Corona Virus Outbreak from Turd

“A top federal health official gave lawmakers a stark warning on Wednesday that the coronavirus would continue to spread in the United States, and said that fans should be barred from big gatherings like National Basketball Association games.” NYT

Capitalism and the coronavirus.

How about the upcoming baseball season? Will it reach the point where the Trump administration is forced to intervene and order fans away from the stadiums?

Talk about crony capitalism confronting itself.

The collision of two mighty “bottom lines”: profit and public health.


[b]"Iraq announced Wednesday the cancellation of Friday Prayer for a second week, as did Lebanon, while travel restrictions were stepped up across the Middle East.

Any doubt about the religious justification of such a decision was laid to rest by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani of Iraq, a Shiite leader, who posted his views on his website.

“Whenever and wherever such gatherings are prohibited in order to mitigate the outbreak of the virus, then you must adhere to those instructions,” he said."[/b] NYT

God and the coronavirus…

Presumably it is God’s will that the virus exists at all. And now we have all of these ecclesiastics trying to fathom God’s will further as to how mere mortals are expected to react to it. How surreal is that?

He tested negative… the Caribbean is Covid-19 virus-free.

So far, so well.
The ink dries in the well, the containment of it’s depth in the well, too deep for macrose to micros to …dwell?


“The N.B.A. will suspend its season after a Utah Jazz player was found to have tested positive for the coronavirus, the league announced on Wednesday. The league said the suspension would take effect after the completion of Wednesday’s schedule.” NYT

Wow. The baseball season too? The NFL? The Summer Olympics?

I mean, come on, this has got to be a big deal when stuff like this starts to happen. There is just a staggering amount of money involved here. And these days money doesn’t talk, it screams.

And poor Tom and Rita Hanks.

(More of Turd’s musings.)

Corona Update #4

If you have been following the MedCram videos on YouTube, you know that he did a exposition on Zinc, it proved very effective at stopping corona viruses from entering into cells, but he is a tad bit uncertain exactly down to get it into a human body. It may or may not work with Zinc Pills.

If you recall, the trifecta I eventually settled on for treating my Vitiligo was D3, Zinc and B-12. This was for skin health, but his earlier videos explored D3’s link to the Flu Season, flu seems to go away when people expose more skin to the sun and return when it is wet and cold. If you do a search of the site for Turd and Bronchitis you’ll also find evidence of my being stumped as to how I seem immune to most other illnesses (I grew up on the George Carlin plan of swimming in raw sewage) but was always getting lung issues. It wasn’t until I saw the medcram video that it occurred to me I haven’t gotten bronchitis since I started my treatments. My ability to breath hasn’t improved so much as my inability to get sick.

I’ve also noted in the past (search the site for Turd and Zinc) that taking a large Zinc Pill triggers metal poisoning in me in under a half hour, but this doesn’t happen oddly enough in a capsule form when mixed with copper, and copper is good for tanning- I can take 400% dose without issues.

I haven’t seen anything positive mentioned about B vitamins and Corona Virus, and is important to note Vitiligo isn’t the same thing, it is a over active immune system stomping out pigment cells- but also causes absorption issues of these said vitamins. Basically- most Whites and Asians already have D3 deficits. In response to corona it is like your in my old position of getting a lung bug not knowing why, but others are magically able to withstand it. That’s my working theory, encourage you to tear it up and destroy it. I just know I never get sick anymore.

Oh- D3 gets absorbed in body fat and sits there for a long time, the fatter you are the quicker it disappears into you without response. It if accumulates a lot it will plateau at first and then trigger a weight loss cascade not in proportion to calories burned, you’ll lose a pound a day for about 1,500 calories burned in exercise once it bottoms out, but after a few weeks this stops unexplainably. Skinny people shouldn’t see this phenomena. You would have to take massive doses a weight lifter wouldn’t even take (D3 has steroid effects around 50,000 daily and was taking far more).

What else… ah, President Trump has banned the socialists from travel to the US. Europe, I presume the EU and not say, Belarus, has been cut off. This is excellent news for my philosophical position I’ve had long term- I’ve always been very opposed on humanitarian grounds to medical socialism, it has put a undue strain on our health research. Europe used to be as good as the US in medical research but have largely given up, most of their private sector has gone away and token research in universities remain. Under Obama’s medical caliphate the US started turning it’s back on humanity as well going the road of Marxism/Death.

A focus on killing off disease using novel research instead of endlessly treating disease is the far more humane course of action, as socialism kills far more people. Imagine had we never tried to cure Polio and Small Pox and instead just socialized the hell out of everything, endlessly treating the disease. Far more people would be dead today than alive, and quality of life for many would be horrid. I’m not saying get rid of physician assistants and access to treatments, but never ever let greedy fat cat socialists trick you into ignoring research on cures or regrowing organs or limbs for the sake of more socialism. It isn’t a case of have our cake or eat it too, to them money is imaginary and a infinite amount can explode out of their Marxist Asses to fund everything like it’s Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Shit never works for the Oompa Loompas, and next to no one ever sees the golden ticket in the ever increasing economic scarcity of Marxism. But if you kill off a disease it goes away. There isn’t a economic impact to Small Pox anymore, the victims that should of been are statistically invisible. In the place of their suffering life has improved.

Trumps emphasis on health and aggressively killing off disease through research it the very essence of my ideology. I really don’t give a fuck about day traders or sulking democrats and foreigners on Wall Street trying to collapse the market. I support the short term payroll response and effort to keep businesses afloat- make no mistake it isn’t for “capitalism” as a few morons here will undoubtedly cry but rather to make the best conditions possible for keeping a population sedentary and willing to self quarantine instead of desperately travel to find work. I don’t know how we can ensure the potentially sick get food. Those of you who had the instinct to survive and built up a non perishable food supple, or took my advice may avoid the scramble at Walmart’s and grocery stores looking for food. I’ve seen pics of empty stores. Department of Agriculture in the US still has regulations in place from The Great Depression to hire/move unemployed people (even draft) into agricultural jobs to replenish the food supply, and our depot system that chains like Fred Meyer and Krogers use was modeled off this system. We can make the food appear for quite some time, just the quality in terms of luxury will diminish. But this Corona Virus isn’t the type of disease that will bring us to that point, just saying it exists.

Also know we have plenty of FEMA Camps, and plenty of soldiers who can be issued tranquilizers in addition to regular combat arms to hunt down individuals like Zero Sum or that jail guy (can’t recall his name) when they refuse to be housed for being homeless and infected, wanting to live a mad max lifestyle instead. Troops are well trained to deal with them, they are no Rambos. And if you start screaming “What About Dasein, Dasein Dasein?” expect to get shot in the face with a tranquilizer dart. US Marines aren’t gonna our up with that shit. As for 99.9999% of normal people, you’ll never see that, that’s just for Nietzschean types.

If we are really lucky, we’ll see the stock market plummet a few thousand more points and then see a more permanent restructuring focusing on food and employment insurance, not to mention investment in medical research companies as companies start building the framework for reimbursement to near free short term dispersement of vaccines and medications. This will create a market for medical research and selling them in mass to governments whenever there is a outbreak. Ebola was tackled early on due to coincidentally having a cure on the shelf for something else. The current corona virus vaccine comes from last corona virus research. We need all disease equally researched. We need to probe the holes of the earth and figure out how to kill the shit in advance. We also need to figure out ways to adapt our DNA and RNA and other protein genomes so we can rapidly introduce serums that cure us much earlier into a outbreak. We also need to redouble our efforts into researching direct oxygenation of the blood (two methods currently exist) as well as scrub carbon build up (one method used in tandem to liquid oxygen and deep sea diving is currently patented). Corona Virus primarily kills when the lungs are filled with fluids, and a lung transplant is required. In China political and ethnic prisoners are killed on the operating tables to provide lungs for the rich in powerful, all in the time honored tradition of socialism. Governments haven’t been quick on getting this stuff into hospitals because they’ve been fucking around listening to guys like Bernie Sanders or Fidel Castro. It is far better to have the novel ability to kill a disease at hand than it is to infinitely treat a otherwise curable syndrome, draining resources for everyone down the road. Triage needs applied. Trump is doing it. I think we’ll soon see a cure to all kinds of Corona Virus instead of sitting around like a bunch of fatalists saying it is inevitable, expect this year after year. No- fuck that. We fight it tooth and nail, we drag it screaming back to hell, and once we got that we figure out a grand strategy for stomping out the flu. We should figure out what the optimal expected lifespan for disease free humans actually is, both in disease and genetic syndromes, and we adapt our lifestyles and economies to a wiser way of living. First to go- day traders like Smears who always look startled and don’t know what the fuck is going on on sudden upsets. I would like to see a 200% tax on traders who cause a stock market collapse in one day (such as if a stock market has to pause trading due to trader hysteria watching CNN confused) and a 30 day ban on trading by them, freezing their accounts, both on the stock market and in the banks. I don’t like it when I see it go down or up day after day, Cambodia was wise in banning foreign investors from it’s stock market, noting they can do serious lopsided damage to their economy by investing in and then suddenly pulling out of the nation. Rules need to be put in place that stops the hysterical idiotic knee jerk pullouts by investors. If the money stays in the system longer the value of the money collectively is less likely to devalue over the long run. I don’t mind money being moved laterally across the stock market (for the most part, bank stocks seem a potential loophole) but I do hate them tanking it all out before companies can respond all because some idiot is watching CNN or MSNBC instead of studying it more in depth.

And the locust issues is spreading, don’t expect much in Organic Food this year if you live in Europe, and food prices will go up, not to mention a wild late summer and fall with African and Middle Eastern refugees hitting Europe harder than ever- perhaps with Corona Virus. Trump will not merely need to get a vaccine but make and distribute a vaccine. That takes time and privileged access, and even for countries like India who make counterfeit drugs it requires engineering and logistic hurdles to be overcome. Europe will have to pay a fair price for a US funded drug, it won’t be any more insane socialistic put the cost on the Americans to research the drugs and sell it super cheap to Europeans, it will be buy it at the real price of fucking die Denmark. We don’t give a flying fuck about your socialism and green energy Europe, learn to start doing the right fucking thing for a change. It is always “Oh, we read Nietzsche, we read Marx, let’s do a line of coke and shove a cock through our ears” bullshit from Europe. Just knock it the fuck off already, it is the 21st century, fucking grow up already.

And both I and Satyr and others definitely have been banned, and Carleas has still been banning people for absolutely no reason. He knows by now nobody gives a fuck enough to change who they are or their thinking to suit him or anyone else but still insists on banning people, despite the severe harm to the website. Magsj lying doesn’t change that and have no intention of receiving irrelevant bans over crackhead issues on Carleas end. If he has problems he should go see a shrink, and not take it out on others. Hardly anyone new comes here and over half who remain have noted multiple times in the past Magsj’s behavioral issues and Carleas policies have killed the site in many different situations. It literally got to the point all the creative people were banned and only a couple of crackheads claiming to be artists playing chopsticks on keyboards remained, and nobody was posting. Philosophy is more than just debate, if that was all it was we would call it rhetoric or dialectics. It is about those methods sparring with raw creative genius. You don’t even need to be right, just inspiring and creative. Something that stirs the soul through the imagination. That’s long gone here, and Magsj played the leading role in crushing it. This website was over moderated. Again, Satyr and I don’t get along but we both had this effect. When we were around, people swarmed these websites. Not everyone will like us individually but most anyone could find someone to like back then. But you get rid of us due to psycho reasons on your end, nobody is around, it turns monotone. It is like eating dry ramen here, all crunchy, bland and unsatisfying.


This guy likes keep mentioning my name, you know! I was one of the least hands-on moderators here, ya prick… you seem to overlook the ILP sport called troll-the-moderator, you short-sighted, self-appointed sage, misogynistic, purveyor of being wrong… in this case. More left here because of you and Satyr, than remained… fact! and yet you both remain free to post here any time you wish, and my behavioural issues are of nobody’s concern but mine… am I your child?

Most here don’t seem that concerned about Covid-19, as perhaps being in good well-nourished health is keeping them in a positive state of mind about the pandemic, but those with nutritional deficiencies and suppressed immune systems are laying low until the pandemic has passed.

Whoa. Mystery explained. Usually here in Turkey in the summer I get a tonne of sun from walking for an hour or two each day, and in the winters I used to wonder if I was getting enough vitamin D. So this winter I took oral vitD drops every day religiously, and although everybody else in the family got colds and the flu, I remaimed miraculously immume for the first time ever in probably 20 years or more. Wrote it off to luck at the time.

I’ll start taking it again till this new bug blows over, or the sun really gets out. =D>

That’s why trumpf cut the CDC budget… because all we need is vitamins. Here’s a quote from a conference from a few years ago:

“The Obama socialist hoax of preparedness for disease prevention and control is evil and will not be funded. Besides, vitamin D has done a tremendous, tremendous job at fighting viral infections. Really tremendous. Just an incredible, incredible job.”

=D> It’s now about slowing down and lessening the spread of the virus, as attempting to contain it was never going to happen, under such specific set of circumstance.

Look, I challenged the dude above to come here and discuss these things mano y mano. Or, as it were, here, mind to mind. We can even take the exchange to Rant and have it revolve entirely around the two of us trying solely to make fools of each other.

So, is he banned here or not?

