a new understanding of today, time and space.

I am not searching for a “Method”, like so many
philosophers/scientists, no, I have no interest in “method”

I am searching for questions, my question…

forsake “method” and seek questions…


The questions of concern, are basically related to re-search.

Peter, a research of any kind searches inductively, inducing prior findings of probable fact.

As such, various methods of finding such are necessary.

According to Wiki :

‘A research question is ‘a question that a research project sets out to answer’. Choosing a research question is an essential element of both quantitative and qualitative research. Investigation will require data collection and analysis, and the methodology for this will vary widely.’

Again, I do memorialize Your invitation for cause or without for issues discussed, and I trust Your prior assertions thereof. Some are internal dialogues, and some issues that do contain some kernels of truth which may be applicable

The essential answer to Your question can be rephrased , as an appeal to either one. For methodology can hide under the premises underlying the questions asked.

Its like , there can be either an awareness.for the immediate search for answers to questions, or, inferring some method by which such search cam be organized.

K: as I was going to get into this area today, this works well for me…

one of the biggest problems I see for our understanding of who we are,
comes from one single source, we assume… we assume far too much
as human beings… we don’t question the basic assumptions of the society/state/

the search for methodology assumes that a methodology is something
that is needed…but what is the point of methodology?

why do we even need a methodology?

the point of a methodology is to ensure that we cover all the possibilities
available to us… that we don’t miss a possibility that may answer our questions…

methodology is to ensure completeness and comprehension to our questions…

and it is all very logical and practical and rational…

and the problem that being logical/practical/rational ignores
half of what it means to be human…

as much as we would like it to be, the human experience isn’t just
about being logical or practical or rational…

for example, one of the primary needs/goals of human existence is love…
seeking love and finding love is one of, if not the primary motivation of
human beings…and in no way, shape or form is love logical, practical or rational…
and yet human beings can devote their entire life to the seeking and finding of love…

do we human beings in our primary search for basic need, do we use
a "methodology to seek love?

the search for love is random, haphazard, aimless, irregular…
quite often the search for love is completely irrational…

don’t assume that a process that works well in one area, will also work
in another area…

a methodology in seeking love will not succeed… love is a primary
need for all human beings and completely beyond a methodology…

much of human existence is irrational, unreasonable, incoherent, and just plain
crazy…and that is an essential part of being human… the irrational part of
human existence…and we can play the “ought” game here and ask, ought
human existence be so irrational and incoherent?

and the answer is, it doesn’t matter what “ought” to happen, the fact is,
that human existence is unreasonable and quite preposterous…

for if one is logical, truly logical, human existence makes absolutely
no sense whatsoever…

human existence is, by its very definition and understanding,
is illogical, irrational, unreasonable…

that there is no point to our existence is a tough pill to swallow…

if the very point of human existence is illogical, irrational, and
quite preposterous, then what does it matter that we are logical
and rational in our methodology to understanding one small part of
human existence…

if we assume that human existence is logical and rational and quite
reasonable, then it would make sense to assume that methodology is
one way to go, but that assumption is just that, an assumption…

or to put it bluntly, does human existence have a point?
is there some sort of justification to human existence?

is there a reason for me, personally or for humanity, collectively
to exist?

what is the point of existence?

I for one, cannot see how methodology can help us solve this
vexing question…

is there a point to human existence?

until we answer this basic and fundamental question, the other
questions really don’t matter…

what is the point of human existence?
what is the goal of being human?



The goal of all life forms is to eradicate consent violation. I keep saying this over and over again, and people get frustrated or bored that I keep saying this over and over again.

That’s the only game worth playing.

And I have a song for you!


K: as I normally don’t answer you, I shall make an exception this time…

the problem with your “consent violation” is that it is your religion…
your faith… you pray to it and you hold it deep like one who holds
god deep…and by assuming it is correct, you are just making another
assumption… life is far, far, far more complicated then any
“consent violation”…

in fact, your “solution” to the goal/ meaning of life is too
simple and ignores so much that I am not even sure I can list it…

for example, “consent violation” fails to answer any, any question of existence…

“what am I to do” “what should I believe in” “what should I hope for”
“what values should I hold”… your “consent violation” fails to answer
any of these primary questions…

as Nietzsche wrote, “it isn’t enough to have the courage of your convictions,
you must have the courage for an ATTACK upon your convictions”

you lack the courage for an attack upon your convictions…

Don’t tell me why, why “consent violations” must be true, tell
me why it CAN’T be true…

for if you cannot come up with the cons of any argument, then
you haven’t thought out the entire argument…

so, you have pro’s as to why “consent violations” is true, but do
you have the con’s, why it isn’t true?

if you do, then I might take your argument seriously…

as for the music, I avoid listening to music listed like this…

for me, it is no different then some crappy “youtube” listing that I
avoid like the plague…


The song was awesome for your post.

And if you don’t think the eradication of consent violation is the ONLY meaning of life, then you’re defending everyone and everything, and that Peter is hell. You have no boundaries. Even though you believe that you put your foot down in your last post, you didn’t at all.

All hell beings see is “this guy will always forgive us no matter how much we fuck him up!”

