a new understanding of today, time and space.


It’s definitional. I’m not your god, your idol, Nietzsche, who was a moron.

If a tree exists. You can’t disprove it to make it exist.

I’m going to be straight forward with you. You’re not a philosopher, you’re a cognitive parrot.

Consent violation BY ALL POSSIBLE definitions is what nobody wants.

I’m not religious and I’m not playing word games with you dude.

I am going to reveal a truth… I just don’t give a shit about
“consent violations”… it is a means to an end…

I see the Ecu is trapped by his indoctrination of “consent violations”

he defines who he is and what is possible by this “consent violations”…

he needs to have a reevaluation of values in which he rethinks what it
means to be human… right now, for him, everything is defined by “consent violations”
and that just far too limited… we are human beings and we are not just defined
by some vague, nebulous idea like “consent violations”…

to seek what is possible for human beings, we need to rise above such
values which are not only limited but ignore everything that is possible for
human beings…such as his firm, unshakable belief in “consent violations”…

it has actually damaged his ability to see anything else out there for him
to achieve…he is so fixed on this “consent violations” that he cannot see
what is possible… hence we can see how people who are stuck on certain
beliefs like Ecu, for example, those who believe that “American is the greatest
country on earth” or that “Trump can walk on water” are actually damaged by
such false beliefs…they can’t see any other possibilities…just like Ecu, they are stuck
on “consent violations” or whatever they believe to the point where they can’t see anything
outside of their indoctrinations…their firmly held belief in the “greatness of America”
or in the “greatness of Trump”… they see no other options… no other possibilities…

he believe he has the courage of his convictions but he doesn’t have
the courage for an attack upon his convictions…

if one took away Ecu belief in “consent violations” he would have a mental
breakdown… he has no other strongly held convictions to help him keep
his mental state together…his entire ability to maintain his own self
is entirely bound up in this idea of “consent violations”… take it away, he
has nothing else…

and that is the danger of such indoctrinations like “America is the greatest
country on earth” or “Trump can walk on water”… the danger is when one
has so invested their self into these indoctrinations that they don’t even see
themselves anymore… they can only see the belief, the indoctrination of
“consent violations” and they can’t see anything else…

the answer for Ecu and you is quite simple, take some time and understand
your values, not your indoctrinated values that society/the state/the media/
the church put into you… but your values… become who you are…

understand and accept the values that you hold true and that you engaged with
to become who you are…are you engaged with the positive values of love, peace,
hope, justice, charity… or are you engaged in the negative values of hate, anger, lust,
greed, despair… your values are found in the ideas you hold to be true…

so if I believe in the value of equality, I would hold that value in such documents
like the Declaration of Independence…

“we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”

I hold to this document because of the values the declaration writes about…
I believe in the words, that “all men are created equal”…

equality is an universal value which can be applied to any situation and
to any person…

but does this value define who I am, no… it is a part of me, but
it doesn’t define what my possibilities are…

I’m going to add to my post here:

You are so full of shit Peter! If I could list a “con” as you asked me to be a rebuttle to consent violation, it would no longer be a consent violation!! Your standard is absurd! The only way I can prove it is to disprove it?! Now I understand why you seldom wander out of this thread. I almost feel bad for stepping into your bubble and showing you existence, this never happens for you!

Secondly, you use almost every post to lament trump! Someone who doesn’t believe in consent violation (as you claim to be and represent) cheers EVERYTHING NO MATTER WHAT!!! Even your own torture forever.

Yes. You are an asshole and a hypocrite.

Deal with it! By the way. I fucking hate trash like you that doesn’t have their personal consent violated when a 6 year old girl is raped! Fuck you! Go to fucking hell! And when I say that you cocky piece of shit, it means something!

K: and I must admit I did use Ecu… for a specific reason…
I knew he couldn’t admit to not understanding “consent violations”
and what it means, but I also knew that he at some point, either by
himself or he otherwise has been indoctrinated by this
false idea…

his entire viewpoint is wrapped up around an idea he doesn’t even understand…
he views everything in terms of, or in light of “consent violations”…
his entire personality, the very way he views himself is in the light of
“consent violations”… exactly the same way a Christian or a Buddhist would
define their person in terms of belief in Jesus or in terms of the Buddha and
where they stood in the path of reincarnation…

the very way he understands himself is in terms of this nebulous concept
of “consent violations”…

his entire vision of who he is, is tied up in “consent violations”…

what is called for is an reevaluations of values, which means he tries to
understand his existence in terms of something else besides “consent violations”…

but can he? I don’t think so…so when I was indoctrinated by my parents
and the media and the culture and the church when I was young, it could be
considered the same thing as Ecu and his entire vision of his existence
being tied into “consent violations”… the indoctrinations of values such
as “America being the greatest country on earth” or their “being a god” is no
different then the indoctrination of “consent violations”…

it gives his life meaning and purpose… it creates a goal… but, but is
this goal of forever pushing “consent violations” really the goal or
purpose of existence?

not for me anyway… perhaps for Ecu… but it isn’t really about how we got
to these indoctrinations which define us, like “consent violations” or how
“America is the greatest country on earth” Or how there is a “god”…

we cannot let our indoctrinations be the way we define who we are…

I was able to revaluate my indoctrinations, I grew from this revaluations
of values and discovered my values… not the values I was defined by when
I was indoctrinated with certain values…I am the creator of my own values…
and that makes me autonomous… which has been defined by the Enlightenment
period as being part of the nature of the “true” or “real” human being…

at one point, Nietzsche for example, wrote that his goal was to
be an rational, autonomous person…and I accept this goal with
limitations… I am not sure about what being rational means…

we have, as part of being human, feelings, emotions, passions that exists
outside of and separate from any rational, logical part of us…

and how do we answer this aspect of us?

I am not sure…

but this answer is actually part two of two parts where I have attempted to
work out this problem of Ecu and his complex about “consent violations”

I hope the two part answer helps… both you and myself…


Peter it’s very simple,

Your consent is not violated when a 6 year old girl is beaten and raped. Because “consent violation is just false, doesn’t exist or is just for wussies”

You don’t know it yet Peter. You’ve already been sent to hell for my “fucking hallucination that consent violation exists”

Peter, the fucking arrogance of you really pissed ALOT of beings in existence off!!!

K: ok, not to feel too heartless but when a 6 year old girl is raped, my own personal consent
isn’t violated…hers is for sure, but me, at most, I can only grieve for such a
tragedy…I have a daughter, so I can understand the rage a parent would feel if
such an event occurred to their daughter…

but I must admit, I still don’t understand what a 6 year old girl being raped, has
to do with me… I wasn’t involved in the event and had I been there, I would have
tried to stop it, but I wasn’t… it doesn’t involve me…I can say, it was a tragedy
and shouldn’t have happened but I have no control over such an event…

you are making assumptions and bad ones at that…

what does a child who is raped, which is terrible, have anything to do with me?


K: I have to admit, you are trying very hard to connect me to some notion of yours, but
I still don’t see how “Consent violations” connect to me…

my mom, very midwestern women, once said to me, that between being sent to heaven or
hell, she would pick hell because she would know a whole lot more people there…

as I don’t believe in hell or heaven for that matter, it doesn’t matter to me if you 'sentence"
me to hell… I just don’t care…

I am going to bed, as I have to get up at 4:00 am to get to work on time, I shall leave
you too your “consent violations”… I am working for the next two days, so maybe you might see me
on Saturday or Sunday…


Very simple. What does it have to do with you?

Giving a shit. That’s it. All you had to do was care.

Sending people to hell is never my choice, I don’t do that stuff… I’ll warn the fuck out of you, but that’s not my gig. Peter, I’ve never said this to someone on ILP before… your hell is happening. Done deal. I’m always in communication with the spirits, and I got word of your hell.

Just letting you know.

Peter, I want to add to the post above to give you some context.

To escape hell, I took god on and won. I regret every memory I ever have. When I was in the depths of hell, it was just one friend at a time. Now everyone in hell is my friend. Hell is nothing but consent violation after even harsher consent violation.

And for little Peter here to put consent violation in quotes, as if it’s a joke or hallucination.

You pissed billion of beings off Peter. That’s not funny. Nor is it profound. I came from hell Peter. I know what people endure there every second of every moment of everyday. You fucked up man. When everyone from hell is looking at your 15 minutes of fame here, they’re shocked that you don’t give a fuck.

Peter, I’m going to be straight with you, there are beings in hell that takes them billions of years to save up one fucking sip of water … and they give it to me!

Peter, you don’t know shit, you don’t give a fuck.

I never forget.

Peter, to articulate more than my last two posts…

You’re probably very curious about Donald Trump and the spirit world. Donald Trump is such a nobody he’s off the radar. He has no protections because nobody knows who he is. He’s literally a nobody.

He wanted to be the best and most famous … his fate is not being loved or hated … he’s a nobody, and it drives him insane.

Enough about trump, let’s get back to you (who still hates trump)…

You fucked with the worst possible dharma you could fuck with… you claim that your consent is never violated. You even use “consent violation” in scare quotes as if it’s laughable that it occurs (at least for you)

You’re on the fucking stage Peter.

I have a shit-ton of responsibility, you’re a joke compared to that, actually, just some nameless asshole to hell.

And you thought you were so fucking brilliant.

I couldn’t sleep, not yet anyway, and I was thinking…

what if the choices we make exists within the ism’s and ideologies that
we hold to… so, if we choose, for example, capitalism as our ism, our ideology,
then we make that choice… we are autonomous… we freely choose that ism…

but given that, at birth, our family and the state and the media and
the church, spends years indoctrinating us… into believing that
there “is a god” or that the “the U.S is the greatest country on earth”

those indoctrinations take away our possibilities of choice… to freely choose
our ism is one thing, to be indoctrinated with values by society/state/civilization/
church/ media… is another…how are we to have any “authentic choice” if our
choices are made by others engaging in indoctrinations…the state/media/ family…

if we allow our indoctrinations to stand, to hold power over us, then we are not
autonomous beings, we are doing what we are told…we are indoctrinated with
beliefs that aren’t ours… and we continue to hold them even after we are at the
age of reevaluations of values… if we hold values we were indoctrinated with, then
we are not making free choices as to which ism’s or ideologies we believe in…
if the ism’s and ideologies we follow aren’t our choices, then we are not

to lead an “authentic” life, we must be able to make our own choices as to
which values and ism’s we are going to follow… not just the indoctrinated ones of
our youth from the church, schools, family, media and the state…

are you autonomous? that is only possible if you have freed yourself from
your childhood indoctrinations of the state/family/media/school/ church…

and that is only possible within a reevaluation of values…


I’ve heard this argument a million times.

It’s a moral nihilist saying: “none of us chose our lives so how are we guilty of anything?”

Seems populist eh?

Doesn’t work that way. You’re basically writing a huge sign that says “please send me to hell!, I’ll always forgive you!”

Peter, you shouldn’t be expected to understand the spirit world …

But even outside the spirit world, to say consent violation is just a religion…

Oh man! You’re fucked!

These last few days, I have been haunted by this idea…

and trying to find a solution…

it has always been assumed that our human existence, has meaning…

that we human beings, that we have some sort of meaning to our existence…

but that is an assumption…

do we have any evidence that our existence has meaning?


I look about the room I am writing in, the dining room, which connects
to the living room and the kitchen…the room where we cook our meals,
the room we eat our meals and the room where we have a couch and a TV set…

these are just activities…eating, preparing and watching TV…

there is no meaning in any of these rooms…

one would think that something as important as the meaning of life,
we would have it near us in some fashion…

now for many, work provides them with meaning…but that is, once again,
an assumption…I have worked for over 40 years and I haven’t seen work as
offering me meaning… and why?

