What are you doing? (Part 1)

They don’t make em like that anymore.
See this is what I mean with cultured.

I think 3d games are gutter trash.

I mean, 3d engine games.

I had a discussion about this with Parodites, who didn’t think it was reasonable to just reject that entire field of human creativity.
But it makes me depressed.
These games all have the sense of wanting to replace reality with a more satisfying version. But then the choices which are made to replace reality with are so godforsaken sad.
Plus its is boring, that whole setup of blubbering through a prefab environment pretending like you’re discovering things.
That was fun when it was cute, small, fairy tale like. But when it started to pretend being serious, it started to numb minds.

Right. Like [above] you never heard of Tyler Durden. Trust me though, them and their ilk know all about you and your ilk.

If me and my ilk do say so ourselves. :wink:

In fact I would say only someone like Parodites, and in a certain way Sauwelios, only true dedicated Hermits, would be justified in having an FPS in their life.

For general “3D games” I make an exception of GTA because every rule has to have an exception and this is clearly it. Still the same emotional rules apply. It sucks, from an astral level. Its so much less than free flowing mindscaping or even lucid dreaming and it has literally nothing to offer on top of it.

Also GTA can easily be hacked and you get access to the whole engine. Thats gives access to something which could technically become an important artform for the post-postmodernist revival of psychoanalysis.

If Freud would be bored with an imaginative environment, it is not really there for you.

Also all top down games of the Sim City, Civilization and Chess paradigm are flatview “2D games” and take place on an Archeypical level. Intelligence has more than a marginal, reactive involvement. You’re not training for the mindset of a trivial goon. True nerds will have proper lives with them.

You have to have (I have to) a philosophy about video games, or you’re (Im) not really a philosopher of the game in which video games take place.

I would like to be doctor of video gaming.
Ive been there in the epic of its rising from primitive to complete. I really know it because I had Mike Tysons Punch Out as my 5th NES game. Before the NES I had an Atari for a short while but my grandma knowed, from the tv commercials that she could do us a big favour. The store owner was so proud of the existence of the NES in his store, that he took the Atari back and reached over to the open attic (he was very tall) and got the nintendo box.

That was a good day.


Truth. I always went back to Glass Joe though if I got KOd because it was so much fun beating up all these idiots.

4am. No food here, everything shut. Starving!


Remember the power glove?

Yeah but what are you gonna do?

Only from Nintendo Power.

Have you been smoking marijuana?

You axin too many questions. You with the po po?

You do know that all these posts go straight to Tyler Durden, right? That he himself will judge you in the end. :sunglasses:


I mean, my mind lends itself very well for detective work.
Have you ever done those detective tests online? They’re funny.
Some of them somewhat challenging even.
But the same mindset is useful in other things, like stock trading and reading between the lines of political narratives for upcoming events. The key is to not be able to take appearances at face value.

It makes me a weird person. I always see whats behind someones eyes and this is so thoroughly tiresome (because nearly everyone is in constant agony over themselves on some level) that Ive gotten used to blocking it out and just playing dumb.

An eviler man than myself would have used all this psychic x-ray vision early on to establish an empire of gambling and prostitution and blackmail. I think this is why Pezer wanted to meet up with me initially. To do some damage.
A girl once tried to get me to be her pimp, too. I had two very qualified employees ready. But I felt I should keep on with my studies.

The problem is you have to believe in the law you enforce.
I can only police my own freedom.

Laws aren’t even real man.

“Portrait of a Dumbass”, phoneutria, graphite on paper, 2018. All rights reserved or I bussacap inyoass.

Man that guy’s handsome.

That you Prom?