Genocide in Gaza?

Hahahahaha ah, yes, evil.

Keep chasing your evil boogey man.


It goes much further back than 30 years, but I will try to watch it. Until then I’m gonna leave you with this…

The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) is also a parable for the physical firstborns, not just Pharisees. The Ishmaels & the Esaus. They were also made into great nations. The Abrahamic promises are for all peoples (Genesis 12-22)—for all persons who accept them. We are all Gentiles and Infidels—pigs and dogs—if we are prodigal. That is the same message behind the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Who is the neighbor? Wisdom is known by her children/deeds. Whose children do we act like? Do the headlines (of our lives) reflect a certain kind of homesickness?

Call me Ishmael.

Also think about some interesting things. There is only one instance of the name in Exodus 3:14. The name Ish is very old. Who is Ishmael‘s mother? What is his birth order in the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel)? Who is Asher’s mother?

If only there were some body organizing the Middle East around what they all have in common.

Ah, historical background.

Well, that is easier than it seems. A large part of the nazi propaganda lies in making everything sound so complicated that only dopey Biden can hope to understand it all. It’s, it doesn’t have to be logical, the subconscious works in mysterious ways.

The history is this:

For many centuries, the Arab world, first dominated by Arabs and then by Turks, was a pretty heterogeneous society with many different peoples and even different religions. Islam at that time was hegemonic, but it was not persecutorial. Jews and Christians lived out lives and built temples in that society unhindered, making friends them all between eachother.

By the 1800’s, the imperial seat was occupied by the Sultan, a Turk. The Sultan was almost more of a pope than a king, or emperor. He held sovereignty over all Muslim lands (those not under Russian hegemony, which offered a similar kind of civil coexistence), but didn’t have any real direct incidence over almost any of those lands. In many cases, even taxes weren’t forwarded. The effect the Sultan really had was in preventing any state from arising under him, in holding sovereignty. All peoples there swore at least nominal allegiance, and all power struggles were arbitrated by Sultanic power.

It was also a world much more related to the older world that exists in all of our subliminal memories. People carried things on donkeys, if you understand what I mean.

It was, in fact, to the Sultan that the scheme of Israel was originally put. He wasn’t ill disposed to it but, by the very conservatism that is proper of such a position, specially when it behooves it not to try to exert too much direct power on its dominions, he eventually leaned the other way and left Palestine as part of the Jordanian province. The Zionists still nonetheless began their slow migration, one which was in cases resented and in cases seen as just another of those slow movements of peoples that happens inside of an empire of that size. Consider that all Arab provinces are, themselves, the products of slow nomadic migrations taking place over centuries. T.E. Lawrence gave a not terrible account of how these migrations happen, if slightly superficial.

But, during the 1800’s, socialism hit Europe like a bomb. With it, nationalism. Nationalism and socialism were in some ways what resulted from the Napoleonic failure, all the anti-Napoleonic forces which got concentrated into that Romantic idea. It happened because in the face of actual power, only fantasy can resist. And, as Napoleon was eventually undone by the combined intransigence of the Spanish, Russian and British, along with the geographical features that favoured each, the fantasy became the rule. The wacky alternatives.

This nationalism coincided with a technological boom originated in England, the tailwhip from the rediscovery of Greek science via the Arab texts known as the Renaissance. The English were in a good position because they could divorce the pure science from the traditional doctrine, they were less imbued in Greco Romanism and Arabism.

Thus, new nations such as Germany sprung forward with a hard technological impulse. This impressed the Turks. They were tired of carrying things on donkeys. So they imported this technonationalism, along with the socialism and racism and genocidism. They toppled the Sultanate which had that far prevented the madness.

When they did this, not fully understanding the bases on which Sultanic power sat, they expected that they would be able to hold hegemony over all Sultanic dominions. They expected to do this by direct, racist, genocidal and technological power, rather than the indirect, tolerant and conservative power the Sultanate had employed. This failed.

Instead, the different peoples previously under Sultanic ppower copied the naitionalism and socialism of the turks, founding nations and countries really out of thin air. Where before there had been tribes and kingdoms and lands that belonged to nobody properly except the Sultan, there now were states with governments and socialist means of power.

Israel, which had already been started decades before, found itself in the middle of this revolution, with different aspiring states jockeying for land and position. England too noticed the disruption, in this time during which its empire was at full strength, and did its best to intervene and establish order there. But, of course, they understood the bases of Sultanic power as little as the Turks had. They thought in terms of slightly more conservative nation states. Israel, seeing here its only hope for subsistence, sued for nation state status with the English and received it.

The English were in no position to impose a balance of nation states, all it was was another participant in a general scramble for position and ppower, if admittedly for a time the strongest participant. During that brief English participation, Israel was able to gain enough of a foothold to properly establish itself.

For reasons having nothing to do with ancient right or custom, or heritage, but with a socilaist, national revolution and ambition, neighbouring states sought to consume Israel into their own dominions. Added to this the fantasy element of socialist nationalism, a fantasy is needed complete with bad guys, as was the case in national socialist Germany, and the Jewish people, so long the happy neighbours of Muslims, Christians, and even polytheistic sects under the Sultanate, became the bad guys, such as in Turkey literally anybody that wasn’t a Turk was the bad guy, “evil,” leading to genocides such as the Armenian genocide.

Of course. The video goes back to the Oslo Accords.

Everything is framed in terms of a Christian biblical narrative as far as you’re concerned. I get that. You’re happy with your mental picture of Israel and how it fits into God’s great plan . You don’t want it messed up with a lot of inconvenient facts on the ground do you. Your cup “runneth over”. Where’s the space in it for new info especially when the facts don’t fit the Bible-based model you’re committed to? Your Bible is complete and inerrant. It tells you who are the good guys and who are the bad and that your team is gonna win. Why pay attention to a video that might complicates things?

It’s really a matter of the heart. Some are so committed to a worldview that they believe is going to save them that they have no room in their heart for humanity. They are exclusivists. They come in a wide variety with many names. If you’re not in their group you are damned. You are of a different and inferior species. They have lost sight of our common humanity.

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Your worldview is completely devoid of the worldview of the people on the ground. How does that help? You don’t even try to understand.

You’re projecting. You see your Bible everywhere. If you don’t believe me ask others.

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Based on the direct observations of the situation in Gaza I presented in two reports and the video I conclude that Israel has been conducting a genocidal program against Palestinians in Gaza.

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I have no doubt that Hamas would do the same thing if they were in a position to.

Confident of America’s need for Israel as its number one ally in order to maintain it’s geopolitical hegemony in the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu has dictated the terms of engagement in the region to four US presidents.

Yeah he just parrots talking points I have heard on CNN a million times. Never once an engagement with any points.

This is how the mind of a parasite works. Keep waiting for thought, in vain.

Hahahaha at least felix found support in ol’ Humanize here.

Hey Humanize, tell him to read mein kempf. I think this one might be ripe.

How can They not see/know what they do/what they dogmatically live by? :smirk:

Blind faith, literally… their choice :woman_shrugging:


Still not a single thing addressed.

Not what is said, but who says it, for the socialist. What type are they, what do people gossip about them, what is their standing. Not what is the truth, but what is the authority to abide by does a socialist ask.

Therefore, dear Israel, let loose the guns.

The fricken plot thickens.

Thank you for sharing your video, dakat.

Here’s my takeaway:

You offered zero solution. That was a bait and switch, but I appreciate the heads up.

Who’s gonna waste their time arguing with trolls… :woman_shrugging:

I, for one, am not interested in any insincere engagement with them whatsoever…

Vedantic optimism: everyone will see…eventually.

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Thanks for the video.

Netanyahu smiles while his army kills thousands of babies in Gaza. Only a sociopath could sleep. No conscience.

Notice his proposed treaty with the butcher prince of Saudi Arabia which leaves his Palestinian neighbor out of the deal.


We remember a brighter day on ILP.

More optimism: This too shall pass.

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To each in their own time, and not when it actually matters then? :grin:


Much argument made on ILP is made for argument’s sake, and not to seek truth or clarity.

…warring over resources, not survival… so, unnecessary?