Twerking: Empowers or Objectifies Women?

I saw you in the audience of that video Magsj.

Couldn’t have been me that day… I was otherwise disposed.

I don’t care for that subject matter, or for those women and their concerns.

Your denials only raise my suspicions. Gonna see if I can download some sort of video zooming program on the android store, I swear, one of the women looked like you. I think your potential constituents deserve to know your real stance on twerking.


You always see my expression of my position or stance on a matter as a denial. Why? talk to me man… what’s going on? I’m here to debate not banter, but I can do both, but you seem to think I prefer only the latter. Stereotyping much, are we, or simply a case of projection?

If people want to twerk and be twerked at, then that is their business… that is my stance on the matter, and one my future constituents would probably agree with and applaud… the fun loving crazy beings that they are :stuck_out_tongue:

To summarise: each to their own.

Actually, and maybe this is just me, but a lot of the feminists I’ve encountered have been good-looking.

People who say feminists are fat and ugly are, many times, so it seems, just trying to hurt their feelings.

Yeah, you will stumble upon some ugly and fat ones, but you can just as easily find some who are good looking.

Not trying to advocate for modern day feminism at all; I abhor it, it disgusts me.

Just being honest.

There are no beautiful feminists. There are beautiful women who subscribe to feminism because it is popular.

Be mothers?

But you’re a follower and creator of modern trends so . . .

See my thread about Strong Black Independent Woman. Modern women are usually single, cuck their husbands then dump them, then brainwash their kids into being liberals. Ancient women were different that’s true, but we are talking about modern society modern trends.

We are talking about modern philosophy and modern trends, you don’t bring a blackpowder revolver to a gunfight against 357 magnum.

True, if you mean on the inside.


Anita Sarkeesian, contrary to a lot of degrading remarks about her character and physical appearance, is, actually, fairly attractive.
She isn’t a 10, but definitely not below a 7.

She is probably ugly on the inside though.

2/10 would not bang

I am very sceptical of this because that figure is just way too high

Ok 75 percent then.

Even man hating, Gothic dressed dyke feminists are seeking to be objectified, why they dress that way.

Never understood Gothic dress anymore than I understand hippy clothes or the freakish tight clothes.

Gothic clothing is a tribute to the Victorian error, a type where people dressed with beauty and with grace.

eh i’m a man, but I think some women twerk so that when a man grinds his dick on her ass she can feel its size

it objectifies men, duh

Women being objectified has much less to do about women than it does in selectively shifting through the need to categorizing men, as it is ultimately down to the mans arousal and acceptance (he self identifies himself as easy and too easily impressed). It is about perception, and when a Nietzschean like Fixed Cross combines a theory of perception into the sloppy theological notions of “power”, it opens up a massive can of works. We find Power-As-Object is mostly shallow, dependent on the obvious fact men look for sex, womrn present it, but like in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, it is largely a mans own internal constructs at play. There is no power inherent in women, it was all just in ourselves all along. That’s the Whore-Madonna Paradox. There is no “Power”,and no Will to strive against a eternal thing, it is always within, and it is largely hardwired, involuntary how we cycle through it all. Women play along, they need out sperm before menupause, and our support financially raiding a child. They will play along to ensure the children’s well being.

Twerking is the lamest, most shameless lowest form of courtship there is. No real attempt to exhibit years of learning to sing or dance or having great dance or style, you just bend over and shake it, hoping the guy’s standards are so low that he accepts it. Undoubtedly twerking leads to baby Einsteins being born. I’d rather a fixed marriage, better chance of compatible mates and offspring going in blind than the baboon philosophy of “shake thy booty”. … _Poliphili

Twerking == White women shaking their booty to Black Rap.

aka: BoB

{{ gee … can’t image why it is being promoted so much }} :icon-rolleyes: