What are you doing? (Part 1)

Grow some weed.

Who hurt you?


I made a fake twitter account with no picture and a fake name and I’ve got a little over 18k followers.

Now that would be grown on the windowsill, not in the garden. :wink:

Here, I’ll let him explain: youtu.be/3wAm2HAx7i0

Is that Stevie Ray Smears on the strat a couple posts up?

Id buy that for a dollar. Enviable skills.

It happens when you get a guitar before you’re old enough to drive. I can ramble on indefinitely so long as someone keeps the beat.

I watched like 10 seconds of that and had to turn it off. I don’t know what the message is, but the delivery was repulsive.

On this thread, given the OP, what could that possibly even mean?!

How about we take it to the philosophy board? There, among other things, we could discuss instances of misogyny here
at ILP. :wink:

You are like actually civilized and cultured. Most of us here are strictly barbarian.

Do you do this to people that you encounter in real life? Like you walk past a few guys talking about sports and you insist that they have a “serious philosophy conversation” with you, and then when someone bites you just do that whole circular bit that you’ve been stuck in for years until they deem you a flawed thinker unable to see the forest for the trees just before you pat yourself on the back and credit yourself with the win? It’s weird man. Social skills are important. You’ve got to work on that.

I’m not sure whether this is some epic level sarcasm or if it’s an actual compliment. If the former, congrats on that. If the latter, thanks, I would say I try, but I don’t try very much.

The great philosopher Kanye West once said, “When you try hard, that’s when you die hard.”

Nope. Discussions of philosophy only occur to me when I am in a venue created for the very purpose of discussing philosophy. For all that stuff the sports buffs crave there’s ESPN, Facebook, Twitter and the zillions of other outlets that cater to their need for the latest scores.

Or, rather, there will be once we have sports again.

Social skills? Don’t need them anymore. That was for a time when I actually had social interactions. But that’s embedded in a “personal problem”, embodied in dasein.

I know, let’s take that to the philosophy board. :wink:

Besides, you are still that cool, sophisticated dude every woman wants, and every man wants to be. And that surely transcends philosophy.

Speaking of which, say hello to Marla Singer for me. :laughing:

Only the best can survive the battle Royale of fallout 76’s nuclear winter tournament. After the nuclear war, the vault decided to hold a competition to see who was fit to be the next overseer. this champion would lead the rebuilding of the new world. And that champion is going to be me.

Before entering you are assigned a random four member team, which is done in the tournament registration district. This can sometimes take several minutes though. Sometimes I wanna just put my superhero suit on and say fuck the fight… let’s just party. But when you got moves like me you can do that.



Others I’m afraid are not fond of this idea, as you will see. There’s so many haters in this game…


Way to go, in putting another obstacle in the way of my purchase. :neutral_face:

I’ll check out the video, but I can’t assure I’ll understand it.

I have no idea who Marla Singer is.

I had a roommate once who played fallout 3, and while I was in a drunken stupor he convinced me to create a character. It’s the only video game I’ve really played since Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. I played it for a while and killed pretty much everything in the game, then it got boring and I gave it away with the xbox and all that. I’m just not cut out to spend that much time doing that stuff man. It makes me insane.