Compared to Men, Women are so dumb

So pussies whine alot, cowardly, evasive…Phoney uses this as an insult.

Simultaneously insulting herself in a pathetic attempt to do the same to me.

Maybe this is another reason why women are so dumb?

Having a pussy != being a pussy, tard.

Thereby implying that females shouldn’t be female?

Dig your hole deeper.


Why you people are unnecessarily indulging in name calling?
It would not serve any purpose for anyone.
If one is habitual of committing the same mistake again and again, others should not try to match him on that front.
Because of habit and ignorance, he is unable to realize what he is doing, but others should realize that.
Leave it for him.

with love,

What I can’t get over is why he went from a name like Aeon to a name like xfzgrwdl. Personally, I think this Aeon wanted a sock puppet on ILP and came up with a new name by randomly typing at the keyboard. He was probably drunk at the time.

Uh… that’s creepy.

Wa-wa-where did Y come from?!?!

Actually, I think he showed a lot of courage for attempting to insert a Y out of nowhere into the equation.

'Cause it’s fun.

It doesn’t matter because thay equation is true for all values of x.
So at the same time that is not incorrect, but also isn’t an answer at all.

Sure it’s an answer, don’t be so dumb.

Y is what happens when you attempt to trap a philosopher in a box… get it?! Ha ha ha ha…?

You don’t get it, do you?

Somehow I doubt he even had that in mind.

Math fails when you cannot solve for awesome.

He most certainly didn’t.

What do I get for a reward if I solve some algebra equations?

Make out session? Otherwise, I’m not interested. Let’s be practical here. Time is valuable.

Arbiter of Change

I understood what he meant. Re-read what I wrote. My problem was that he thought of her as any degree of being an idiot. I’m sure that his daughter will be happy to know someday that compared to other Fing idiots, her father won’t consider her to be THAT MUCH OF ONE. Do you STILL not get what I’m saying here?

Do you want to know something? I thought about that much later on but decided it wasn’t so important to me - but why did you put it in such a large font size? Were you trying to trick me? So this is the man you are - trying to gain an unfair advantage over a weak feeble female like myself?

I never said anything of the kind. I suggest you re-read what I wrote. You probably just didn’t understand what i meant unless you’re being a strawman. Did i use the word correctly? It would have been absolutely absurd for me to imply any such thing. Re-read what i wrote or read between the lines.

Well, could you agree with me that many are? Many of those men are just plain arrogant and narcissistic which can come from an inferiority complex. I suppose that one would have to take each individual into account. But there are many men like that who are threatened by women, especially strong women. Or can’t you see that? Do you realize how women have come as far as we have - it’s because of the men who fear women, who want to hold us down, who feel threatened by us and who would like to maintain the status quo - like from the stone age. Those men are a strong impetus, the drive, which spur women on, who always have. All they can see is what they would like how they would like women to be - those poor babies (the men). Again, I don’t hate men. Ijust thoroughly dislike some.

Well, I think it was actually Thursday or Friday when I changed that. Anyway, I did remark that we can all be like ostriches.
Oh, I so like a guy with a sense of humor. Anyway, after scanning the post a picture thread and what you said there, I think my next avatar will be a rooster in your honor. You must think that the early morning sun shines just for you. You do know what they say about men who :laughing: …well, just think about it.

I had a cousin who committed suicide with a shotgun.

Why do men have to talk like that and in an open forum? It’s so juvenile. And who is that they’re really trying to impress - the females or the males?


By the way, I want to apologize for calling you that name i used some posts up.,whether it bothered you or not, it was a bit much, even for me. So I’m sorry for that. We never really know how someone takes something no matter how it appears or doesn’t appear.

Women have the unique emotional ability to twist anything positive, about a person, into a negative, as this thread demonstrates. This is how women “gossip”, and the women term “frenemies”. Females dole out back-handed compliments to each-other on a regular basis, teasing the prospect for a false compliment, which if taken, implies an underlying insult.

But this is intellectually, very shallow and stupid behavior. Males are “above” this, so-to-speak. Again, I repeat, since a lot of these common sense statements get ignored (because they’re true and irrefutable), male-to-male competition is overt while female-to-female competition is covert.

I taunted the moron, Kristy West, and it was easy to do. Women are susceptible to taunting. She took the bait and tried to cut into me personally, about my hypothetical daughter. She tried to argue that teaching and educating a child (as opposed to institutionalizing) is bad and negative…when other people do it, but probably, she is the exception to her own rule. She would not belabor this point, because it was lost, and she knows this. She cannot defend herself.

Then Kristy West and Phoney both said that I should not have a daughter, or kids, at all.

These types of underhanded, emotionally laden, personal (ad hom) attacks are typical of women. And yes, this is one of the many reasons why “women are so dumb” compared to men.

Philosophically, this means the pussy squad is still in Kindergarten. Small children, reflecting small minds. Unfit for philosophy, these twats are still in diapers. Maybe they’ll always wear them, for the rest of their intellectually stunted lifetimes?

Let’s use Kristy West as the primary example. In her ripe, older age, has she “matured” at all in her thoughts? Is she any wiser? Has she learned a damn thing?


The power of ignorance is too strong for common people. Wisdom is lost on them, “pearls before swine”.

Well, thank goodness we have a man showing he can avoid ad homs, confirming his hypothesis ta boot.

You cannot reason with animals.

Like a bear or tiger charging you in the woods. You do not gently talk the animal out of attacking you, inviting it to have a cup of coffee or tea, while you explain to it politely how it was an accident that you crossed its path between a mother and its cubs.

Reason is lost upon the foolish. “Humans” like Kristy West do not take to reason. She takes to emotion, viciousness, and respects nothing less.

Hmm, I see your point. An paramilitary unit ripping up a village could be reasoned with by offering it tea. But people are like animals, they just run and scream.

Reason is a mysteriously elusive friend, isn’t he.

Reason…The tiger has no 'reason" to spare you…it’s hungry! However, if you offer it love, and food, you can gain it’s trust…tigers make good house pets. You gave it a “reason” to spare you.