If You're Listening To Music Right Now III


I can only tolerate the studio version and the live version on ‘Have I Offended Someone’ because of its slightly faster tempo.

There are just some songs you can’t do live without taking away from the quality of the song. Dumb All Over is one, I think. Live, and at that original tempo, it doesn’t sound good.

I posted the live version I’m talking about two weeks ago I think. It’s up there somewhere. Much better than that one.

Here is the song that follows Dumb All Over on the concept album You Are What You Is:


Remember, there’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.

By the way, Lev, if it was I who turned you on to the Maestro, let me give you the tour over at SSA.

If you think HatingMeIsEasier’s obsession with numbers is bad, wait until you see this thread.

(toward the middle of the thread I started to narrate the songs with pictures. I had done this to many songs in video format before, but lost all the videos with the loss of the computer the videos were on)

aeternitatis.forumotion.com/t10- … cent-zappa

edit: many of the pictures are missing in the posts… which will explain any seemingly random text you read. I’m not about to go through it all and put pictures back in the posts.

Uh-oh! Rare Dutch fusion. Say it isn’t so.


He’s working that ride cymbal.

Horslips, The Tain.


A fellow patron of prog-rock I see. I thought only about twenty three people in the world knew about Horslips.

Ornello, if you are not aware of Gentle Giant yet, allow me:


I’m posting this one because it demonstrates the musicians’ multi-instrumental talent nicely.

One of my phavorites by Phish. This album, Junta, put Phish on the map just in time to catch all the deadheads after The Grateful Dead went down. The worst thing about Phish; all the godforsaken hippies that followed them around:


“… his grin stretched the folds of his pasty white cheeks, and his lips hurled a dollop of murk on the curb”

This is a song Gamer would come up with if you gave him enough time and a good studio.

Here’s a hard working band, playing for years.

And despite being pretty damn good, are still playing in little dives to audiences of around 50 people.
I know I saw them last night for £15 per ticket.


More if you want it.


I am aware of them, though I have never listened to them, and have no interest in doing so.

No Gentle Giant?


What do you get when you merge 1950/60’s ‘easy listening’ elevator muzak with rap?

When I first heard this I had a flash back. For a moment I felt like I was walking through an early 60’s department store - one of those upmarket stores with polished marble floors, lacquered wooden elevators and steel safety grates. In the classier department stores the smell of cloying perfumes and flowers in giant vases was overwhelming. Smart looking women in hats, scarves and bright red lipstick everywhere only broken by the occasional tobacco stained man who would stand aside to let us pass. In the corner of the store I can imagine a sharply dressed African American crooning by the Steinway Grand singing this. :smiley:



Thank you

if anyone’s interested in that classic vgm, demoscene, 80s/90s sound chip scene,
I arranged this album of chip music


No prob. I love it.

Nice flash back, there too.


"You see, without resonance nothing happens. If there are no echoes, you can’t hear anything. Supposing we get a room in which we blanket all the walls, and blanket the floor, soundproof it in every possible direction, you can hardly hear anyone talk, because voice requires resonance…

We’re all so fascinated with recording things, taking photographs, writing them down and above all, remembering. It’s a form of resonance because you see, if you don’t remember anything you don’t know you’re there. A person who had total amnesia and lived in a split second only, wouldn’t know he was there.

But certainly to know that you’re there, you need an echo…you need an echo…

There was a young man who said ‘Though it seems that I know that I know, what I would like to see is the “I” that knows “me” when I know that I know that I know’” Alan Watts

EDIT: I’ve added an initial part to the sample taken from one of Watts’ talks because I think it provides a bit more context.



The Mario Kart 8 soundtrack is excessively good. I think it is played live too.



A dog barking and public murmur in the background, accompanied by fear induced migraine.