Game of Thrones

Oh, and just to prove I’m not sexist - is there any wang? A glimpse of ball sack, perhaps?

There’s another tv series (I forget what it’s called) masquerading as a historical drama, but it’s really just porn… full of pornstars no doubt… women with massive falsies, and steroid-enhanced men.

You are probably thinking of The Tudors, which is a total sex-fest. It all goes back to Caligula…

In Turkey all the fiddly bits are tastefully blurred out. Generations of children growing up believing they possess the only genitals on earth.

I prefer my tv shows with too much sex ( if there is such a thing) then with too little. I’m fucking tired of tv shows pretending that sex and swearing don´t exist.
Fucking FCC… you can watch people getting killed, blood being squirted everywhere, heads being chopped off but god forbid you see a penis or a vagina…
A penis and a vagina, which are parts of the human body, for fuck’s sake. And sex? What could be more natural then sex !?

Go back to playing with your barbies then.

Most censorship panders to the moral prejudices of the most vocal section of the population in the area where the censorship is taking place. In America, that is undoubtedly Christians. Secularists largely have no moral convictions, and those that do lack the critical vocabulary to describe them. As such, loudmouthed American Christians dominate the moral discussion. Clearly they have no problem with violence - they endlessly vote for more prisons, more armed police, more military, more wars. If anything, they seem to revel in the destruction as part of some manifest destiny/superiority complex/inbred bloodlust.

However, they almost all have a problem with wang/clunge, because their silly book tells them that unfettered wang/clunge will lead to the decay of society. They conveniently ignore that we’re born naked, with wang/clunge on full display. In fact, young children in particular seem to revel in running about nude. Basically, rather than try to cultivate the self discipline in people to not get all excited every time they see a wang/clunge and then do something stupid, they’d rather just pretend they don’t exist. This, of course, treats people as means rather than ends, but then, Christians aren’t particularly sharp when it comes to ethics. I believe that people are ends, and for what it is worth should be allowed to display their ends if they feel it is necessary.

Shitting. You never see anyone shitting on TV*, and most people go for a shit a lot more often than they have sex, despite what those polls in Cosmo will have you believe.

  • Except for the comedy shit which is really noisy

I agree but, secularists have no moral convictions ? Come on…

Most of them don’t. A lot of them bleat and moan and pay lip service to things but when it comes down to it most of them just want their house and their car and their holiday and their pension plan. Give them that and they’ll basically do fuck all about anything that matters. Secularists make the best pliant consumers - why do you think there’s no religion in Brave New World? It’s not because religion isn’t a social control mechanism - it is, but it is one that we’ve largely surpassed. These days it’s all about expensive fizzy white wine, topless photos on facebook and low grade narcotics.

There’s a big difference between not getting up and arms about ridiculous things all the time and not having moral convictions but whatever, I’m not really in the mood for that debate.

Also, forget game of thrones, I’m looking forward to the new (and last) season of breaking bad which returns June,15th. :astonished:

I am not in danger, I am the danger !


No not really, although I can see how you got that impression. But nudity doesn’t really form that big a part of the show - maybe one flash per hour long episode. Plus its always part of the plot or is used as character development of some sort., its not just like it randomly cuts to it. Also not of all of the nudity is sexual - for example in one scene two naked girls were forced to brutalize each other in front of the mad king. (Yes, there has been wang too - but only one).

Anyway, who would jerk off to GOT when we have access to xvideos?

…it’s set in ancient times… all togas and chariots… it’s on cable, and I forgot what it was called as soon as I started to reply to this thread :doh:

My sister-in-law asked me if I watched it, and I said the scene I caught was pure porn, and she said every scene is like that… I think that’s why my brother watches it :confused:

I am not averse to watching sex scenes in the slightest, but when they replace an entire storyline my interest wanes very quickly, and I’m a bit too old to be playing with barbies… clothes, shoes, make-up, my man: have all replaced my penchant for games and toys :slight_smile:

You know - you can always combine the three :wink:

probably Spartacus, or that sequel/prequel series they made.

…now that would be telling, wouldn’t it :wink:

Suffice to say… he’s a very playful type :slight_smile:

Spartacus: Blood and Sand! aka TV porn :laughing:

i.e. you outgrew playing with Barbie dolls by trying to become one yourself. It is beyond irony that you see this as an improvement in your life but hey ho, off we go…

Dude… I didn’t have to try, and the fact that I was a tom-boy/wasn’t a girly-girl was the biggest irony of all, but it is useless to fight the inevitable - my favourite toys were so far removed from dolls you can but imagine…

You keep assuming so much with the little I say… and there is nothing wrong with a bit of dress up :wink:

I guess sex sells… hence series such as GoT and S:b&s, but they just make me wanna hurl at the lack of substance in such dramas… and not to mention the instant boredom that ensues.

There’s definitely not enough flesh or sex to characterise the show as “softcore porn.” My only frustration is that now that it’s in its second series and each character’s story is beginning to get into stride the bloody series ends, leaving me to wait a year or so before the next :unamused:. I could read the books of course, but those aren’t even complete either. Pah!

Exactly how I felt! Not that I need all ends to be tidy and neat…but wtf?

I liked the episode but felt that a burned out empty Winterfell was a BIG omission…why was no one there to find the two Stark boys, Hodor and the wilding girl?? Where did all the people of Winterfell go??

I’m sure the story will pick up with them trying to get to the Wall…but still feel a little cheated about the overthrow of Winterfell.