Hurricane Sandy: Be Thankful

I think that the government doesn’t control the weather because the lizard people beat them to it.

and now that you’ve found something more retarded than magic hurricanes with no scientific explanation, you’ll think so too

Seriously. For your own edification, take a stance.

You realize the difference between shouting like a sophomoric “you’re wrong.”
And saying, “you’re wrong because…”

Just take a stance. Say you think the treaty is faked, or make a reason why they would create a treaty when really somehow the science doesn’t support it, or… you know, whatever. I shouldn’t have to sit here and supply you with counterarguments to my own assertions. You’re supposed to come up with those.

I don’t think you realize just how boring you are. You just follow people around. You never actually say anything. It’s really bizarre.

You’re wrong because you haven’t presented any scenario in which it is possible to control the weather. You’re wrong because you haven’t shown any mechanism by which astrology is possible. You’re wrong because you haven’t shown any mechanisms by which psychic powers might manifest. You’re wrong because you never think things through and just leap at ideas like a puppy in the snow.

Let it be noted that you’re either unwilling, or unable to actually talk about this topic.

Let it be known that you think the stars control your personality.

EDIT: you STILL haven’t shown that the technology exists. you imbecile.

Let’s sum this up for anyone reading.

Weather modification was created in and around the 50’s, and then the global treaty came in the 70’s.

At present day it’s a quite a normal business, for example: … aerial.php

That is a company that will go up in an airplane and spray particulate matter into and around clouds to alter weather—chemtrails.

The government admits that it spent 5 billion on chemtrails. So obviously the government is doing this as well.

The impasse is that I cannot produce some testimony where a public official is saying, 'Yeah, we’re trying to harm you fuckers." Even though I have produced testimony where a government official is saying that the US government is in fact using weather modification. And since we will never see that last piece of evidence until it’s too late, I think this thread might actually be done. I don’t see anything else left to cover. [/size]

Gobbo, you’re right that chemtrails have been around for 50 years. Actually they’ve been around for more than 70 years. There is no aircraft flying after 1940 that wasn’t puking chemicals into the atmosphere. Those chemicals were and are petrochemicals from combustion whether piston driven or jet. It’s no different than the chemtrails you leave behind you every time you drive a car, just a bit higher in the atmosphere.

It’s also true that there are various times and places where experiments and attempts at cloud seeding have taken place. There has been a lot of silver iodide sprayed into clouds in an attempt to create rainfall. In my area, silver iodide seeding has been used in attempts to disperse heavy fog at the local airport. Additionally, I’m sure the military has conducted aerial spraying of chemicals to test potential use of aerosols or gasses as weapons - and did or do so in “secret” or classified tests. Mostly, these tests have failed because of the lack of control of wind, humidity variences, and a host of other uncontrolled factors.

I’m not a weather expert, but the claims you are making simply aren’t borne out by any credible information source. Even if we assume that some weather incidents were controllable, it would take cooperation of every government on the globe. The weather that shows up on the west coast is formed over Siberia or the south china sea. It would take the cooperation of multiple countries to control the weather in San Francisco. You owe your BC weather to Siberia. Additionally, I haven’t seen any claims of controlling the jet stream which can push weather patterns thousands of miles north or south and does so on a regular basis. The Japanese current has more to do with your weather than anything else. Predicting weather, let alone controlling weather, is pretty farfetched. The $%#&^!! weatherman is wrong as often as he is right.

There are some experiments in the deserts of some middle east countries aimed at increasing rainfall and some appear to be getting results, but it doesn’t involve spraying chemicals from planes.

Weather control would be a great thing if we could acheive it, but we aren’t even close. Climate change in all it’s complexity is changing the weather, but we aren’t controlling any of it.

Says… you!

Let me sum it up for you.

Weather prediction is so difficult that our most powerful computers still can’t crunch the numbers. We can’t predict, let alone control the weather.

Oh wow, I’m so amazed. How much for a hurricane?



Says you.

testimony is about the least reliable evidence anyway. get a fucking grip

Dude, I don’t have to show you that. I just linked to a company that does weather modification. We’re far past the question of whether or not it’s possible or not. That happened like 60 years ago, as I’ve said numerous times now. I’m really kind of lost as to what your point here is, and I think it’s because you don’t have one.

Just settle down. All you have to do is answer whether you trust the government or not. That’s where we are at.

Let me sum Gobbo up for everyone.

He believes stars control our personality.

He believes the government (probably some “new world order” that is our “real” government) controls the weather, and causes hurricanes because they are evil supervillians.

He believes he has witnessed psychic powers.

He believes you can reprogram someone’s brain through talking and gesturing, like we’re computers and linguistics is our GUI and some jackass on TV is hacking our brains.

he isn’t worth our time.

I know, but I have given you all every other type of evidence.

Yes you goddamn do, now shut up or put up.

Do you even know what the fuck a hurricane is? Our weather patterns have been pretty consistent for a long fucking time, a lot longer than your made up fucking idiotic “chemtrails” have been around. If there are so many chemtrails everywhere, where are all the goddamn “extra” hurricanes?

No, you have to show that it’s possible to engineer a hurricane.

you’ve given no evidence that can even begin to support your idea because it isn’t possible to engineer a hurricane. until you show it is, you have nothing to stand on.

Here’s a link on the website YOU posted.

that’s what they’ve done

see any hurricanes?


“How could someone create and control a hurricane, Gobbo?”

“Maaaaan they’ve been doing it since the 50s maaaaan!”

First you say weather control is impossible. I let you ramble on for a bunch of pages and then I show you a regular company that does weather modification.

So then you backpedal and say, “OK, well they cannot make a hurricane.” How do you know that? You don’t. Anyone reading this thread will immediately be aware that I’ve done way more research into this than you have, and yet you’re making these assertions without backing them up, and trying to call me crazy. lol. No.

If I present to you evidence that, in fact, it is possible to engineer a hurricane, you’ll have some other bullshit excuse, and you’ll keep backpedaling. That’s why I don’t play this ‘hurr durr link me to the answer, Gobbo’ game - it’s pointless. It just perpetuates this idiotic cycle.

Here’s a story from 2004 about how Paul McCartney paid 20 grand to have a storm front altered with chem trail techniques. From pouring rain to bright and sunny. … questions3

It’s not that I can’t link to all of this stuff, it’s that I want you guys to try and learn something on your own.


This is the state of government investments in “chemtrails”. … xicity.pdf If you have evidence of the deliberate spraying of toxic chemicals to harm the average citizen, please present it.

Actually, I’m more concerned about the toxic chemicals in brake pad linings on your car. They are deposited on the streets and roads and then blown into the air. Some of them are carcinogenic. Maybe the real conspiracy is hidden in the brakes of your car. The guy in the car in front of you is spraying noxious chemicals in your face every time he hits the brakes… :open_mouth:

