Mandatory Vaccination

You can see they’re gunning for it.

I think if they can get enough of us on board voluntarily, they’ll try to get the rest coercively.

They’ll probably develop a vaxx if they haven’t already and I’m sure they’ll commence campaigning for it not too long before it’s released.
It’ll be interesting to see if and by how much they’ll be able to raise public support.

…and yet, it is very ironic that those who are administerIng these injectables, cannot tell the administees what is in the product that they are injecting into the administees vein and bloodstream.

Like any other prescriptive medication, surely the ingredients in injectables should be made a known… but why aren’t they?

Does Chinese medicine even work? Homeopathy at least shows positive results, with lesser and alleviated symptoms.

Working on the nervous system is an ancient and Ayurvedic endeavour, and is the key to permanent good health, in staving off dis-ease… consuming anti-inflammatory produce, like Karpel Tunnel did, is key to NS maintenance in a toxic environment.

Like Karpel, I have been successful in overcoming a debilitating dis-ease… without the use of modern medicine, which was caused by an anaesthetic/a modern medicine, so I am speaking from a place of experience. I don’t otherwise take modern medicines… for anything.

Medical school teaches how to treat not cure… and therein lies the problem.

Be a Physician unto yourself… heal thine-self.

The MSM and its leaders raise public support by lying that they already have it with their polls, their salaried doctors/scientists, and whatnot.

But you know that they are lying. How do you know?

Phyllo wrote

Trump’s win was one big lie they had to eat. This Coronavirus is another based on the CDC’s release for doctors to label deaths as due to the virus who haven’t and will not be tested to inflate the number of cases and deaths to sustain fear mongering and unconstitutional controls implemented worldwide. Manmade climate change is another hoax agenda that is being pushed in another effort to control liberties.

I thinks Mags had a great point, why don’t they list the ingredients of vaccines and medications?


Unless, of course, she’s right. :wink:

Well, I am… garnered from in the field in real time, as it were.

Are you oblivious to what actually goes on in the World Iam?

In asking the question of what is in the jab/vax, one would think that they’ve asked the medical professional to go kill them-self or commit hara-kiri, from their reactIon to the simple question.

Jabs/vax are pretty much chemical lobotomies… making the recipient compliant and docile, like fool…

In other words, one is oblivious to what actually goes on in the world if they refuse to think about it exactly as you do. And not just about vaccines, right?

I have been dealing with self-righteous minds like yours – my friend Carol called them “meat minds” – for years. The only thing that changes is what [this time] they insist they are ever and always right about.

Remember when Boris Johnson was ever and always right about pursuing the Swedish model in England?

Though, sure, if there are those here who will refuse to get vaccinated when there is one available for the covid-19 virus, let them make that choice. I would never make it mandatory.

Although their children may bear the brunt of the consequences if they are wrong.

Now, I don’t pretend that my own frame of mind here is not predicated on the facts that I have accumulated in conjunction with my assumption that “I” here is predicated largely on the assumptions I make about dasein.

But that’s just me.

The whole hyperflous argument may become fallacious, as indications are more frequent as to the duration of the infections.

This :

New report says coronavirus pandemic could last for two years – and may not subside until 70% of the population has immunity


MAY 2, 2020 / 9:24 AM / CBS NEWS

As coronavirus restrictions around the world are being lifted, a new report warns the pandemic that has already killed more than 230,000 people likely won’t be contained for two years. The modeling study from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota also says that about 70% of people need to be immune in order to bring the virus to a halt.

For the study, experts looked at eight major influenza pandemics dating back to the 1700s, as well as data about the new coronavirus, to help forecast how COVID-19 may spread over the coming months and years. Out of the eight past flu pandemics, scientists said seven had a second substantial peak about six months after the first one. Additionally, some had “smaller waves of cases over the course of 2 years” after the initial outbreak.

A key factor in their prediction for the current pandemic revolves around herd immunity, which refers to the community-wide resistance to the spread of a contagious disease that results when a high percentage of people are immune to it, either through vaccination or prior exposure.

“The length of the pandemic will likely be 18 to 24 months, as herd immunity gradually develops in the human population,” the report says. “Given the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2” — the virus that causes COVID-19 — “60% to 70% of the population may need to be immune to reach a critical threshold of herd immunity to halt the pandemic.”

It will take time to reach that point, since data from blood tests show only a small fraction of the overall population has been infected so far, and a possible vaccine is still months if not a year or more away. It is not yet clear whether people who’ve recovered from the infection will be immune or how long such protection would last.

The report lays out several possible scenarios, including one in which a larger wave of illnesses may happen in the fall or winter of 2020 and then subsequent smaller waves in 2021. The researchers say this model — similar to the pattern seen in the devastating 1918 Spanish flu pandemic — would “require the reinstitution of mitigation measures in the fall in an attempt to drive down spread of infection and prevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed.”

Two other scenarios in the report involve either recurring peaks and valleys of outbreaks, or smaller waves of illness over the next two years.

In any case, the researchers said people must be prepared for “at least another 18 to 24 months of significant COVID-19 activity, with hot spots popping up periodically” in different geographic areas.

As the virus continues to circulate among the human population and outbreaks finally start to wane, they say it will likely “synchronize to a seasonal pattern with diminished severity over time.”

First published on May 1, 2020 / 2:24 PM

Copyright © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.

{Now if the above turn out to be truer then not, the idea of the vaccineto be absolutely required, will become a sine qua non. }

Lol, no… the above former (of what I had enquired on), isn’t dependent on others having to think exactly as I do, but probably on having to think more.

