Why isn't the Ocean Tea?

Claim to be? what do you mean CLAIM to be? :angry-steamingears: I bloody well AM! well… half anyway 8-[ mixed with other things :smiley:

Most Indians cannot digest milk, but they can yoghurt, hence why a lot of Indian recipes use yoghurt… ergo tandoori chicken and other succulent tandoor meats.

Non-Europeans salt, rather than pickle, their fish… it’s absolutely delicious stuff.

I tried some rollmop once… never again :-& same goes for jellied eels :-&

I can eat some of that fish in the first picture, but not that bowl of rotting sauerkraut below. Only reasons Germans ate Sauerkraut was because we lacked refrigeration in the old days, and it never went bad in the heat… because it was never good to begin with. Good way to preserve your crop, like Kimchi. All the Kimchi here sucks, makes my anus bleed. In Hawaii, I had wide selections of very nice brands. Sauerkraut is like, vanilla Kimchi for boring people.


Fish! That’s a quarter chicken Turd… tandoori chicken no less, and it’s more aromatic than spicy, so restaurants usually recommend it to those that aren’t good with spicy foods - don’t tell me you’ve never had Indian food #-o

Sauerkraut! That’s salt fish Turd… pan fried with onions and capsicums no less, and it’s now eaten by those beyond the Caribbean community thanks to multiculturalism and Jamie Oliver :laughing: don’t tell me you’ve never had Caribbean food #-o


I’d give it a try Turd… lived on Russian cuisine for 10 days in 1989, and their borscht, bread n butter, caviar and yoghurt weren’t bad at all, but I’d give all the rest a miss… think we each lost half a stone over those 10 days, but we gained an understanding of our Communist peers.

You tried a turd before, a Russian one at that?


I’ve never had kimchi before… don’t even know what it is, but I’m guessing my inorganics intolerance wouldn’t allow me to try it.

Actually, it is usually made organic.

Over here, kimchi is uttered in the same breathe as ramen… hailed as the saviour of the discontented British palate because of the infinite variations of the dish that one can order.

Well I’ve done my kimchi homework and I’ll go with the second region, and any other regions that don’t add gluten-based sauces to theirs’ and that do use sea fare.

That bowl is not Kimchi. It is a dead sea animal.

I’ll throw a bit of fermented cabbage in, ok :wink:


I just saw this thread.

Turd, you have sunk to an all time low. I don’t even think I need to explain why.

Tea? The ocean? Really??? I mean, really fucking really???

Are you experimenting or something? Is ILP a laboratory to you?

Hmmm… what does happen when leaves fall into the ocean? I mean, I’m so fucking curious. Man this is stimulating conversation… really!

I mean, I can’t think of why the ocean doesn’t turn into tea. My imagination is so fucking weak that I can’t think of a single reason why not. It’s just a fucking boggling mystery of the mind, it’s got to have scientists the world over stumped!

Man, there’s nothing better to occupy the mind with… I’m just going to continue being mesmerized by this question for a few days now… will get back to you with some insights. TTFN.

Happy New Year, BTW :text-happynewyear: :occasion-balloons: :obscene-smokingweed: :flags-canada:


It’s because water likes salt and mold likes fresh water. :sunglasses:

NAPPY MEW EARS, gibby!!!

What’s your new years desolation?

:obscene-drinkingcheers: :occasion-balloons: :occasion-partyblower:
:obscene-drinkingbuddies: :banana-skier: :banana-parachute: :obscene-drinkingdrunk:
:puke-huge: :sleeping-drool: :sleeping-yellow:


To troll Turd’s threads as much as possible.


All I know about Tithonus is that he was the son of King Laomedon of Troy; also kidnapped by Eos, Goddess of the Dawn, to be her lover. ← I don’t know if that’s such a bad fate–to be the lover of a Goddess.

And is that another cicada?


^^ Let me guess, those are cicada’s… wait, is that Tithonus as he transitions into a cicada as he reaches old age? Will have to read up on the myth.

^^ I’m a druggie, not an addict. I gave up smoking. I’m three weeks into a two month binge away from all drugs except alcohol and caffeine–done it several times before (sometimes with the alcohol and caffeine, sometimes without… different combinations). An addict can’t do that. In fact, I actually don’t find it that hard. The thing with me is that it comes down to choice. Sometimes I’ll choose drugs and alcohol, sometimes I’ll choose abstinence. A total commitment to life long abstinence may be in my future, but currently I’m on a two year plan (maybe 3 years) after which point I definitely think I’ll choose a full year of abstinence. The details are complicated and you don’t deserve an explanation.

Ok, so here’s the connection:

It’s funny, the painting illustrates a completely different picture from this–the cicada shedding its skin and sprouting wings, almost as if it represented death, or some kind of transition into a state of freedom.

Turds, are you saying that I’ve gone through a transformation, that I’m going through a transformation, or that I will go through a transformation. And from what into what?

This is all too fitting with my dream of late and my life in the last six months.