And, if so, maybe Maia can pass our posts back and forth on a new thread. Rant or not.

After all, he still reeks of objectivism to me. And you know how I feel about that! :laughing:

…but will you believe me if I say Yes one more time? :-s

Would you believe me if I noted that through Maia he is not banned at all?

Alas, my bread and butter here is shooting objectivists like fish in a barrel. And, sad to say, most of the more sophisticated ones are long gone.


Let them come then Turd and I won’t be alone either. If it comes down to that I’ll gather a small resistance army waging a guerilla war in the United States never seen before and I will do it quite well spending the last twenty years just thinking about it 24/7 well in advance.

Also, it will be the obedient sycophant assholes that will be marched to the FEMA camps first only to be slaughtered like little lambs afterwards. The willing useful idiots are always the first to be gathered, lined up on a wall, shot, and executed. Frankly I could care less, there’s too many imbeciles in this country as there is and it’s less people I’ll have to deal with in the streets or woods once shit hits the fan.

P.S. I have a nice secluded island waiting for me roughly twelve hours away from where I live that I can survive on for years at a time. While the dumb fucks go around killing each other thinning the herd I will be spending my time fishing in solitude slowly building an army of like minded individuals that I can personally vouche for.

Game on turd burglar, game on…


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Unless, of course, he’s very close to almost possibly being nearly right. :wink:

Schools shutting down for 3 weeks in Turkey. We should have pandemics more often. :smiley: Well, okay, maybe not, but good to see the Turkish government moving quickly. Stay well everyone.

Zero, so, you still think the whole “descent into neo-barbarism” thing is cool…? How are we going to get back up again…? Especially now we’ve put a huge dent in world resources to leapfrog from steam engines to quantum theory in little over a century…? Or is this your solution to the fermi paradox…?

Progress has been hyperbolically fast, excluding most of us humans from becoming self conscious of our potentials to become autonomous, rather most have become automatons working at behest of men, increasingly few, who insist that we are.too far behind not to march to a different near , other then the call of.the jungle.
That jungle , may offer a wide variety of rewards,
among them the intellectual masturbation of fishing in a pond, that offers a well earned sense of having succeeded to break through into the self imposed solitude of that mirror-image, the reflection,that passed through and beyond the social constraints. Perpetuating the myth of the rule through animal farm antics
and claiming that it is only through a sense of realizing that, as the only way to understand and control such determinations, may no longer suffice.

The problem is, one can always hide, but can not run far and fast enough from returning , where our compass fails to loose ourself in the prior naive state the opposite. (No return)
Assuming that people , naive but noble, savages, are still capable of the respect and stability, that law and order.provides, may be too broad to consider, within their own perimeters.

The transcendent goals of such navel watching, help resolve the problem of a narcotic approach to anything but a partially cut away and compartmentalized place that also has to align again to a repeated form of self indulgence.
The intention to free one’s self into a an authentic existence, may be imperiled by the sheer imbalance between the producers and the consumers , where by the increasing numbers of mutant machines , hybrids
Viruses sense this desperation,

They develop , with totally determined.pre-conscious force, to take advantage of this pause and attack the niches that open up elemental power struggles between levels of energy.

Scary, since atomic power is also the result of smaller quantified preconscious mass; , but restrained , transform the physical and biological power that have some sort of pan psychic connection, predatinf such existentially prior constructs. The inorganic predates the organic, the energy transfuses as mythic conduits.

I wish , that existence would preceed essence, but that may be merely an ex post facto rationalization for that naturalistic fallacy.

Sequential processes may hide the differential aspects of consciousness on this level, and the unmeasurable probable effects they may imply…

Nah, I’m not worried about the low I.Q. MAGA retards.

Turkey, eh? You know I’ve always imagined you as a San Francisco neo-liberal of some sorts, how very interesting.

How’s Idlib going for you guys? And that whole spat with Russia?

Not very nice what you guys are doing to Greece and letting all those illegal refugees into the whole of Europe, not very nice at all. Then you guys have Erdogan, that guy is a real piece of work.

If you can’t already see the barbarism of modernity and our current world then you must be blind. There’s no civility in the world, only the thin veneer of ‘civility’.

If you must know I am very content with a thousand years of the global dark ages with a new century of chaos everywhere, getting back up doesn’t concern me and it really doesn’t concern EROEI either.


Come the era of neo-barbarism, there’ll be an erdogan on every block lol. You are a real romantic. That thin veneer of civility took the whole of human history to create.

There you go, once again, leaving that for the rest of us. :wink: