The noble task of erradicating white-"supremacy" from Europe

“Mixed Cross” :laughing:

“Dorian usurper” more like “Jewish subverter”. Mixed Cross, the Jewish subverter. Seems right.

Nature doesn’t know equality. It only consists of different degrees of superiority and inferiority.

Therefore if (((Mixed))) here is saying whites shouldn’t strive to be superior, there’s only one option left and it becomes very clear what he’s really arguing for. Well not exactly “arguing”, just “advocating”.

And like a typical member of the chosen tribe he takes delight in the idea of genociding the white goyim and hopes for their extinction. But he’s a good guy.

You two are very ugly. I dont mean just your faces and bodies. I mean the victimization complex that you have.

Please dont count on any healthily formed white humans to identify with your stuttering and stammering about the weakness of your race.

This alone, the notion that the white race should be scared and protected… considering all the power in white hands, how low on the ladder would these victims have to be?

far lower, it seems, than any black ghetto dwellers. But then that is clear, as these gettodwellers are the structural object of Autsiders and yssys focus and envy.

The scared and unsightly want to be supreme. What else is new. Well, whats new is that they can speak without being seen… i.e. they have found sanctuary.

all the power in (((white hands))), says the hook nosed Jew

And the little power that really is in white hands, is being used to systematically self-destruct while the enemies are growing stronger and more numerous.

But there’s no reason to worry goy, you’re just being paranoid. Except that I explicitly tell you your extinction is on the way like this:

" I hope their demise wont be too protracted. It should be over in a century or so."

Wooops, what is that? A contradiction? Oy vey, logic is a white male social construct that only applies to goyim anyway.

Us chosen ones can tell you your demise is coming within a century or so whilst at the same time telling you there’s no reason to worry about anything because of all the power in your hands.

Your demise, ugly.

Not of any proper European.

Yes, if they fixate on one trait (such as skin color) and ignore all other.

I can think of many Whites I am more than willing not to cooperate with. Skin color is just a single trait. A single trait in common does not make strong bonds.

The same logic can be applied to interracial relationships. A single trait in common with a Black person does not make a strong bond.

“Your” as in who? You said “their demise”, not “his [my] demise”. So whose? And what kind of demise? Who are proper Europeans? Are Europeans who advocate for the kind of principles which fail to ensure the existence of their people and make them go extinct in the future “proper”? Are Arabs and niggers who live in Europe “proper Europeans”?

Are you just lying to avoid the contradiction? Certainly looks like it to me.

Autism is a very sad thing.

:laughing: :laughing:


But yeah, its such a sad spectacle man, all these folks out there in Europe trying to feel special with so little going for them.

We must learn to laugh at their demise, and no longer pretend it can be averted.

“White Supremacy”… I mean really.
what self-respecting person has ever not turned his nose away? There has literally been no caucasian with any sort of legacy that associated with such things even as a joke.

I wonder if the best way to deal with them is not to stir them up.
None of them can fight, none of them has the intelligence to work with other groups, none of them has any money, and none of them is liked by anyone that isn’t unsightly as well.
Id think if we get them bold enough to try something, they’ll run into reality and be washed away like flies from a windshield.

“White Supremacy” is essentially a nerd-hobby. Its for people that would never dream of revealing who they are. It would be very funny if we could tempt them to … get some air. That would be so dangerous for them!

What do you make of this video, Fixed

I imagine a group of overweight guys in little secret group meetings in the basement of a library somewhere, or in their mom’s basement, with one guy sitting close to the door to make sure no one wanders near. Then they pull out their little notebooks and breath a sigh of relief they can finally “be honest” about how the White Man is oppressed and how they have to fight for their race. But of course they make sure to whisper because maybe the walls aren’t quite thick enough to be trusted for them not to be overheard. Lol.

This is probably the most generous depiction of a white supremacist that is even possible, haha.


“Can we have some Adolf?”

Still nothing except poor attempts to insult the other side. Very telling.

Not that I expected anything more, but it’s good to now and then give you the chance if only to reaffirm my judgment of you, reminding me why I made it in the first place.

Culture trumps ‘race’. Cultures create successful or unsuccessful races to a much larger extent than races create successful or unsuccessful cultures. You don’t get that ideas are not “genetic” and bound to skin color or any genetic line; ideas are immaterial and spread to any able minds willing to make the effort. We don’t live in tribes anymore, in case you haven’t noticed.

You say words like white, black, niggers, sand niggers as if these actually mean something. They don’t, all it shows is your own ignorance and pathetic self-loathing, your utter lack of a coherent self and any real pride in yourself.

A good culture is not bound to any race, and will tend to spread to people of many different racial (genetic) lineages. There may be minor genetic differences between those races in terms of key attributes like IQ, but such minor differences (if they do exist, I am only assuming they do because I’ve never seen scientific proof of it) are eclipsed by the influence of culture. And a great culture more than compensates for any genetic differences in meaningful traits.

You “white supremacist” types are a joke upon the human species. It’s a good thing that extreme idiocy such as you espouse is so utterly self-defeating, so that it is naturally prevented from acquiring any serious power or influence.

And the funniest thing of all is you look at me as some kind of leftie multiculturalist or something. It’s hilarious how utterly dense and banal you types are.

That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve had this argument in the past with people more knowledgeable than you and Mixed here.



More than a standard deviation difference in IQ isn’t minor at all. And it’s not only IQ. It’s an entirely different way of life, different way of being stemming from different blood, as well as general differences in physical and mental traits going far beyond skin color.

Actually no, what the likes of you and Mixed Cross promote is self-defeating. White nationalists/supremacists are the only ones trying to prevent it, and yes, they are a minority.

You can imagine just how self-defeating it is if you take Nazi Germany as an example - it took the entire world to stop it, to defeat one little Germany, and Germany still inflicted more than double military casualties to their enemy. Imagine if all majority white nations united in a similar militaristic, highly advanced, blood-based patriarchy. If they did that whites could, if they wanted to, raise an army and conquer the entire world in a few years, then proceed to exploring space. This is how “utterly self-defeating” white nationalism and supremacy are. In reality they are extremely powerful which is why the enemies of whites are trying to prevent it from happening. You are either oblivious to this or you are actively and consciously participating in this subversion. Which one is it?

On the other hand, if everybody adopted the other extreme - liberalism, “progressivism”, feminism, multiculturalism, etc. that would just accelerate the self-destruction of whites and the Islamic takeover.

What you and Mixed are proposing is something inbetween that’s neither here nor there and attempts to be the “moderate center”, but since society is so insanely leftist right now the center is still just a slow death.

You’re just cowards afraid to take a stand for actual principles because you don’t want to be part of a minority that is considered “evil”, “immoral” and such nonsense by the mainstream society. You’re cucked little bitchboys, in short.

Genetic differences are far more the case between individuals of one race than they are as an average between races. You’re not even thinking. If this were not the case then you wouldn’t have geniuses in every part of the genetic lineage of humanity, and you wouldn’t have such a massive range from stupid to smart within one race.

Culture is the final arbiter. Genetics can and often are supplemented by experience to overcome and stretch limits or, clearly in your case, retard them even further.

I’ve heard that whole “it took the whole world to stop Hitler” nonsense before. Hitler would never have gotten that far without massive Japan and Italian assistance, and without the other Europeans wringing their hands and placating Hitler while he built up a huge army. Europe was still recovering from the First World War also, of course.

Imagine playing a game of Risk, where the European counties have only a few armies each, due to devastation from a recent war; then build up a huge number of armies on Germany and let it coordinate a “surprise” (because the rest of Europe was so complacent, sort of like right now) assault. You also forget that the USSR didn’t get involved until Germany attacked them later in the war, because Stalin and Hitler had a pact.

You’re just a bumbling idiot. If the rest of Europe were not so devastated already, so complacent, if Italy and Japan didn’t help Germany, if Russia didn’t side with Hitler, and if the US didn’t sit on its ass until practically the end of the war, then the Nazis would not have come nearly as far as they did. And guess what, he lost anyway. Why? Well in part maybe he shouldn’t have been kicking out geniuses like Einstein from his “white supremacy”.

I’m tired of your troll games. That’s all white supremacy is, a religion for trolls. I’d tell you to go troll elsewhere except it’s preferable that you air your idiocies in public where everyone can see them. If you’re accomplishing anything by recruiting one or two other autistics to your cause, for every one you’re consolidating in the minds of even the semi-intelligent what an utter piece of garbage is the ideology you worship.

The great Fixed Cross says that someone told him to never apologize, who is a person that otherwise showed little sensibility, so he apologizes.
“Feelings have been hurt.”

Let it be known that no personal attacks will follow.

The statements stand as follows:
-supremacism is only supremacismic when its elitist thus addresses specifics and special attribute like “Dorian” vs “barbarian”
-racial supremacism is for people who never leave their house or actually like their neighbors.… which is of course highly suspect.

Odin watches over you, children.
First motions, strong potions
Hvergelmir baptize your children


[tab]dont read this[/tab]
all weathers are wild
you know what this means?
wolf age, axe age
when evil disirs fly

First motions.

Ideas don’t come from genes, idiot.

And actually I take back the autism references. I would never insult autistic people by associating them with you.

Yes, thats really fair.

autists are generally often too cool to interact with morons.

Some autists turn out to be savants and never criminals.

autism isnt the same as asperger syndrome.

autsider means Austria -sider methinks.

Not Viennese though.

what will prevail in Europa…
a technocratic society that is carved up entirely into communities.

Cities belong to the plebs, the obedient gluttons, and then rest to whoever is lucky and strong enough to manage a place for his kind and kind and mighty self.

There will be no mediocrity in the future, only wretchedness and excellence.

But this is really going to take a painfully long time, hundreds of years.
this will be known as ‘the wars of nihilism’