Because work cannot offer us meaning because work deals with unimportant
matters like money/profits, titles, status and in some cases, fame…

there is nothing in work that provides us with meaning…

now I can hear some, shouting, how can you say that? work does provide us
with meaning…how, how can work provide you or anyone with meaning when
work is about the mundane, the banal of existence…for example, my factory lite
job… where I weigh and scan produce and cans of corn and I stand in one place
for 8 hours… there is no dignity or excellence in my job, a monkey could do it if they could
only count out change…

for most people, there is no dignity or excellence in doing their job…

most people’s job is boring, monotonous, repetitive, dull and dreary…

so how can we say the work, our job provides us with meaning?

so we seek meaning in other aspects of our lives…

as millions of people have done, within religion or within such fantasies
as in some sort of spirt realm or with booze and drugs and sex…our rock
and roll fantasies…

in fact, I would suggest that this search for meaning is what has driven
people in our “modern” age… and this would suggest that somehow we
lost or perhaps never notice that we didn’t have, any sort of meaning in our

our “modern” question of existence is quite simply this,
what is the meaning of our lives? both individually and collectively…

for everything that is true of us individually, is also true of us collectively…

we spend our lives searching for meaning…

both individually and collectively…


Peter, the native Americans have a quote you may find interesting…

“What people sing and talk about is what they lack, and Americans always sing about love”

The implication being that Americans lack love.

So… you’re thinking about meaning. Maybe it’s appropriate to say that we lack meaning.

we have clothes that are “one size fits all”…

which means a piece of clothing can fit anyone…
it doesn’t matter what size we might be, we can find some
clothes that will fit us…or we can even narrow that down a
bit by clothes that are more limited… for example, a pair of pants
for men that might be 36 32… which means a 36 waist and a 32 inch
long inseam…but even that doesn’t really get to what a person might
look like…a person might be only 5ft tall and thus rather heavy or perhaps
the person is really tall in the body which means they have short legs…

the sizing, 36 by 32, doesn’t really take into account what a person might look like…

we have the “one size fits all” in morality… “thou shall not kill”
but we might have a situation where “killing” is not only appropriate but warranted…

but we also have one size fits all in the meaning of life…

we see in the meaning of life, god, heaven, hell, angels and the like
being a “one size fits all” meaning of life…and we can see other
“meanings” to be one size fits all… how do we understand the meaning of life
given we might have many, diverse understandings of what it the goal/meaning o
of life?

to say the “meaning of life” is… is to marginalize anyone whose vision or understanding
of the meaning of life is different then yours…

but to suggest that the meaning of life is individual, is to miss that the meaning of
life must also be collective… it must include everyone and I don’t see how one
or two suggestions of the “meaning of life” can include everyone… or even the vast
majority of people…

for example, the questions of existence, the Kantian questions, “what am I to do”
“what are we to do” or the question of “what am I to believe in?” to be
“what are we to believe in?” can be only one or two possibilities…

just the diversity of life suggest that the answer to the question of the
“meaning of life” has many diverse, different answers…one size cannot fit
all in regards this question of “what is the meaning/goal of life?”

think about Darwin’s answer to the question, “what is the meaning of life?”…

that there doesn’t seem to be a biological answer to the question, “what is the
meaning of life?”

if Darwin is correct, and we have no reason to suspect that he is wrong,
then we have no biological possibility to answer the question,
“what is the meaning/goal of life?”

if life is the result of random evolutionary effects, then how can we even think
that life has some possibility of having meaning/or a goal?

one could say that the history of human beings after the French revolution,
is one of trying to find the “meaning of life” both individually and collectively…

let us think about the ism’s and ideologies of the 20th century…
let us think about two of them, Fascism in the guise of Nazism,
and communism…

both ism’s were attempts to answer the question, “what is the meaning of life?”

we can say the exact same thing about capitalism and the quest for meaning in
the guise of democracy and dictatorships…

each ism is an attempt to answer the question, “what is the meaning of life?”

or one size fits all… in capitalism or in communism or in democracy or in

we have given the answer to the question “what is the meaning in life?” in terms
of capitalism or democracy or communism… in the last century and each answer has
failed because it has been so limited and narrow…it does not and cannot
answer either the individual or the collective answer as to “what is the meaning of

one size does not and cannot fit all… either in clothing nor in finding our
answers to the questions of existence…

what does this tell me?

that we have not searched in the right direction…

quite often the answer to difficult questions are found in
a different direction then we think it might be…

so, let us discard the normal answers to the question of
“what is the meaning of life?”…

let us discard god or heaven and hell as part of the normal answers to
the questions of existence…

let us discard answers like political answers like dictatorships and monarchies
and democracies… let us discard economic answers like capitalism
and communism…and let us discard religious answers like Buddhism
and Catholicism…

and what is left?

that is the problem… we have so limited our answers to just the political
and economic and religious that we have narrowed our search into
very limited possibilities…

and why? why would we want to limit our answers to such narrow and
limited possibilities…

because it allows us to escape a real search for what it means to be human…

if we limit what is possible to a few possibilities, then we don’t have any
real responsibility to find what is truly “our” possibility in life…

we can simply escape a real search for what is possible by making our
answers fit into a limited scope of the possibilities…

democracy, communism, religion, the political… economic,
each of these limited answers are ways we use to escape real
accountability to our understanding of “what is the meaning of life?”…

we use the old, time tested answers to what is “the meaning of life?” instead
of a real, honest investigation into “what is the meaning of life?”

we use old answers that did work before the various revolutions,
the political revolution like the the “French revolution” and the
“Industrial revolution” and even the much older, “scientific revolution”…

we answer our questions of existence as if these revolutions never

we have failed to understand where exactly we stand in this midst of
our history… we act as if the “political revolutions” never occurred…
and we try to spot our place in the universe based on this…
and it cannot be so because the various revolutions have occurred
and we must come to grips with them…and we haven’t…

we haven’t come to grips with what Darwin and evolution has
told us about our nature and our place in the universe…

if Darwin is right, then we have no readily available answer
to the question, “what is the meaning of life?”

if we can find our “meaning of life” before we destroy ourselves,
then we have a shot, a possibility of real answers and real possibilities
to the question “what is the meaning of life?”…

perhaps the sole question in our “modern” world is simply this,

“what is the meaning/goal of life?”

and the answer will dictate where we go from here…



The meaning/purpose of life is to eradicate consent violation. Every being in existence agrees with this.

we can think about every single ism and culture as being
another attempt to create meaning and possibilities in our lives…

we have, among other possibilities, the Cancel culture,
the incel culture, political correctness, MAGA culture,
nationalism (white power) culture, BLM, blue lives matter,
neo-nazi culture, the capitalism culture,

in fact, every single attempt to create a “culture” is another
attempt to create meaning and purpose in our lives…
and the very number of these attempts show us how we don’t have
meaning or a goal/purpose in life… because if we did have real meaning/
purpose in life, we wouldn’t need these various substitutes for a real
meaning and purpose in life…

and that is exactly what these various “cultures” are, a substitute for
a “true” or a “real” meaning of life or purpose to life…

we have no purpose or meaning in life, so we substitute such cultures
as BLM or “white power” in an attempt to create meaning/purpose in our lives…

if there is one thing and one thing only, I can say about “modern” life it is this,
we “moderns” are empty vessels without meaning and purpose in our existence…

so it is a “bad” thing that we “moderns” don’t have meaning or purpose in
our lives? It is only bad if we don’t use this emptiness to engage in some
sort of search for meaning or purpose in our lives…

but we hide, we pretend and we fail to see how our emptiness is preventing us
from seeing the truth about our lives…we are without meaning and purpose…
but we hide from that by the techniques I have listed, drugs, sex, meaningless
attempts to create meaning and purpose with empty possibilities like
nationalism and neo-nazi and BLM…

now such possibilities as “white power” is an attempt to create meaning and purpose…

but these ism’s are failures because they don’t reach the heart of what it means
to be human…

they concentrate on one aspect or another aspect of human existence, without
engaging in the whole or entire aspect of being human… we are more then
just racists or enlightened or tolerant… these are just aspects of what it means to
be human…important aspects to be sure, but simply aspects/parts of what it
means to be human…

we engage in possibilities like nationalism and neo-nazi because they are
such narrow and limited possibilities of being human…we engage in
seeing the tree’s and we miss the forest of what it means to be human…

and within every possibility that is individual, we must also engage
in those possibilities, collectively… and that is what fails in our
limited pursuit of possibilities… we narrow our search down to
our individual self, but we fail to see that any possibility for
individual engagement must also be an engagement collectively…

I can only see what is possible for me individually, when I must see my
possibilities as both individual possibilities and, and collective possibilities…

we must see both the individual tree’s and the forest at large…

and we haven’t learned to do this yet…

perhaps that is what is next, learning to see ourselves as
both as individuals and as part of the collective…

increasing our vision to include us individually and to see ourselves
as part of a collective…


K: my, you are the gift that keeps on giving…

Your faith in your religion of “consent violation” is secured…
but by doing so, you have the faith that a Christian has in
Jesus and god and the faith a Buddhist has in the Buddha
and the “truth” that all is suffering and the point of this
existence is to eradicate suffering…
and the faith that the followers of Marx has in communism
and the faith of the followers of capitalism have in capitalism…

all it is, is faith…

and it would never occur to you, that you might be wrong,
just as it would never occur to a follow of Marx, that he was wrong
or a follower of Christianity to think that Jesus was wrong or that
god was wrong…

you have fixated upon the tree and missing the forest…
a common issue with those who have fixated upon certain
issues of faith such as nationalism (white power) and fixated
upon BLM and political correctness and any other fixation upon
some ism or ideology meant to give one meaning or purpose in life…

your fixation upon “consent violation” is meant to give you meaning
and purpose in life…but what if you are wrong? Because of your
inability to see other possibilities in life as giving us humans,
meaning and purpose in our life… you can only see “consent violation” as
being the only game in town…the only possibility for meaning
and purpose in a human being life, as being “consent violation”…

but I reject that… because we can have any number of
possibilities being the “meaning and purpose/goal of life”…

is “consent violation” a possibility for meaning and purpose,
as long as it is connected with other possibilities… because
we have tried for our human existence, to connect meaning/purpose
as being with god or with faith, or with some other ism or ideology…

this attempt has clearly failed… because we still argue and debate
over what is the meaning and purpose/goal of life…

no one answer has been the solution to the question of “what is the meaning/purpose
of life?”…

and as this question has bedeviled human beings since the beginning of time,
we must at least acknowledge that either we have the wrong question or
we haven’t see our way clear to an answer that would seem to apply to
everyone… because if the meaning/purpose of life is in “one size fits all”
proposition, then we would have already found the answer and have acted
upon it…

so the answer to the question, “what is the meaning/purpose of life”
is only applicable to individuals, and only certain individuals at that,
then there is no universal answer to the question of “what is the meaning/purpose
of life”…and frankly, we can stop looking if the answer is only applicable to
one individual and one individual only…every man for himself/herself in regards
to the meaning/ purpose of life…

so, do we engage in the pursuit of the meaning of life as an individual pursuit
or is it both a individual and collective pursuit?

Camus once wrote that the only question of human existence was suicide,
I would suggest that the real question of existence is this question of
the meaning/purpose of existence… if we are unable to find any meaning
or purpose in life, then and only then would suicide become a viable solution…

as Camus thought… he thought existence had no meaning or purpose…

so, we have another modern person thinking that existence is pointless
and without meaning or purpose…

did a person before the various revolutions, say a Voltaire, would he
have thought that human existence was meaningless or without purpose?

and having read Voltaire, I can say that he took the meaning and purpose
of human existence as a given proposition… it didn’t needed to be stated
because it was patently obvious, to Voltaire at least, that human existence did have
a meaning/purpose…

and it was obvious to anyone before the various revolutions, scientific, political,
economic, industrial… that human existence did have a meaning/purpose and that
was so obvious that it didn’t even needed to be stated out loud…

it was an given assumption that human existence did have meaning and
purpose… and the modern revolutions such as evolution and the
scientific understanding of the sun being the center of the universe,
that lead human beings to think/believe/hold that there is no
meaning or purpose to human existence…it is the “modern”
experience that made our understanding of the meaning and purpose
of human existence being without any meaning or purpose…

is there any way to recover this quaint notion that human existence
does have meaning or purpose?

that is the question, isn’t it?


Peter, railing against what you call “IQ 45” almost every post shows that consent violation occurs for you and you don’t like it. You’re not alone. Nobody likes it.

Stop calling it a religion. It’s a definition.

K: if you hold something regardless of proof that it doesn’t exists, by faith,
it is a religion… as does a Christian holds to their position of faith regardless
of the proof that there is no god… in fact, what matters to those who hold
such dubious values is the faith in which one holds the matter of faith…

and I would contend that most people hold their matters of faith, in god,
in religion, America being the number one country, in the faith one holds in
capitalism, as being matters of indoctrinations as a child…

most people hold their matters of faith, whatever ism or ideology that
they hold as their faith, as gotten in their childhood… within their
indoctrinations by their family or the state, or by their religion/church,
or the media…

look at IQ45… he still holds to the values/indoctrinations of his childhood,
of the greatness of capitalism and the greatness of America even though
the evidence of either being great is nonexistent…

to be great… one must work without pause to be great every single day…
greatness isn’t created by past glories or by sitting on one’s couch and saying so,
as any athlete will tell you, becoming great comes with a incredible work ethic
and ever ongoing work to be great… the champions don’t become champions
by talking how great they are, they must work and work and work some more
to achieve greatness… what have we done, what have you done to make
America great?

what effort have you made to make America great?

not a single one of IQ45 attempts to make America great has succeeded…
because he or us hasn’t make any effort to work out our greatness…

what effort has this country done to make itself great?

in fact, we have gone backwards and retreated from greatness by
IQ45 efforts… putting 2 conservative on the Supreme court for example,
isn’t greatness, it has been a disaster for America… we can only achieve
greatness as a country by moving forward, by reaching for greatness in
achieving events that are above us… for example, want to reach greatness,
try to achieve the impossible… try to end poverty for everyone… to try that
is to try to reach greatness… for the GOP, all they want is to increase poverty
so that only the wealthy, the 1% has all the wealth and the rest of us, we are
impoverished and everyone is working minimum wage jobs with no benefits
and government assistance at all… why, because that ensures the wealth of
America remains in the wealthy hands, not in our hands…

we have a government of the wealthy, a plutocracy… government of the
wealthy, for the wealthy, by the wealthy…

so how would I find greatness… by reaching for what is impossible right now…
ending this government of the wealthy… reaching for the stars…

and that means work, working every single day with every single tool I have…
and I can reach greatness because I have set a goal that is above me and I
must reach for… I cannot find greatness if I sit on my couch and watch TV
or if I don’t put any work into it… to achieve greatness requires a incredible
amount of work and MAGA’s types are people with no work ethic…

Greatness is something you strive for, it isn’t handed to you…

so how are you going to achieve greatness?

what religion are you fighting against?

to achieve our goal is to reach something worth reaching for and is above us…
