How to Educate Children

There are more distinctions to be made: high, medium, and low class people and their children. Low class, stupider children are going to take the menial and superficial jobs throughout life. Gas station attendants, mcdonalds employee, window washers, these children don’t really need an advanced education, or “education” of any kind really. In this way school does little or nothing, except socialization. What is meant by “education” is learning about life and specializations. For medium and upper class children, more possibilities and venues open up. A smarter child deserves more access and freedom to learn about advanced careers. The studying required for rocket science or a doctor is obviously different, and more challenging.

One size does not fit all, with exception to the low end of the spectrum, the low class and stupider kids. Therefore more nuance, focus, and energy should be devoted to the middle-to-upper classes and intelligence.

It is important to discriminate and judge children. If you don’t, if you take a liberal-leftist perspective of “we are all equal and one”, and force the stupid child into a class with the smart child, the teenage boy with the teenage girl, then you will end up with an inferior education. A superior education is the advancement and cultivation according to the likeness of a child. If a child is stupid and poor, and this is observed through breeding patterns of humans and families, then the bar must be lowered for him or her.

The Equality Myth is harmful to intelligent and advanced, better bred children. Society should not treat children alike and “equally”. Especially in high school and college, during the teenage and young adult phases especially. With younger children, age 5-12, it’s easier to force all children into one classroom. However that is the stage at which socialization is focused and important.

Simple tests are enough to begin discriminating in children.

For example, speaking of my own experience, I excelled at mathematics at an early age. I couldn’t explain it at the time, but it was simply very easy for me. And I could do math in my head that 95% of other students could not. And it’s rather easy to explain this phenomenon, philosophically, by how the nature of some individuals differ than others. Why are some children ‘attuned’ at math and others are not? Why do some children take to, and demonstrate extreme proficiency at one subject, topic, or task, but not in others? Can it be genetic? (Yes it can)

:astonished: You can’t be serious with that question!?!? No! No! This is a bad dream! :evilfun: How is that not an important life skill, being able to fluidly verbalize your mind in an engaging way?

Artists are sales people too, unless they schmooze their shit doesn’t get seen or sold.

Public speaking is an ability to influence people. It requires a lot more than being able to verbalize your thoughts. There are many people who speak fluently and beautifully in private yet shit themselves when they’re supposed to do it in public.

And no, artists – at least genuine ones – are not sales people. Thanks for coming out, though.

Who said it wasn’t an ability to influence people and why would you desire to short change folks if you are truly intelligent?

Also, you don’t know jack about the art world! Artists are not discovered in their homes or studios, they have to take their wares around like street peddlers online or in person to get gallery showings and buyers. Thanks for playing…maybe you’ll win next time! :evilfun: :laughing:

If someone is socially inept then their social ineptitude won’t be cured by forcing them to be social.
In fact, it’s more likely they will become even more socially inept.
Social ineptitude is a serious problem that requires great deal of caution to be resolved.

I am pretty sure that homeschooling is not the cause of social ineptitude.
Rather, it’s a consequence of social ineptitude in the sense that children that are socially inept perform better at home than they do at school.

You want to be social?
No problem.
Just pick a ball and go to the nearest basketball court.
No need for school.

Yes, it would. They would learn what aids them and what hinders them, especially if its supervised/recorded and discussed after the fact to come up with strategies towards growth.

Autism and social ineptitude is usually prevalent in males because males are the “anti-social” gender, whereas with females a degree of socialism is inherent and necessary. Magnus is right on that point. The best method and way to socialize young males and relieve them of autistic behaviors, is through physical sport and competition. However there will always be less athletic individuals at the bottom of the hierarchies. The weakest and meekest of the bunch can still help and participate in other ways though, score-keepers, referees, ball-boys, whatever.

With the advent of recording technologies, all kids can see themselves in action from a 3rd party perspective and see where they could improve themselves. General ball play is not an education nor does it solve a boys problem. My idea of positive corrections, if normalized, would enable the child to see his flaws and come up with alternatives to close the social gaps. Why do you guys advocate for writing these kids off as reject score keepers and such?

It’s not the only cause, but it is one contributor nevertheless.

Because he’s going to be bullied. Males at the bottom of male hierarchy are the weak, meek, and cowardly ones, the ones who cannot compete physically, or ones who cannot cooperate and work as a team. Females have a different type of hierarchy and focus more on emotional and psychological bullying, other females.

It’s important to push an autistic, socially inept male early into cooperative or competitive physical endeavors, because the future does not bode well for them at all otherwise. It is one thing not to fit in very well. It is another to “not fit in at all”. Children and teenagers never allow complete disconnection and solitude. Solitary children are bullied and targeted by predatory instincts. It’s a type of personality foreignness. Children don’t like, and don’t trust, the kids who “keep to themselves”.

All of this applies more to public schools where there is less strictness and adult supervision to monitor bullying and the isolated children.

Within the past 2 months, I’ve read in the news, reports of children who get killed by bullying, physical assaults and other forms. Some kids have no defense. Usually they are spawned and raised in single-mother environments. Single-mothers are the least efficient at raising a boy, a son, to defend himself during the informative and socializing years. Single-motherhood is very neglectful in such ways.

On physically disciplining children:

When you simply spank them for not obeying you, they don’t create the proper correlation between their actions and their suffering. Instead of concluding that not obeying you results in life punishing them, they conclude that it is you who punishes them, and being that they’re not able to understand why - unnecessary resentment is built inside them. In the former case, they have no one but themselves to blame for their suffering, because you told them what to do and they disobeyed. In the latter they do, and they will blame you for their apparently unwarranted suffering.

Allow me to illustrate with an example.

My kid randomly aligned his toys in a narrow transition area between the kitchen and the living room. When I told him to move them to a play-designated area, he didn’t like my tone so he crouched and averted his eyes in protest. I repeated what I said earlier, but he still refused to obey. Naturally, my first impulse was to threaten him with a raised voice and spank him in case he persists in his insolence. Instead, I took a deep breath, calmly approached him and told him: “Listen, there’s no need to be mad at me. I am not saying this because I love to order you around. I am saying it for your own good. There is a reason why we don’t allow toys anywhere except the play area. It is because someone might accidentally step on them and break them.” While I got his attention, he still refused to do anything. So I let it slide. After a couple of hours, as he forgot all about this inconvenience, I deliberately stepped on his favorite toy and broke it (without him seeing it, of course). At that point, I shouted “What was that?” which prompted him to run to me. When he saw the state of his favorite toy, he started crying in disappointment and it lasted for a while. I waited for him to cool off and then approached him peacefully and repeated everything I said once again. Then I suggested that we pick up the toys together and put them where they belong. He agreed instantly. Needless to say, never again did he put his toys where they weren’t meant to be. Some time later, when he wanted me to buy him a new toy to replace the broken, I lied to him that I currently don’t have the money and that he must wait for his birthday.

A couple of easy steps, and a child has learned a valuable lesson of the importance of maintaining order. Just like that, without any force or even raised voices. Had I beaten it into him, the only thing he would learn is that he must obey me because I am stronger, which is a first step in creating a slave/tyrant type of person - he who bows down to the authority of force instead of authority of wisdom.

Children are by predisposition egocentric, and you should therefore always look for ways to explain to them why the things you tell them to do first and foremost benefit them, not you.

What “boys problem”?
You said that kids need to play with other kids.
I gave you an example of kids playing with other kids outside of the context of public education.
There are many other ways to socialize.
Unless you’re living in a rural area, there should be people everywhere around you.
Do you have any neighbours? That’s the best place to start.
All you have to do is to talk to them.
To do so, you have to learn how to open a conversation, and to do that, you have to learn how to be attentive.
Parents can be of great help here.
But what if you’re surrounded by people who resist socialization?
Then you’re fucked.

You can educate a person and make them knowledgeable, but you can’t make them intelligent. Intelligence is innate. There are tons of educated morons out there…struggling emotionally, failing at life. Better to just train those types to do something useful.

Magnus wrote

Urwrong wrote

And you said

I say screen the kids your child interacts with, make sure they are more intelligent, dynamic, and well mannered than not.

Teach mental, social, and physical skills. As practice, conditioning, and training, inspire life affirming goals to accomplish. And then be prepared to answer questions. EOS.

You stalking me James?

Like “Duh!” But how exactly? That’s what we are hashing out here.

You obsessed with me, R?

The same way you do anything well:
“Clarify, Verify, Instill, and Reinforce the Perception of Hope and Threat unto Anentropic Harmony.”

“… Duhh!.”

…snicker. :wink: