Introduce yourself here <-----

and im going away again. sorry to waste your time. this probably isn’t a good place for me to be. i browsed a bit and found mostly nonsense, with a good fistful of sexism/feminist hating, a lot of hastiness and arrogance, and a lot of insensitive humor. i’m sure normal people enjoy these things, i mean normal people enjoy life and the world we live in. but it just makes me want to smash my brains out (no joke, i self harm).

so yeah, i guess i’ll just talk to myself. bye.

I’ve seen only 2 people here so far with sexist ideas, one of them is inactive while the other is banned and none of them explicitly stated their hatred for feminism. But so what, I hate feminism too, just as I hate masculinism. So I think you’re overreacting.

Insensitive humor? Sounds a lot like me. And I’m not sorry about it one bit. Why should I be?

ex-----you are seeing a little segment of life…most of the stuff here is crap…but some is very good…
there is no one here that is normal…do you feel like smashing the brains of some of the posters…
the main problem right now is the lack of rationality…some good posters are not active right now…

Finally have the internet back on again. I hate when it gets shut off for a week. Motherfuckers.

Welcome back, Joker.

I don’t really post here anymore. I’ve been swinging by the last couple of weeks to read a thing or two, but otherwise I’m not around. Feel free to spew bile, the boards are overrun!

Did you see that post where I spoke about that purty mouth of yours? :D/

South African born guy new to this forum living in London, hoping to discover more, have fun in this discovery and anything else in between; will be.


Hey this is Backspace_losophy. That’s my username because I was insanely pressing the backspace key trying to decide on a username for here #-o . And it’ll hopefully remind me to double check my posts, and ask myself, is this really something I want to be posting? Anyways, nice to be here.


My name’s Usarian and I love to ponder things! I’ve been discussing the deep things of the world with people on Facebook for years - and been defriended many times as a result :slight_smile: - so I thought it was high time I sought out a group of like-minded people, very glad to have found you!

As I’m sure is true of all of you, I have a basic background with many departures from the status quo as I find gaps and flaws with the systems I subscribe to.

Generally, I am mostly conservative with newly minted libertarian leanings. I am a part of the Christian religion, but my beliefs in and about God are separate from my participation in and beliefs about the practices of Christianity. I was originally going to become a pastor or missionary and attended school to that end, but realized along the way that it was not for me.

Autism is a big deal for me, I have Asperger’s myself, and that has dramatically impacted my analysis of the world around me.

I’m a creationist, but in a way that is completely my own personal flavor.

Economics is something I’m beginning to pick up about now by talking to people like yourselves. I had a job at a bank for a while and that was quite a baptism into that particular world.

Welp, that’s an introduction, plenty of stuff for anybody who’s interested to pick on! :smiley: Looking forward to joining in!

Welcome Backspace and Usarian… hope you enjoy the boards and stick around for a while…

Well hi there!!

Right, so I’ve been on the search for a philosophical/intellectual kind of forum for a long time and worse, I’m a little bit picky when it comes to joining a forum/site and the like. I wish to be able to find some interesting dialogue and be able to create interesting dialogue, make new acquaintances, challenge my mindset, beliefs and oh well have a good time in the end, because that is why I am here after all.

I have decided to join such forums mainly because I’m bored, and annoyed that I cannot seem to find people who are intelligible enough to make up constructive arguments and criticism and thought that by joining a few forums I would at least figure out for myself that such people do exist although I wonder why, they are rare.

All right enough bragging about my motives, now for my introductions.
I am twenty-three, I’ve studied Philosophy and Religion at an advanced level and lived to tell the tale, well I was a few of the lucky one’s that had a freaky class and freaky teachers. Cannot say the same for some classes though…we did have a teacher that was so obsessed with Freudian Psychoanalysis that most of the lesson used to be on these little perversions rather than what we should have been learning about. Really used to dull out my mind fuse although we at least used to have a good laugh.
Religion. Well I have a long long history of many many beliefs theories, experiences…I can honestly say nowadays that I’ve broadened my mind enough to say that I am not fully atheist but agnostic, only because I do believe there is some sort of higher entity that goes beyond our understanding and comprehension though doubtful it is god. My aunt is also a Theologian so more often than not, we do end up having very interesting and fun dialogues about religion and philosophy.
I now work for the technological field whilst picked up extra studies in English and Psychology and expect to graduate in them soon enough. Well I cannot really summarize my life it’s too long. All I can say is that I am a very negative person, and tend to over-analyze things. I’m a nightmare regular, and I have very strong opinions and do not conform easily unless I find myself having a good reason to, and sometimes I will conform and still not give you my real motives for it :stuck_out_tongue: I’m mysterious, challenging and love conveying my thoughts and ideas through writing.
I’ve a major interest in psychology, politics and strategy. I love music of course ( just not the thrash most groups present nowadays no offence), I’m a writer in my free time, am a bookworm and like making new friends even though I am choosy even in this regard…

Feel free to bash me now :smiley:
See you all around I hope

Welcome Meryl :slight_smile:

Plenty of ipl members on kt. I come to return the favour. Lets see if they can ever guess who it is.

There Will Be Blood.

I don’t need an introduction…well, i shouldn’t by now!!!.. I had no where else to go, I got banished from KT twice, and just about every other forum I’ve been on, it wont be too long before i get banned from here, then it’s back to KT to harass satyr

All I can say is… try not to :confusion-shrug:

It’s been awhile since I’ve routinely been active here so I may as well reintroduce myself. My name’s Jason if you prefer to call me by my name and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I plan on starting to actively post again so hello all. There are still some names I remember from way back in the day. I’m not sure it matters, but I think I can come off as very direct. That doesn’t mean I’m trying to be rude it just means I’m considering the idea presented more than I’m paying attention to the niceties of social interaction. I look forward to having good conversations with some of you.

Hey! Welcome back. Hope you like the new decor :slight_smile: