People are more afraid of living forever than dying!

Reality and imagination are not the ‘same’, but process.

certainly they are related.
The image is the process by which reality is ascribed, so the key difference sought should be between the image and the imagination in determining that process.

Whatever relation exists between the insribable processes of life, death, ego, helplessness, hope and hopeless, being and nothingness, sanity and insanity, reasonable and reasonableness, time and timeless, black and white and color, small and big, child and adult, project and interject, relevant or not, freedom and responsibility, cosmic and metaphor-mythic, either or or, conscious and unconscious, dead or alive, man or beast, beauty or the beast, …the list goes on and on and on and on…

Are all opposites related but not the same?

What is same?

The answer ought to be no thing is same. Sure, but …

Look at love. Are love and hate related or not? Are they the same, or having the same source in emotion?

Sure because hate fills the soul when love is ribbed from its cradle. It pains one who loves to have the object if it’s love taken away.

Love is a given, a gift which costs the lover pain to have that object of love taken away, and it also hurts the recipient.

What is love?

Is it related to an idea that we can define?

Or does it belong in a family of ideas subsumed into higher ideas to firm ideals?

Can we define these higher ideals as soul?

What is soul? Is it a multiplicity or a singular idea? Are a singular and a universal idea related or not ?

Does the soul exist or not?

If the soul is universal can it be defined as God, or not?

If not what, or who nihilized it’s existence ? Or what does nihilize it’s existence and why?

Does existence and it’s presence or past mutually incompatible or incontrovertible to form necessary propositions about them one way or another?

Or, it is a fact rather then mere impression relating to the fact that they are absolutely incontravertable?

Is it mere impression or factual opinion of that which impresses?

What or who is a man? Ant like or monkey like?

Is a monkey possesses by something call it a soul that it wants to better itself to enable itself to possess ideas and souls?

Or does the monkey really has no say in the matter of getting a soul or not? Is something outside the monkey that impressed it to acquire that soul?

Is the soul a given?
Or is the soul a begotten?

Is live and soul relative?

Are relationships relative primarily or not?

Or are they manifestation of higher order functions?

Is time a description of a past or a future event, and not one that can describe the present?
Time can’t exist in the past and future, therefore time dies not exist.

If time dies not exist, then none if the processes described above can exist in time.

If the above processes can’t exist then they are timeless and eternal.

What are we as men conscious of?

Existence is absolute and there are opposites and shades of grey that exist within it either as real phenomena or imaginary concepts
We are part of Existence but we cannot fully understand it - though we really try to - because our brains do not have that capability
We do the best we can but we are not here to find definitive answers - there is no meaning to all this - it simply is - no more no less

Surreptitious says, :

“We are part of Existence but we cannot fully understand it - though we really try to - because our brains do not have that capability”

We could understand ‘it’ if we had absolute recall.:

The idea is, that if, conscious realization is a given, (given in the sense of basing all our current realizations on a perfect model), rather then a coincidentally non determinate happenstance, then ‘it’ becomes a foregone conclusion that, knowledge of absolute realization (its called enlightenment in other contexts) then the brain, as a functional receiver could -know it all

It gives the impression that it is certainly trying just that.

75: noticed u on board, gotta go zillion things to do but will return this afternoon PST.

Does the brain actually possess the capacity to be a functional receiver of some absolute consciousness ?
Total enlightenment may be possible for some but the mental discipline would be too much for most of us
The goal for me is not perfection but to be as less imperfect as possible because that is actually attainable
Now as a pragmatist my focus is on what is doable rather than what is desirable as I am too old for idealism
But I am open to ideas in principle though a definitive lack of results will make me sceptical of some of them

Yes, the brain can attain enlightenment.

It depends on the level of interconnectedness within the brain, archytypically reduced brain functions , for the most part were much less organized and interconnected.

"The difficulties we have assessing self-awareness demonstrate that it is a complex trait and support the idea that no single brain area is dedicated to it. Overall, the prefrontal cortex may be critical for metacognition, but self-awareness most likely emerges when this region is highly interconnected with the rest of the brain.

This article was originally published with the title “Ask the Brains” in SA Mind 23, 1, 70 (March 2012)"

The idea I am trying to make, is that increasing interconnectedness has no limits, and suggests a morphological map.

Don’t expect much discussion involving a topic like eternal consciousness. Most if not all have been stripped of their eternal memories.

I’m working out a system where people can happily and gratefully enjoy living forever. The reason they’re stripped is because people get bored.

I don’t think most people really think much about a 1000 trillion googleplex years and getting bored and then you still have forever after that!

How’d I lose my memory?

Does boredom lead to insanity?

And does that insanity trickle into this and all other renditions of continuing existence?

Yes, Darling, and to prove how that form of insanity can trickle down, some small kids complain of severe boredom , after they run out of videogames, red box movies, and even of school time. Bore bore bore.

How insane of technology to allow that to occur?

I tell 'm I only got s book for Xmas, no TV, movies once a month, had a few games like pick up sticks, but could converse for hours across open windows across, and imagine, imagine what school, teacher , and of course summer camp next year.

Parents had too much imagination and work to do to instill boredom to trickle down.

No, there is definitely something to be said of the sanity of those good old days!

We invented to universe to be weird to keep us entertained, often, craziness is very entertaining itself for a while.

Again, and I mean this literally and seriously, people really don’t think about what it really means to live forever… to live 1000 trillion googleplex years and then get really, really bored, and then you still have forever to live after that!

I’m currently in development of a system that eradicates this problem in what I find the most suitable way. Then you have to wake spirits up and point to it and say, “hey, what about this?”

From my perspective, we have enough raw material in existence to keep us entertained forever without resorting to always forgetting - to accomplish this.

Fear and pain are direct reactions to mortality and natural selection.

Being afraid of being alive is one of the most retarded things I’ve ever heard of.

I think the worse insanity is called supid-thinking.
Filling up the mind with spam of every sort.
Until your own conditioning consumes you.

That’s not true dan. Fear and pain are reactions to us being sent to hell for an extremely long time. It’s spiritual and not physical. The mind is very capable of abstracting that minor consent violations imply major ones.

Is hell full of fire and demons?
Hell fire means i don’t need a camp fire to make smores anymore.
and no heating bill.

I’ve actually been to the molten hell before. Man is that one not fun. But the best hellers on earth are the Buddhists … man these people don’t fuck around! They make the molten hell look like paradise.

Shave your head balled, eat rice once a day, let go of all attachments.
Do the benevolent creator gods have an excuse for why hells are set up?

JW would say hell is a satanic lie meant to scare people away from God so that the poeple live in fear and shame.

No. They have no excuse. They do have boundaries though. What we currently have is not really freedom. True freedom is the ability to torment everyone but you forever in all of existence and have no consequence. We do not live in a true freedom cosmos. People who do this are sent to hell.