trump won the election minus the widespread voter fraud, he will forever be the last legitimate us president, he still is president

Haha yeah I think you’re right. If you read him literally you’ll see all the autocratic dictatorship of the exact opposite of what he claims to support.
He exhibits all the anti-free-speech attitude towards any opposition, like you’d only see in the most caricatured exaggeration of those he claims to be against…
But yeah I bet he really does believe with all his heart and soul that what he says here is true.
It’s easiest to fill an empty vessel. It’s like throwing out a fishing hook into a shoal and you’ll hook something with promises that it’ll validate somebody who knows they aren’t special with promises of a cause that’s special. I do feel bad for them though, because everyone’s after a sense of purpose.

yes totally we all hate freedom that makes perfect sense. just a bunch of freedom hating communists.

u r tho, lock step with the establishment

see if you can express yourself without using the brainwashee vocabulary.

you cant say, “establishment”, “narrative”, “communist”, “unconstitutional”,“freedom”, “liberty”, “deep state”, or any of those other stupid words that have you stuck in this loop where you are unable to process information that is outside the bounds of the loop.

you realize that people study this shit right? there is something actually wrong with you. you do not think correctly. that is not an opinion. it is not a political statement. it is not me simply disagreeing with you.

you do not reason correctly. there is something wrong with you.

i can say whatever i want commie, i havent given up my free speech like u already have

u r in no place 2 speak about “reason” or “reasoning” to me, ur history on this forum precedes itself, u have offered this place nothing

u have always been a philosophy grifter, pretending like u no something when u never understood the most basic texts

bruh your entire post is a personal attack. also for the record i am probably one of the only people here who actually studied philosophy. i did that shit for 6 years. i worked in a phl dept for 6 years. at a certain point, there is no reason to recite the fucking history of it. you just do philosophy. there is no need to employ jargon when the an issue can be illuminated through rhetoric. this is a web forum my guy. do you expect me to teach an epistemology class on it? im trying here. im telling you that your current understanding of how to determine the difference between fact and fiction, between reality and fantasy…your ability to critically examine information and determine what level of credence should be given to one thing or another is such that you would get an F if you were being graded. im not even sure that you are teachable. you cannot separate politics from philosophy. you don’t even have a basic understanding of how the legal system works. you literally think that giuliani is smart. like i said, something is wrong with you. you can only live in your fantasy world for so long. eventually reality will come crashing down. it’s gonna be a real moment for you. i hope that you are emotionally prepared for it because i know that you are not intellectually prepared for it.

and btw my name is mr reasonable for a fucking reason. reasoning is my shit. if you cant see that then that is just further evidence of the fuckedupedness of your brain.

statement from american thinker, a fake news outlet that ran a bullshit story full of lies about election fraud:

We received a lengthy letter from Dominion’s defamation lawyers explaining why they believe that their client has been the victim of defamatory statements. Having considered the full import of the letter, we have agreed to their request that we publish the following statement:

American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.

y u mad tho?

i demonstrated dozens and dozens and dozens of evidence, and finally proof of election fraud. wut was ur response? lol giuliani farted

what a joke

i just posted a retraction from the people who were making the claim that you made about dominion.

also giuliani farted on camera in a hearing and the whole world saw and heard it.

also trump’s boy devin nunes is suing a fake cow on twitter for hurting his feelings. literally trying to force twitter to ban the cow, while turning around and telling you that conservatives are being censored.

marjorie taylor greene stood on the House floor and spoke while wearing a mask that said, “censored”.

use your fucking brain dude. this bitch is standing in congress speaking into the mic and claiming that her voice is being censored. fucking psycho

i was following these 2 accts just 2 regular people one called devincow which pretended to be a cow from devin’s farm, and then devin nunes mom which pretended to be his mom. they were small accts like under 1k followers. then he sued them both and failed to get a court to unmask them and failed to get twitter to ban them. now the cow has almost 700k followers and the mom is over 100k. we heckle that dumb bastard all the time. he’s the traitor who put his name on the memo that kash patel wrote in a feeble attempt to undermine mueller. can’t wait till biden releases the unredacted report. sdny got indictments waiting, atlanta da is about to start a case about his pressuring of the georgia sos to defraud the election. he’s got nowhere to run buddy.

