What are you doing? (Part 1)

Whipped cream so thick you’cuh eat it with a straw…


Woah holy shit get a second look at that cloud.

Mm-hm. snake head. See the fangs? The sylphs are trying to communicate with me and that shit is an omen or a symbol or something. Probably isn’t a good thing seeing how it’s not something cooler like an eagle or a dragon or a tiger. Those are universal symbols of good times and fortune. A snake can’t be good, though. Snakes are bad guys in all mythology, right?

A cheap Steve Howe walk down rip-off.


Holy shit I haven’t listened to that song in fifteen years easy. I forgot how badass it was. That’s how you handle an acoustic guitar, Steve.

No, that’s good. Snakes symbolize healing/medical knowledge hence you get lots of medical logos with the snakes in them. The healing may be more spiritual or psychological than physical which is symbolized by the snake leaving his old skin behind. It looks like there may be a big shift for you soon, prom… a new skin?


Is life weird to you guys?

One Drove Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


I’ve lived a long time and lived through a lot of very ‘interesting’ things but this is the weirdest thing I’ve experienced in my life.

If you only look at it on the surface and listen to the corporate media, it’s just a very bad flu we need to shelter from until it passes. If you see the structural changes that are happening in the background, you’ll see that the world will never be the same again after this.

We’ll increasingly get ‘locked-down’, not just physically, but in every form. Over time, we’ll be locked down in what we say, what we think and what we’re allowed to do. The technology is here now and it’s about to be used. This is a massive power shift.

This is a turning point in history.

I have a keyboard arriving this week, should be fun. See how good i can get during lockdown.

looks like it’s coming today, the challenges starts soon…


learning starts now

first part practice


What’s that next to this: youtu.be/A_dwdoOQhpo

still going…getting better


Okay there Bruce Hornsby.

lil somethin extra in there


Alright sounds to me like you got the chords right, so here’s what you do. Forget the song… instead fuck around with those chords and come up with some licks. Then you’re gonna phrase those licks together, come up with some riffs, and put the riffs together to make a song.

Licks > phrasing > riffs > song

And you don’t gotta keep trying to get that little tremelo thing at the beginning right. You’re wasting time with that triviality. Instead remember those notes and use em somewhere when you’re figuring out licks.

The point of this method is to check first for any natural capacity to make music. That’s why we aren’t concerned with learning the song, but rather if you can put chords and notes together competently and without instruction. Learning songs is great exercise… don’t get me wrong. We’re not saying ‘don’t do that’… we’re saying wait don’t do that yet. Let’s first see if he is able to recognize those chords and notes and do something with them without be showed.

Oh naw I’m fixin to get my blues licks back like when me and Leroy growed his weed. I won’t never really good at the blues but I got that arpeggio sweep right on the last round. that’s some dirty shit there.


i did some experimenting…
