Obama's CIA Trying For US Coup

Turd - no, I was responding to an earlier post.
Orbie is the wine guy, Fuse is the storm guy, different drugs altogether.

This is the painful crux of their non-entity.

There aren’t any words strong enough to resonate the cosmic hubris. It is idiocy-unto-itself.
What a spectacle.
Do you remember the French philosophy about society as The Spectacle?
This is where that antireality is being turned inside out. We see the reality behind the pure lie, and as suspected, it’s ugly. Too ugly for it to accept its own image in the mirror.
it will be a time before all the shit comes washing off, we need to hose them down for years to come.

Id say its not really Obamas CIA

I dont know who it was but some president said that it was impossible to even get a basic grip on the Agencies in two terms.
It may not be a coincidence then that the terms were restricted to two in the same period that the Agency was created. But my default vs government is suspicion.

Deep government they call it, but the amount of agencies defeats their purpose, and plays into the hands of the people in fact, as they all go out of their way to make each other transparent to blackmail each other. The people are the beneficiaries of the chaos because they are well trained in ways of power, no matter what happens, the empire will always provide its own citizens with a slight extra of consciousness, simply because of the proximity of power. Even if money doesn’t, power always trickles down into the base and it isnt through logic or reason, but instinct and taste.

You know, it’s a good thing Russia is such a steadfast ally, and Putin such a great friend of the USA, otherwise i’d be concerned that perhaps they didn’t have America’s best interests at heart when they chose our next president for us.

BTW, Obama’s approval rating now exceeds Reagan’s in his second term. And Hillary’s lead in the popular vote now stands at 2.84 million and counting.

That is all, carry on fellas . . . :-"

Yes, the Democrats clearly have this situation completely under their control, playing a long term grand master chess strategy several moves in advance. They planned all along to loose Congress, The Presidency, and the Supreme Court… everything is clearly moving in the Democrats favor, the can only dominate from this point on…

Your so full of shit UPF.

He’s bloated with it.

All that comes out if you sift through it is “fuck the constitition, in my opinion I won.”

Your sour grapes taste sweet to me. Sucks your party couldn’t beat a game show host, but that’s how it goes. Also sucks that when the truth is revealed about your party (via Russia, Wikileaks, or whomever), it is so devestating to them that you phrase it as the leakders ‘choosing the president’. Trying not being corrupt as fuck and trying to rip off the people if you don’t want an email leak to bring it all tumbling down.

Nono, that was all Russia too, don’t you see? Remember: The mainstream media covering for Hillary, leaking debate questions to her, clearing stories with her campaign, and giving her advice in advance of debates- that’s all just fine. But Wikileaks showing us the actual truth about the DNC? Now THAT is how you rig an election. :slight_smile:

Trump is going to be the strongest president since Lincoln. He’s going through the same kind of absolute ideological rift as the lawful peoples choice. His spiritual/moral mandate is being absolutized by the choices of its enemy.

We all know numeric majorities tend to vote in fascists. It was the Electoral College, equality of regions, of types, that, as it was intended to do, prevented fascism, mobism, from just brutely claiming through horde forming all the country for a few cities blinded by images, and now we’ll see how sturdy that college is, if it is really tied to the peoples votes, or if it grows an isolated ‘conscience’.

I still am curious what would happen if Clontin is pushed into power through bribing EC people to go against what they were put and paid there to do, represent the vote. Hypothetically. I could not imagine a worse situation for a country to be in than to have to go back on its boldest steps in a century and end up with… Clontin.

We designed our electoral system prior to fascism. And no, popular votes do not coincide with fascism. Fascism is a distilled political philosophy derived from Nietzsche’s political calls for activism from undemocratic sections of society to dominate society directly without need to recourse to democracy. Sauwelios is a Fascist, he isn’t even apologetic about it, doesn’t shy from the term.

The electoral system was devised as a compromise between states once we abandoned the Parliament system we elected our Pre-George Washington Presidents by, to make the elections based on states electing presidents, and enduring large states like Virginia (then including West Virginia) and New York wouldn’t become the sole focus of elections, recognizing that local demogagues and local politics in only a few regions would very quickly destroy the union.

It wasn’t a fool proof system, because economic systems like Northern Wage Capitalism vs Southern Plantation Slavery clashed, well within the confines and logic of our system. The concept of “Carpet Baggers” also arose.

What our system does do, is that by accident (we never intended political parties in the first place) we have become a two party system, and as a result, there is a drive to coalition, and this either produces a near 50-50% deadlock perpetually as each interest group across the country jockies to locally align in a national political calculus, or we have just one large national party running the show, with lower rank parties in the background humming.

I honestly would prefer a electoral vote by discrete economic regions, and not just states. New York Greater metropolitan area would be one congealed area, not three states for election purposes. Texas at least two, California split into two. Northern West Virginia, Eastern Ohio, Western Pa one region.

Wherever it shows a strongly unified area economy, they are one bloc, they get treated as one “state”.

This would really put emphasis on jobs and economic health. You want all those votes, you want your area to grow in area and population, you push for positive economic agendas. This area can be readjusted every census.

Best fix I can imagine. New York, California, Chicago, Boston… Bunch of clueless nobodies who font know the first thing about keeping a country healthy and together, they put economic fads and outdated economic policies first and foremost over what is really happening.

Look at your country, the Netherlands have a lot of so called “open policies” based on it’s glory years back when it was a wooden ship and sail trader state. A lot if the ideas that worked back in the era of mercantile shipping doesn’t well provide the same results, you have a lot if compounded generational effects seeping in all over, making your society a sickly society. I count you of course as evidence of this, doubt you would yourself. I just know your ancestors wouldn’t of tolerated what the Netherlands has become, because they were more selfish and pradmatic, and their ideas were yet traditions set in stone, but just ideas that seemed to work for the time being in a coppetitive and hostile world. Not so fucking useful anymore.

At least the US can point to issues with regionalism, but in your countries case, your fighting against a dead electorate who your modern society ironically rejects in each and every other way save the retention of language. I have the ability to look UPF in the eye and call him a shithead, you got some wooden shoes to raise your fists up against in protest. Hence why the Netherlands isn’t a real country, and should be nuked.

Hey youre free to go there man. You love it so much? Become an attraction, US coreman on klompen.

In the meantime Ill work my way up in your country as a Constitutionalist Philosopher. I am getting every policy right since I started writing on Trump. I beat the blogs and news by 2 days standard on issues Trump is going to tackle. Why? Because Trump and I think alike.
He is far more of a Nietzschean than any German has ever been.


You can take that with all the salt you can afford.
Still, check it on my forum.

In any case State-Pride is the heart of American pride.

Kentucky called in red first. Thus I will see if I can settle there.

look at that guy in the video, he wouldnt have a clue what a friend is.

weee must be enemies.

because they have clever tactics and dare to use them to defend their territory against our nazitrolls.

Last Man is boring

I don’t think you will like Kentucky. Every state, even my town in West Virginia, has Satanic groups, but they are even more of a joke than what Satanist usually are, a offshoot of the diseffected Goth Kids in middle school.

In Kentucky… and my state borders it, and I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio- hosts a Creationist Museum not even based on the Bible, 70% of the stuff they mention can’t be found in the Bible, ajd is generally bad science.

Kentucky has a race track.

Kentucky is between Ohio and Tennessee, and you can reach the east coast in one day, from Kentucky.

Those are the many virtues of Kentucky for you, unless you like barbeque. If you like barbeque, and nothing else, it is a wise choice. I recommend a place called… NOT KENTUCKY.

US is heavily Machiavellian in it’s orientation, some of the founding fathers heavily followed him, and recall, I always was found of Machiavelli (fellow INTJ). Just, we are typically hostile to many Nietzschean ideas, like the rejection and suppression of democracy, or the death of religion, or likewise concepts of a religious overman.

Reason why, is we always attracted religious groups trying to four Utopian societies not possible in Europe, and strict adherence to their ideas tended to produce a lot of hostility regionally, as well as integration, and degraded our legal system. The hysteria against trump isn’t too distant to our experiences with the Salem Witch Trials. We put strong restrictions on The Tyranny of the Majority and Tyranny of the Minorities. It is why we can have a near universal allowance for free speech, as we try like hell to ensure ideas of prejudicial governance aren’t allowed to achieve pogrom status, that due process of the law, including appeals to jury courts (a kind of Demarchy akin to what Lenin advocated, but juducal instead of executive rules).

Ant belief fervently believed in, even 'A’thiestic beliefs like Lev Muskins, are treated like religion, especially when they become irrational. Every era thinks it gets how things really are, takes a keen historian to note it is mostly bullshit, ours included.

No other society is intellectually diverse as the US, nor militarily strong. We are Athens at the height of their empire, Rome, yet so very much more. We aren’t European however. Even our racists often are of mixed blood and certainly of mixed culture. We do have a large counter culture of pagans, but if your looking for a sincere flock, your gonna be very painfully dissapointed. They do it as a joke, and it is a shallow belief system for them. Our real pagans are Cabalists in Louisiana, or followers of Ido, Tibetians of a few denominations worship pagans. Wiccabs are a joke, and you’ll find most Nietzdcheans are academically distilled and on the far left, thinking he relates to art theory and Marxism. We got some induc groups too, mostly Vivekananda, advaitians, and hate krishnans. Rest just say fuck it, and go to a Unitarian Church.

You’ll find our Machiavellian are far more robust, and our religious thinkers oftentimes do not fit the molds your used to at all in Europe, for the simple fact our religions are not state religions. They are still quite green, and don’t behave like in the mother country.

I don’t agree with you on most things, but if you can accept that reality, and know someone like Sauwelios would likely just get beaten on a daily basis here for being a candyassed retard in even our mist liberal areas, then your quite welcome to come. I already gave you the treaty you can exploit to enter as a Dutch national.

Just know we don’t make it easy for non-citizen residents to marry internationally. It is not impossible, but you gotta wait for the a spot for a migrant to open up from that country, each country is allotted so many. Means you can’t move here, and then marry Pezer, and Pezer gets a green card the next day. He will have to grab a Snickers and wait a fucking while. That’s the legal way of doing it.

I’ve never seen Nietzscheans impressed with our constitution. They should be, it isn’t coincidental we won every world war we entered, it is fine for us, but we constantly question it and search out better ideas. We just never since 1789 found it necessary to completely scrap it (well, southern states did, but they practically cloned our constitution) and merely amended it.

If you can embrace our country with the same sincerity we do, I say welcome. If your just a Sauwelios in sheep’s clothing, your gonna have a terrible time. You’ll find that the least lively and harmless looming, uninspiring idiots can suddenly start quoting Patrick Henry and will rip you a new asshole. Highly diverse, seemingly dysfunctional, but we still always put it together and get the job done. We all get how important it is to the future of ourselves and of the world to keep going. If we fall, the world falls.




If Russia did do anything to this election, it happened on Obama’s watch, during Obama’s “lol Cold War so long ago” foreign policy while he was kissing their ass and making hot mic promises to weaken NATO on their border.

Democrats have been kissing Russia’s ass for decades and sure as shit don’t care about them now. Obama doesn’t think for one second that this election process was tampered with, and let’s be perfectly honest- neither do you. What Wikileaks did (with information given to them by Russia or otherwise) is a damn sight better for the American people than what CNN did or what Politico did or what Debbie Wasserman Shultz did- that’s where you should be looking for people who attempted to manipulate the election unfairly.

This is a political attempt to de-legitimize the Trump presidency and nothing more. And of course, I’m not telling you anything you don’t know.

It’s just one more situation where liberals fake concern and create a lie, then demand conservatives play along if they want to have a ‘political debate’. Well, no. How about you stop being full of shit, and when you can make a reasonable point you’ll be treated like an adult.

This is how it’s going to be every time Republicans win an election from now on- the left will cook up some reason why it shouldn’t count to cast a shadow over the entire presidency so they can have their little “Not My President” cry-ins and pretend that democracy is only democracy when they win.

I’m with Turd on this one. You most certainly don’t want to live in Kentucky.

I’m trying to think of the most satanic state for you, would have to be LA in California. Life is really cheap out there, and it is also the most liberal.

Honestly, the more Liberal it is, the more Satanic. Conservative in Europe = Far Left Liberal in the US, we never embraced fascism like Europe did, so don’t have that system to look back and point to, saying it is our historic system, it was always a leftist idea floating about, never quite embraced. Like ai said, all our Nietzscheans are academically distilled Liberals, we don’t have that conservative class Nietzsche rallied for, and our brief flirtation with local royal aristocrats, outside of a few exceptions, were not liked, mostly incompetent, never did a damn thing for us, like win some great battle or launched a cherished reform. They mostly wore silky suits and had lice. Hence why we took their titles but not their property away from them, they could only stay if they dropped their bullshit pretentious old world self importance. If they want respect, they gotta earn it.

We aren’t the best soil for Nietzscheans. Our Nietzscheans aren’t even Nietzscheans, they are closet Communists.

Should we review Russian cyber tactics? Of course we should. But all anyone cares about is whether it will de-legitimize Trump, like that’s the only thing that matters. Because they can’t decouple fact from spin. Too full of cynicism to think straight. Neither Obama nor the CIA have made any statement about the legitimacy of the election or called for a re-vote. It’s not in question. You are arguing against know-nothing pundits and straw men that I have no interest in defending.


Kentucky’s strange. Lexington was a great family town mid 90’s. Louisville was crime ridden and the opposite of cosmopolitan.