unrelated… which one of these sweaters should i get? … 0rs06.html … 0rs14.html

lol u mad, more paragraphs plz

heres how u think and “reason”


I think people have been trained to protect their bubble of belief by justifying whatever they feel is safe without cognitive reflection on whether it actually makes sense. That seems very obvious on this board and throughout the lectures people have been giving in public.

It is apparently part of the anti-logic - anti-God agenda to allow for a fictional narrative to be the Global Truth narrative - to give power to Global leaders to be “god” and fabricate whatever truth they want.

Once people are trained or conditioned to react emotionally and be blind to logic they are willing to go to any irrational extreme to justify their emotions. They become exceedingly cruel like school children promoting visceral hatred for anyone challenging their bubble of belief.

Telling a dog he is blind to color doesn’t change the fact of it - and doesn’t stop him from arguing that you are wrong.

They FEAR the thought that have been fooled and have been wrong - so they simply refuse to think it while deeply hating anyone forcing it upon them.

And they will never acknowledge the danger until it comes after them. Then they inwardly forgive themselves and go back to their normal impetuous irrationality.

The party of hate is the party of fear.

Take care not to tar all people with the same brush.
Of course people like to be part of communities and prefer to operate within their comfort zones as standard, but they do not do so to the same extent.

Whilst those who do this excessively won’t acknowledge they are doing so, and are in this sense indistinguishable from people who don’t do this excessively who are simply being honest, it’s easy to tell them apart.

For example, I freely go into all about the pros of capitalism and cons of economic reforms because even though I think there’s a pressing need for change, I don’t need to side with one side only, and villify all other sides as the unconditional enemy. This is the trademark of an intellectual who is genuinely interested in all points of view and in actively challenging any personal/subjective biases. Contrast this with this urwrong guy, who will incessantly force his one way of thinking only and mentally block out any possibility of anything else whatsoever (all the while pretending to be anti-authoritarian in the most embarrassingly hyprocritical fashion). I’m sure I’m not impervious to personal leanings, but the comparative difference in tiers of thinking between someone like me and someone like him is gigantic.

This “bubble of belief” thing that you love to apply to others when they don’t agree with you makes you much like iambiguous - declaring that it’s just one dasein against another and they’re only valid within their own right, with no possibility for objectivity whatsoever. I’d find this “bubble of belief” thing more believable if I heard you openly applying it to yourself just as much as to others, and if you acknowledged that it applies to different extents - with plenty of people here being less affected by it than you.

Yeah a strong argument can’t get any use out of applying the cognitive bias fallacy to the opposing argument… because they can both do that, and we’d have no more reason to believe one was biased and the other was not.

It also commits a kind of ad hominem en masse, by supposing that any argument from any group of people is discredited automatically because it could only ever be biased.

For instance… a collection of Marxist ideas is really just a bunch of nonsense that only psychologically biased and/or abnormally minded people ‘believe’ in… not a profound and insightful examination of society, how it functions with particular kinds of economies, the unique conflicts those particular kinds of economies produce and the way they were/are resolved… either actually (in the case of some revolutionary historical event) or theoretically (in the case of a future transition into socialism from capitalism… how it might happen and what that might involve).

Sil forgive me I hadn’t caught on to the fact that you really are very much like iambiguous - constantly and consistently throwing in wild strawman assertions to supplement your distractions from the actual discussion and rational process.

Who ever said that my “bubble of belief” concept didn’t apply to me? - YOU DID.

What I stated time and time again was that “everyone needs their bubble of belief”.