appease itself going. The microcosms of the macrocosm are against itself; chaos.

Yeah, you’ve got me… :unamused:

I don’t want “harmony” or anything from this world. I don’t value anything. I don’t desire death or life. I don’t know what I desire.

Alright then, if it’s so poor, surely your massive brain can prove it is in a debate. This simpleton here surely cannot conceive of your intellect, so you could prove your “power” over me and show it to me.

I believe that the Übermenschen here would support that idea.

Because you just hate it, regardless if you know it’s coming.

We don’t need to do anything. But if you feel up to challenging the claim that I think you hate it, by all means go ahead.

Here’s one argument: We hate life because we objectively realise that our lives are futile and that we are insignificant. The brain realises that there is no point in persevering for anything. It opposes us with it’s painful obsoleteness. Hate is not the opposite of “love”. Hate is the feeling of wanting to oppose something that opposes you. Everything is flux. There is a reaction in everything. Hate is a reaction. If you say that you do not react to life, how can you possibly be a living creature of this world?

Saying that you don’t “hate” life is simply a fabrication of the mind so that the realisation of your predicament isn’t as strong. You know you can never oppose it completely…

Aidan, stop talking and listen for once: to the sound advice in this^^^ post!

Um…I did. My response was: You hate it death regardless whether you know death is coming or not. Hatred is a reaction to it.

…sure you did!

…and therein your problem lies!

What makes you think you’re exempt from that?

I’m not exempt from death, but everything up until then is debatable.

I love life.

No, exempt from “hating”.

I love life.

Strange, it doesn’t seem to be making any difference to my predicament…