Game of Thrones

What makes them one dimensional to me is that I could so easily put most of them in to either the ‘good’ or the ‘bad’ category.

Even if they then change from one category to the other (some will, like Theon), that doesn’t really stop them from being one dimensional in my mind. To me,deep characters are the ones where you can’t really typify them as being either,and they therefore resemble real people.

In real life, virtually no one runs around doing what everyone agrees is either ‘bad’ or ‘good’ all the time, like Joffry, or Tywin Lannister, or Rob and Catherine Stark, or actually the vast majority of characters constantly do. In fact, in a world of real characters, there is no clear dividing line between ‘bad’ and ‘good’ anyway - these are very much inventions of fiction to begin with. This is what I mean when I say they are one dimensional.


The whole Disney “Good vs Evil”…I really don’t like that. Even the bad guys are people too, I think too many movies and shows ignore the humanity of the other side. But I do think that, even if most of the characters are easily within the good/evil bounds, the different factions have both good and bad individuals, which adds some nice depth.

Hey, brevel monkey! Glad you are enjoying GoT! The more the merrier adding to the discussion!

Loved The Wire too…watched seasons 1, 2 and 3 on DVD and am waiting for the rest to go on sale before finishing the series. BTW, hubs has a friend who plays a peripheral character in the show. The thing about The Wire is it moved way slower with less characters and more time to get into each character’s head. GoT has got so many characters and is juggling so many story lines it’s easy to miss the character development.

I have to disagree about the characters being one dimensional…good/bad. I suppose if you read the books (I did read the first one after season 1 ended)…you would see that the story is told in chunky increments, one character at a time, so you really do see the character development.

The only ones I honestly see having the cheesy one-liners are the Lannister’s…and I too find that annoying except in The Imp.

Agreed, this series needs more battles!!!

-George RR Martin

Well, that was underwhelming.


Not really. It was pretty intense. I was so happy to see that House of the Undying fucker get roasted. Every time he referred to it, he called it the House of the Undying. Sometimes multiple times in a quick dialogue sequence. It was so annoying. Like they couldn’t just call it the HoD or the Magicians lair or something. Like he didn’t know dragons breathe fire though. I thought he was going to counter with an ice spell but still get overwhelmed but he went down like a little wimp.

Ice guy was intense.

Clearly Bravos is where the real players are at. Dancing guy was cool; Faceless man is WAY cooler.

That episode had so much, it just wasn’t all crammed into denarys going super saiyan like last year—that was like the only cool thing that happened.

I would take 1 episode of GoT for every 3 BB’s.

There was a lot of foreshadowing, and the main characters were prepared for their new positions in the new season, but other than that nothing happened. I’m thinking Dany’s insane like her brother and her father, the king before Robert Baratheon. At this point she’s in no significant way different from Viserys. She’s completely obsessed with the Iron Throne, willing to do anything for it, and talking about how it’s her birth right and how her people are waiting for her glorious return.

That said…

That Theon scene before the siege with old guy
that Theon speech
that scene with old guy dying and meeting with Bran and Rickon by the face tree.

[tab]The actress that plays Tyrion’s girlfriend is a pornstar.[/tab]

A man needs 3 feels.

I think it was a pretty underwhelming season finale.
Plus, at this point there’s so many supernatural shit… dragons, magic, people who disappear and clone themselves, shape shifters (?), gods, zombies on horses, that one girl who gave birth to smoky from Lost…

It just seems overkill.

Btw, Shae is totally hot.
And Daenerys is beautiful. But body wise I don’t like her.

I enjoyed it. I mean, episode nine was really the peak of the season, episode ten was more a round up of all the other story lines.

Still, the last part with Bran in Winterfell didn’t make sense to me. There were 500 men surrounding Winterfell and 20 iron islanders. The iron islanders left. Then suddenly the whole city was sacked (by who - the iron islanders? - wouldn’t the men outside have stopped them?) and for some reason Bran had to leave (surely the 500 men had retaken Winterfell and made it safe - and there was no chance of the iron islanders returning because they volunteered to go home). Basically, the army that had returned to retake Winterfell effectively dissipated in to thin air. They even showed a shot of a ruined, burning, seemingly abandoned Winterfell. I was mightily confused by this. The only explanation I could think of was that the iron islanders barred the gates, sacked the city, left, got defeated, and then the 500 men sent to retake Winterfell abandoned it because it was sacked. But that just doesn’t seem plausible - its the capital of the north and their King’s castle, and only the wood got burned it looked pretty salvageable! OR- Rob’s bannermen retook the city, then sacked it.

It just seemed like a pretty big ommission, if all that happened they could of at least spared it 20 seconds of dialogue. If it was supposed to be a deliberate mystery, they could have found a way to make that clear, too. Did I miss something??? Or we just being kept in the dark for good reasons?

volchok - I like the magic element. At first ‘magic’ seemed like it was only going to be part of the folklore, but in season 2 I like the way it all became real.

I think the addition of supernatural elements can be a positive thing when you’re talking about a fantasy show, but so much stuff at the same time?
Well, people are loving the show so I guess I’m in the minority. :-k

bevel monkey, I too was very confused by the season ending ep.
I have read elsewhere that the book explains this, as bannermen from another group
sacked winterfell. I was also confused by sansa suddenly being back in King’s landing after
going out the door with the “hound” bound for winterfell. I am reading book one now,
in some attempt to catch up. book three is massive and supposedly they will break up
book three TV into two parts. I suspect in part to allow martin to actually write book 6 and 7.
He is getting slower and slower in writing these books and maybe the series will catch up
to the book and that will create issues.
the other issue is the TV series is only signed for season 3 and no further. so we might not
ever see the tv series go beyond the three seasons.


I’ve not seen this but I have one question - is there titty?

I think it’s safe to say that there’s titty in literally every single episode.


not full-on labia, but the occasionally pubic tuft

There was once full on muff, so there may well be again!

Sounds like a must-watch… not!

Sounds like the classic ‘let’s do a softcore porn series masquerading as a period drama’.

Not that I have a problem with such TV, I just wish they were a little more honest about it.