As to the latter… my enquiry was pertaining to the vaccine, in that what is actually approved to go to market is not what we get and are administered with, so has not been approved and therefore not verified as safe.

Does what I’ve said above sound self-righteous to you?

I hate repeating myself but here goes… many here are refusing to have or have stopped having the flu jab, because of the long-lasting ill-effects that are being experienced.

I, and most others, started self-isolating and social distancing from day one, so what Boris and the remainder of the population chose to do was up to them. We do not have much of a herd-mentality here, so each (does) to their own.

I have neither felt imprisoned or dictated-to since the official UK lock-down was implemented, and the only ones suffering from it are businesses and vulnerable front-line workers.

Yes… that is just you. ; )

Wait a minute. To ask me if I am oblivious to what actually goes on in the world here seems to suggest [to me] that…

1] It can in fact be known what is actually going on in the world regarding vaccines. That even though debates like this – – go on, one side and not the other really does know what is going on

2] that you deem yourself to be someone who does know

And I suspect that from the creation of vaccines, to the ingredients in them, to administering them, to the marketing and selling of them, to the relationship between a government and its citizenry in regard to them, there are any number of conflicting political agendas…left and right.

My point of course is to the extent to which someone might embrace a point of view here that is attached to what I call the psychology of objectivism. The belief that as far as vaccines [and most everything else political] are concerned, they are in touch with the “real me” wholly in sync with “the right thing to do”.

Thus they are far less willing even to consider the arguments of others, let alone to moderate their own views in order to negotiate and compromise with those who have conflicting assessments in order to enact actual laws that reflect a broader consensus.

Unless, of course, I am still misunderstanding you.

And how would a negation look with respect to a COVID vaccine?

One side believes that those who do not get vaccinated pose a threat of spreading a potentially dangerous virus to a large group of people.

The other side believes that the vaccine is dangerous to their own health.

What happens in the negotiation? What is ideally achieved?

Imagine three communities:

In the first, there are people who have all the political power and might makes right. No negotiation and compromise about vaccination or anything else.

In the second, one or another equivalent of philosopher-kings or theocracts have all the power. And their rendition of right makes might [backed up by the power to enforce it] results in no negotiations or compromise regarding vaccinatiom or anything else.

In the third [the one I suspect most of us live in] citizens are permitted to have conflicting opinions about vaccines.They are permitted to back political parties that share their point of view and the “battle” takes place in the legislature, in the executive branch and in the courts.

Just Google “vaccination laws by state” and you get this: … HgQ4dUDCAw

So, the question here is this: are those on this thread who are for and against vaccination willing to sustain democracy and the rule of law, or are they so rabidly convinced that only their own personal opinion about a covid-19 vaccination is the right one, that they are willing to bring “the system” down so that only those who think like them have all the power here?

For me, there are two matters in particular that are important:

1] those opposed to the vaccine may be wrong and their freedom to refuse to get vaccinated clashes with the freedom of those who don’t want to get sick being around those who can make them sick

2] adults making decisions that impact children who have no say in the matter

Thus the clash here over what “the facts” are. Like only one side has them.

Yup, clearly they don’t care about people, only profit and/or depopulation.

I’m sure some Chinese medicine works, I mean how could every herb, supplement and so on they advocate not work?
They have millions.
It’s not a question of if, but how many of them work.
I’m sure there’s some studies out there affirming some of their medicines, but don’t expect big brother, mainstream academia or media to tell you about them, because of course they’re heavily skewed in favor of the pharmaceutical industry, which’s in competition with Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and so on.

I’ve cured illnesses I had and manage others through diet, wearing more natural clothing, using more natural soaps and eliminating or reducing pollutants from my environment, but I haven’t experimented much with alternative medicine.
I believe more in living more naturally.
It’s not that technology is bad, just that it has costs and benefits, and we could be more mindful of its byproducts.

Yup, and because people are lazy and misinformed, most people will continue to rely on big pharma instead of doing it themselves.

Yup, can’t trust their polls, we need to let the deep state and everyone else know by protesting, being civilly disobedient and noncompliant that we’re not having it.

That’s not any sort of negotiation.

And a number of the participants in this thread have stated that they would refuse to take a mandatory vaccine. So the question is already answered. (If it’s more than mere talk.)

Then we understand the meaning of “negotiation” in a democracy governed by the rule of law differently. In all the states [here in America], liberals and conservative weigh in on the issue in various ways and then attempt to elect those to office who will shape and mold any legislation so as to reflect more their own concerns.

It’s just that some citizens have more power than others. Big Pharma for example. The medical industrial complex for example. Crony capitalists for example.

I mean, let’s face it, folks here have different ideas regarding that which constitutes the “deep state”.

Again, this has to be examined in each particular context. They refuse. And others will react to their refusal.

Okay, so then what? Who has the power to enforce one rather than another set of behaviors.

With 1, read into it what you will…

With 2, I’ve researched the matter enough, to make my own valued-judgement on it, that correlates with more than you might think.

Good of you to say so…

…and who might this person, this someone, be?

Conflicting… or he who shouts the loudest? Individual versus conglomerates…

I don’t know… are you?

Perhaps, perhaps not… some might, some might not.

I have yet to hear anyone I know singing the advocates of Chinese Medicine…

Ayurveda and Naturopathy… these two work for me, but who knows about others? I certainly don’t…

“but I haven’t experimented much with alternative medicine.“

It’s underrated… as long as the correct diagnosis is made, thus separating the snake-oil-selling charlatans from the Physician/the Diagnoser…

Pharma would have its use… if it wasn’t so toxic, but in the case of pharma… cheap really does (not) mean cheerful.