If You're Listening To Music Right Now III

I’ve noticed that youtube is losing it’s albums and full videos a lot lately… I was listening to the Guilty album written by Barry Gibb for Barbra Streisand, but it’s not there anymore…

Here’s the title song though…


I like some of the lyrics… but it sounds good and the singing is good. Unfortunately it’s hard to find everything you want in a song.

Vivaldi four seasons, summer


B B KING - HOW BLUE CAN YOU GET (Live at Sing Sing Prison)


In my day, Blues was as popular as Hip Hop is today. It was everywhere. All the greats were Blues musicians before they began mixing it with Folk and Country.
The Blues era is officially over :cry: Long live Trololololo :stuck_out_tongue:

… you toss and turn in your sweaty little grey teen-age sheets. In that little room with the psychedelic posters. And the red bulb. And the incense. And your bead collection. And your country song round up books. And you cry your tiny sick tears…


I started hearing this song on the radio everyday while in prison at the about the same time that shit went down with Adam Lanza. It came on one of the three stations my radio picked up about three or four times a day for months. As I walked the yard listening to this song I’d think about how well it would work as an anthem of sorts for young, mass murderers. I can easily imagine one of these angry, isolated young kids being pushed over the edge by this strange song about shooting kids with nicer shoes.

It’s weird, catchy songs like this that turn kids into mass murderers, you know. You hear that ambient synth in the background? Crazy subliminal tone shit is going on. Somebody go get Old Gobbo. This is his department. And what kind of a band name is ‘foster the people’. New world order stuff. I told you. This song is a social programming beta experiment. Probably what got the batman shooter all fucked up, too.


No, bad genes and bad childhoods produce mass murderers, not songs like the excellent “Pumped Up Kicks.” It’s been listened to by millions of people; it hasn’t produced a mass murderer yet. And the batman shooter is insane; “Hey Jude” could push him over the edge.

Well it would do to me what talking dogs do to Berkowitz. If I were an angry and isolated, misunderstood middle-teen who has had enough, I’d have this song going in my headphones as I sprayed the cafeteria with bullets. Or maybe I would have some Metallica going (Blackened comes to mind- a song to destroy by), but I would have listened to Pumped Up Kicks on the way to the school cafeteria.

The song is excellent, yes, for what it is, and one of those rare occurrences in modern pop when something more unique than not unique, appears.

What is that other one that came out the same time on the radio. I recall it had a riff in it that sounded something like the downshifting sound in futuristic race car video game effects/sounds.

I hope you know how disturbing what you just wrote is. It’s the kind of thing moderators report to the authorities.

Only because you want to think I am someone who would do that, as opposed to just trying to make an objective case about how I believe music can influence people in critical ways (recall when Judas Priest was on trial and that suicide case around a song by Black Sabbath), and give an example of this with the Pumped Up Kicks song.

It was the way in which I said all this that was sketched out. Relax. I’m not some skinny kid with long bangs and tight black pants who drives his dad’s old Volvo to a school everyday where everyone hates him, where Carla rejected him and the guys think he’s gay, where his grades steadily decline, where he’s no good at sports or academics, who is sick of eating little square pieces of pizza on fridays, and who will show them all one day, just you wait, so on and so forth. I just sound like one at times. It’s called writing style. Hello? I’m trying to create vivid and explicit examples here by bringing the action to us… by putting us there in the mind of the Adam Lanzas and Georgia Tech shooters with beige fishing vests.

It’s pop music that makes me want to kill people, namely, the people who produce and listen to it. I listen to violent music to retain my own sanity in this degenerate world. It functions as a sort of a catharsis for me, it cleanses me of anger and disgust.


I don’t want to think anything about you. You just came up with a very disturbing fantasy scenario most of us wouldn’t ideate, much less put to words.

I have to say, you’re not doing a very good job convincing me you’re not that kid.

Writing degree zero, west side Barthean style.

That is irrelevant. What, if anything, this discussion should be about is the effects of music on the psyche. If you are distressed you should be because this shit happens all the time. At this very moment there is one in the making, and from the perspective of the social scientist this is just a little interesting to me.

No big deal, but closely in tune to the case david8 is making about the hierarchy of power in language. What forms of art are manifestations of negatively considered media, and are there correlations between, say, violent pornography and serial killers or rap music and homicides? All this is in the same vein. I didn’t mean to freak you out with the conspiracy stuff man.

If I put the question in a thread entitled music and psychopathology, would you feel more comfortable?

That wasn’t a disturbing fantasy scenario. An example of a disturbing fantasy scenario would be like this:

You have a chance to have sex with three Japanese women but on your way to the hotel you accidentally give the cab driver the wrong directions because you missed the slightest little nuance in the pronunciation of the one word that meant the right street. When you finally clear up the misunderstanding and get to the hotel, the girls are gone, forever.

I wasn’t distressed by the music, I was rightly disturbed by your description of what the music would make you do…which wasn’t irrelevant at all.

Again, I wasn’t made uncomfortable by the question, I was rightly disturbed by your troubling description of what the music would make you do. Maybe you should avoid making such graphic descriptions.

A fantasy scenario where you imagine spraying a cafeteria with bullets is a very disturbing fantasy scenario. It is even further disturbing you don’t consider it to be so.

How did you get ‘fantasy scenario’ out of my hypothetical first person articulation of the thoughts of a would-be mass murderer and the relationship of those thoughts to a certain song?

How did you infer that I would want to do something like that from that articulation, and why/how would that articulation be a fantasy, necessarily?

For a careful, studious by-the-rules reasoner you sure did make a slippery sloped mess out of this one, Peri.

This is is how I logically got it. You said this:

That is definitely a fantasy scenario where you say what you would do in a certain situation. You can call it “hypothetical” all you want; it’s still a fantasy scenario.

I never inferred that. That’s a lie and a straw man. If you want to continue an honest discussion, don’t do so again. A fantasy, by definition is: : something that is produced by the imagination : an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality. That’s exactly what you cooked up above. I suggest you look up words before erroneously correcting your interlocutorns.

As you can see, you again spoke too soon, Zootstress. I again reasoned by the rules, and the only mess made was your sloppy one… :wink:

Christ, what is it now, like 3-0 your way?

I think we need to start over. 4 more points and you’ve skunked me. I’ve never been skunked before and I sure as hell ain’t gonna start now.

(One third of this score is your fault, Ecmandu. I hope you realize that.)


Zoot, Peripheral is a troll, I chain posted the last thread we were in… read all the posts. Don’t be embarrassed by him. He can catch people on some stuff, but he’s a troll.