The American South

Mindless rubes

Maybe atavistic and chauvinistic–not necessarily rubes.

You left out the one thing put above all, family and friends. Only the truly rigid may put bible before family and friends.

Rubes, sure. Mindless, not even close.

Mindless in the sense that they tend to be of a herd mentality, not questioning their norms, thus not transcending the rut of myopic thought. Their presumed authorities of bible, gun culture and the confederate flag are like that of a man who’s glory days were in High School, who never will see a better day than when he threw that touchdown pass and the crowd cheered. From then, he want on to live a drab life, is only good moments were his memories of that touchdown pass and when he banged the cheerleader in the locker room after the game.

People in the whole South tend to be like faded jocks?
I think that is a bit rash, Uranian judgment… :wink:

No man, they’re stuck in the past…

Lol. Dude just about everyone follows herd mentality and not question their norms. You do not like their norms and they do not like yours. No different from some people like football and some like tennis. I am an athiest amongst Baptist friends and neighbors. They do not judge nor try to convert. Respect is given when respect is shown. They say bless you or I will pray for you or anything like that, I say thankyou. Their intent is to help and benefit me. How could I ever insult their caring?

If the herd is forward thinking, its not so much a herd anymore. Forward thinking branches out in all sorts of various ways…

And what in your mind is forward thinking that does not allow for herd mentality.


Questioning everything. The herd doesn’t question, it runs with each other, feeding off the frothy stampede

Sounds pretty good. :smiley:

Herds rarely run, it takes too much energy to do so needlessly. Out guards are generally seasoned animals that understand what is out there.
Questioning everything is a needless act. It bogs you down just as much as not questioning. That is not very forward. Question , sure but, judiciously. Forward thinking does not throw the past away nor throw out all culture from the past, it learns and uses it. It compromises and accepts differences in order to blend and be better then the pieces. We need humanity to be diverse and not one track. Our differences can make us healthier. Do you condemn the Amazon tribes as subhuman ?

It is , religious people are just as defensive as Athiests. They hear you say you are an athiest they prepare for you to degrade them. But, when you do not and you show respect, defenses come down and social behavior becomes accepting and relaxed. Trust is given, exchanges of thoughts are friendly. Hate begets more hate, negative creates more negative. I will be there to help them as I know they will help me.

Yeah, I think that true. Unfortunately, there are atheists who think they are better than others, they know better than others and they look down on others. They really have no compassion or understanding.

They are just the same as some religious. Defensive Athiests tend to have come from zealous religious who condemn. My family supports or does not condemn my atheism. I am given love and respect by my religious family.

I realize that . What bugs me the most is that the atheists are claiming to be better, to be more intelligent and more rational. But really, they are exactly the same. :evilfun:

Well this is what I’m saying, a good portion of humanity is one track, like minded in the South. Not diverse. Sure, differences are fine of course. I don’t condemn the South. I just don’t find the culture as conducive to growth, I find it conducive to stagnation.

Do I condemn the Amazon tribes as subhuman? Not a good comparison. I was nowhere near condemning Southerners as subhuman. Not sure why you would bring that up. The amazon tribes however, are even more in the past. A product of their environment and isolation. The South has all the totality of human knowledge at their fingertips, but don’t bother questioning the legitimacy of their past, their religion, their myopic culture. It’s essentially taboo to do so. If you don’t fall in line, what are you some sort of monkey lovin commie? Get the hell out of my country!

Lol WW I think you’re generalizing a bit. There are crazy religious people everywhere. You’re literally just spewing stereotypes and saying that you think people who live in one place are dumber than ones who live in another place. You can see how that’s a bit absurd I’m sure.

Did you just now get on this kick about questioning everything? I don’t see what the big deal is. That’s something that most people were doing when they were teenagers…at least the teenagers that I knew when I was that age. Do you feel a strong obligation to go out into the world and let everyone know that you’re questioning everything? If so, why do you think that is? Does the idea of questioning everything seem profound to you?

You got me. Pegged dead to rights. I certainly am generalizing a bit. Of course, that’s how cultures are identified, though. I am certainly spewing stereotypes, indeed.

Now as for me, no there is no strong obligation for me to let everyone know anything, let alone questioning everything. The idea of questioning everything is not profound to me, its rudimentary. But "I like it. I like it a lot. "