The noble task of erradicating white-"supremacy" from Europe

autist supremacy (white)


The west is in defeat and conquest at once, this is Orlog.

But two sides of the coin are divided by an ocean.

Europe is immersed in the old form of death, granite forms built to defeat death but functioning to trap man kind in a premature tomb, temples without air.

But the trance is only a thought and the sorrow is transient because all is eternal underneath, to value one grain of sand would take an eternity to do it right and whole, all is more than itself.

Where storm is self, the world is eternal. Odin lives because he is mortal.

Standard mainstream thinking from the clan.

[b]So why all this alarm about terrorism or Muslim invasion from you two?

  • The joy of seeing things destroyed, like watching a car accident.[/b]

If only Europe would listen to the hoodwinked clan, with their already prevalent thinking, it would all be better…
I see you feeling not worshipped enough, feeling not valued enough by society and so you say fuck them.
That’s also what value-ontology tries to get Fixed. If society at large doesn’t value me then I have to value myself by constructing an alternate story.

That’s also where a large part of your projecting stems from. The under-appreciated ‘basement dweller’.
Alienation is increasing for most people but not everybody comes to the same conclusions as to why that is.

As for race, it’s pretty much always those who are in part not of a particular ethnicity or are somehow involved with someone who is not part of it, who actively attack said ethnicity.
Race doesn’t matter, trust me, you evil White “Supremacists”.

White Supremacist = People who want to remain White.
Thus they attack all identity and ideas which enable Whites to assert this will for their preservation.

I think that if you think that self is determined by external conditions (such as culture) rather than internal conditions (such as biology) that that alone proves that you have no sense of self whatsoever.

It does not matter how loud you scream. It won’t make it true.

It is my personal observation that not a single one of my inclinations (and traits in general) is determined by culture. Rather, they are merely shaped by it: they are either allowed to develop or they are stunted.

What geniuses did negroes and aborigines produce? So no, geniuses aren’t a part of every genetic lineage, and the average differences in intelligence means that even the significantly stupider members of one race can be more intelligent than the above average members of another race.

Where did culture come from? Does it appear out of thin air? How does it come about? Did biological organisms exist first, or culture? The answer, in short - blood (biology) + soil (environment).

Genes are the foundation for an organism, an organism develops based on its genetic code. That’s why errors in the genetic code can be so devastating, and why genes matter. So yes, ideas do come from genes in an indirect sense, since a brain develops based on genes and ideas come from the brain.

As for Hitler, you only prove my point. You accuse other Europeans of wringing their hands, placating Hitler, and being complacent. EXACTLY. If other Europeans all made their own versions of Nazism (such as Italian Fascism), they would have been much more powerful and not only Hitler couldn’t invade them as easily, he probably wouldn’t even want to.

Yeah, yeah, Germany had Italy and Japan on their side… still, this is how the situation looked like:

World War? More like a war of the World vs a few tiny countries. WW2 was a desperate war against degeneracy and global Jewry. However you put it though, the factors of patriarchy, militarism, and nationalism are what make countries powerful and the only reason the Axis ever gave as much resistance as it did, given that it was up against the entire world.

Do you think these 3-4 little Axis countries would have been any threat whatsoever if instead they were a bunch of liberal, feminist, effete hippies?

Yay, Germany lost…

You’re a real piece of shit. I mean that, sincerely. I’m done here.

I am still interested in this theory of yours according to which one’s sense of self is socially constructed, basically, just a mask one wears for the purpose of survival within a community, I suppose.

It’s unfortunate that you got scared away. Maybe AutSider can promise to go easy on you?

Yes, maybe autsider could take a shower, if his parents basement where he is locked in is equipped with one.

It’s very nice of you that you are concerned about other people’s health. So compassionate. Mother must be very proud of you.

all this thread was meant to do is expose the nature of whitesupremacism. That worked flawlessly.
It is of the same desperately uncultured nature as the worst of the immigrants. Spitting image.


I don’t know what White Supremacism is but I do know you’re a fag. Were you not the one who fucked a guy in a toga, most likely Sauwelios? That makes you a fag in my book. What makes you think that Fag Supremacism is better than White Supremacism, girl? Don’t care if you wash your dick after you put it in someone else’s ass. It’s still gross.

Right, power is something that you either have or you don’t. It’s simple as that. And if you do have power, then you’re not afraid of other types. Apparently because if you have power you’re so powerful noone can threaten to suffocate the expression of your type. In other words, power means absolute power. I get it, okay?


If Mixxy is tolerant of other types, if he does not see them as a threat, if he is not bothered by the actions of other people, if he’s perfectly content in his tiny little world, then that must mean he has power, right? There is no other possibility. Mixxy is power.

White Supremacy is people who want to remain White (or a European ethnicity, same angle of attack) and who are in favour of things which enable them to achieve this objective.

So eradicating White Supremacy is the underhanded way of saying eradicating Europeans through mixxing it up.
That mixxing gonna fixx it.

But it’s okay, because differences within group A are larger than between the averages of different races.
You know how I am certain about this without even having read a specific paper on it?
Because Gauss-curves are pretty broad, very unlikely to find those said outliers within a certain group, but still, it’s very, very wide.
And one IQ 140 sub-Saharan African we might find if we are lucky is worth more than all the averages in the world.

You all don’t understand.
Fixed is gonna be part of the elite and he is going to rule with his exotic rare genius friends over a mass of Mulatto consumer-peasants with an IQ of 90.
It’s gonna be like the (((Ghetto))) model in Eastern Europe at the time.

I agree, I feel so culturally enriched thanks to diversity that it deeply saddens me homogeneous nations like Israel, South Korea and Japan aren’t also sharing in the benefits and joys.
I think we should send millions of Algerians, Dominicans, Haitians, Colombians and Guatemalans there way…they need them over there.

That Japs stopped fucking altogether.
Birth rate will be like. .2% soon.

Whats going on?

Porn, mostly.

All these mean words hurt my feelings :cry:

Porn is a symptom of the decline in birthrates, not the cause. You people are so clueless.

White Sharia under Imam Autsider

Oh how badly they want our continent.
but we’ll bury their will… we’ll bury it bigly.

Right. Truth, which is reality, will not tolerate the will to la la land.