Erik's Art

addendum: the above german/mex artist was freida kahlo

Ah, I see.

Well based on our prior exchanges, you seem to be a bit of a troll. But if you weren’t taking the piss, then yes - I’m open to criticism.
I share these pictures not merely for exhibitionism, but for constrictive criticism too.

That’s the grave problem with modern art, in my opinion. Too much iconoclasm and relativity has lead to absolutely ridiculous nonsense being passed off as art —pretentiousness supreme. For example: an artist who takes a shit inside of a container. It’s a reflection of the modern age, the tendency towards chaos - entropy. I’m an avid lover of the classical style: order, complexity, symmetry, depth, emotiveness, etc.

Is anyone that disagrees with you a Troll? :smiley:

On the matter of your drawings. In general I think you have committed to the detail before you have the structure correct. In the last picture the eyes are of slightly different shapes and sizes and the mouth a little a symmetrical. THe other images have good individual detail, but the various elements do not all marry well together.

There are some details that are good. For example the Pagan/virgin for example; the eyes are great. I held my hand over the lower part of the face and the eyes looked right off the page. The shadow on the nose is brave, and nearly correct, but for one thing - it does not match the rest of the shading on the remainder of the face. The under-nose shadow is dense, and so your eye expects a commensurate shadow under the chin which is not there. This sets up a disconnect between the different areas of the face. I know it gets difficulty with this sort of stuff , as you can get ‘too close’ to your own image and can no longer see where its going wrong and where it needs extra work. It’s a good idea to leave it for a day, and come back fresh to it.

The re-posted image, if it is Taylor Swift needs some definition around the sides of the face which appear flat a too large, (almost fat). What would also help is shading to bring the lips forward; not on the lips but around the lips to give more shape to the chin.

I wonder is you are looking at highly photoshopped magazine covers or such like - the shopping tends to remove reality.

Let’s not derail this (or any other) thread Lev…

Thank you, Mags :smiley:

Might as well re-post my sketch, since it was sort of drowned away. Let’s try this again.

Guess who:

Looks like Taylor Swift to me… she has been on our English TV lately, and dating some of our English celebs… she comes across as quirky funny and very naive, but I wonder if that is put on because she’s not shy when it comes to man :open_mouth:

Yes - it’s her. Now I feel even more content that I did something right.

Yeah - maybe she is just playing into that ditzy-blonde stereotype. I think that’s what it is, because in a few interviews I’ve seen, she seems rather intelligent and articulate.

Blame gallery owners.

Anything for a buck. They would even drag in their sick grandmother and exhibit her, if it meant another shopping spree around the mall. To talk about freaks, they are bringing back a show called by that name, exhibiting various anatomically disadvantaged unfortunate people, and using them as means to push up ratings. I don’t know what channell, but the previews looked horrific. There is another one with a couple of cretins, married, their little lives exhibited on prime time for all the world to see. The last episode of the dwarf woman had her sick in a hospital bed being treated for cancer. Another show consits of various horrific crimes, down to the very detailed view of victims being slashed to death, and cops and detectives fiendishly pursuing them , frustrating the audience, who while slavishly awaiting the payback , more often then not are disappointed by policing mistakes in forensics.

I think the basic aesthetics of what’s worthwhile to see, is being up ended by junk of the lowest caliber.
The good stuff, unfortunately is no longer seen as a money maker. Bad taste reigns supreme.

Here’s something I think you need to see as regards your other thread the Feminine principle.
It’s part of a TV program made 40 years ago in which John Berger examines Western Art. In this segment he asks women what they think of the programme’s subject: the nude.

If you have time you ought to look at the whole programme.

PS. You did not react to my critique.

On the matter of your drawings. In general I think you have committed to the detail before you have the structure correct. In the last picture the eyes are of slightly different shapes and sizes and the mouth a little a symmetrical. THe other images have good individual detail, but the various elements do not all marry well together.

There are some details that are good. For example the Pagan/virgin for example; the eyes are great. I held my hand over the lower part of the face and the eyes looked right off the page. The shadow on the nose is brave, and nearly correct, but for one thing - it does not match the rest of the shading on the remainder of the face. The under-nose shadow is dense, and so your eye expects a commensurate shadow under the chin which is not there. Especially here there is no evidence of a philtrum. This sets up a disconnect between the different areas of the face. I know it gets difficulty with this sort of stuff , as you can get ‘too close’ to your own image and can no longer see where its going wrong and where it needs extra work. It’s a good idea to leave it for a day, and come back fresh to it.

The re-posted image, if it is Taylor Swift needs some definition around the sides of the face which appear flat a too large, (almost fat). What would also help is shading to bring the lips forward; not on the lips but around the lips to give more shape to the chin.

I wonder is you are looking at highly photoshopped magazine covers or such like - the shopping tends to remove reality.

No - not everyone who disagrees with me is a troll, but your disagreements, surely, came off as abrasive and trollish.

Thanks for the constructive-criticism on the art. Do you draw, too?

Not really, but I do a lot of sculpture.
That’s how I know about structure and light etc.

I like sketching but I hardly ever go past a 5 min doodle.

That’s because you have ADD.

No, it’s because I’m an INTP. Once I sketch the concept, I lose interest.

Excuses, excuses…

I had an old grandad, who thought he was good, he actually said, in order to make it in art, you heave got to doodle constantly, like lautrec. DO NOT LET ANYONE DISCOURAGE YOU, THEY ARE JUST TOO FULL OF THEMSELVES. You have talent.

I have a box full of this kind of crap