Peter you are neither as smart or wise as you think you are. You, like MagsJ and iambiguous think nihilism will save you. It won’t. You’re terrified that eradicating consent violation is the purpose of all organisms. You know why? Because it’s proof that god isn’t good. Even as an atheist, that still scares you. You’re afraid of the abyss. You cling to your religions (not me, who you accused this of).

I gave you the “logical song” by supertramp. You should listen to it again.

K: in fact, I own that album and I was listening to it before you were born…

as for your religion “consent violation” it is an assumption like “there is a god”
and the “US is the greatest country on earth”

It doesn’t matter what you think of me, because frankly, I don’t care…

but this is about your religion, your faith in “consent violation”… please feel free to
let me know about any “religion” or “faith” I have… because the point is, that
I am attacking assumptions of all kind… I have attack assumptions of all kinds
including my own…

unlike you, I don’t hold to biases or superstitions or myths like “consent violations”…

for example, I am an atheist because I have spent 40 years attempting to
seek or find god…I didn’t find him because he doesn’t exists…

and I must admit, I am not scared by god or “consent violations” or even
“bad guys” with guns… I have always, always been fearless…
I have the many scars on my body to prove it…I will go where angels
fear to tread…it is my nature…

as for my supposed intelligence or wisdom, I have never, never claimed
to hold the “truth”, the answers to life… for Wisdom is the knowledge that
one doesn’t hold the “truth”… if I thought I held the “truth” then why
have I spent my life seeking the “truth”?

I don’t have any answers, I have made this very, very, very clear…

I am smart enough to realize that…



By definition in every dictionary on earth…

Consent violation is the ONLY thing no being in existence wants.

It’s not a fucking religion dude. Nihilism is a religion. They deny definitions in every dictionary on earth that’s ever been made or compiled… all the logic that has ever existed for every being that’s ever existed.

Angels don’t tread where you do because they’re not stupid or insane.

They don’t declare to existence “consent violation is a joke!” Like you do.

K: I don’t in fact declare it a “Joke”… I just don’t believe you… if you believe in
in something regardless of the facts, that is nothing different then one saying,
“I believe in god” no matter what the evidence is… it is your religion because
you have no facts to support it and, and you haven’t the courage for an ATTACK upon
your convictions, instead of your faith in your convictions…

it is immaterial to you if it is true or not, it is a statement of belief…
that such a thing as “consent violation” exists…

for example, I am an admitted Atheist… but it isn’t a religion because
if some evidence presented itself that there is a god, then I must
adjust my beliefs… if one adjust beliefs to accommodate the
facts, then that isn’t a religion, that is science…

I see no evidence for your “consent violation” theory…
exactly as I see no evidence for a god…

I work off the evidence and you have no evidence for your theory,
exactly as there is no evidence for a god…

show me you have thought it through by offering not facts or evidence, but
show me the con of "consent violation’… in other words, every, every single
theory ever produced, has pluses and has cons… what is the con, the negative
possibilities of your theory… every single theory must be able to show the plus
and the negative of that theory…can you state some negatives of your theory?



What I’m saying is definitional. I don’t need to prove that a tree is a tree, it’s definitional. I don’t need to argue this point with you, obviously you’ve had an extremely easy life.

This is not a fucking religion dude, it’s a fucking definition.

If god proves god existed, I’d say LIES!! You know why I’d say that, because every being in existence is having their consent violated. I’ve actually done this before to beings WAY more powerful than you comprehend. Beings that your tiny mind would have admitted as god and proof of god.

See, the thing is Peter, you NEED to defend consent violation to not have to regret all your memories …

You’re afraid of the abyss.

Your old memories and newly formed memories are shit! And you just can’t go there. I remember what it was like when I was as young as you.

You deserve that sentence because you pulled the age card on me.

K: ok, let us try this…

you say that “consent violation” is a definition… ok, so is morality…
but we have spent over 2000 years arguing about morality because
the definition is dubious at best…by itself, a definition doesn’t tell
us anything about a concept…

Morality: principles concerning the distinction
between right and wrong or good and bad behavior…

the human race has spent over 2000 years arguing over what is
right or wrong or good or bad… the definition of morality
doesn’t actually tell us what morality is… what is the guiding principles
of human behavior? the Greeks had their own guiding principles
and the Romans had their guiding principles and the Middle ages had
their own guiding principles and Descartes and Human and Kant, all
had their own guiding principles of morality…their own definitions…

you are mistaken in thinking that when one has a definition, that
automatically creates understanding of a concept… it doesn’t…

you can define a tree but you can still might not understand what a tree is…

a tree like concepts must have some context for it to make sense…

my understanding of a tree, my definition of a tree might be and probably
is different then your definition of a tree…

what is the context of your “consent violation”?

not its definition, but its meaning…



The human species is fucking retarded.

Consent violation: bad
Non consent violation: good

In fact people have been so retarded for so many thousands of years, they didn’t even know the word “consent”

We’re in modern times now Peter. Consent is such a new concept to people (even now) that they barely comprehend it or its magnitude.

And you are guilty of this as well.

K: and one again, you have failed the basic test of comprehension…
what did I write? What did I ask for?

I asked for a couple of things, first of all, I asked for some cons for this idea
of “consent violation”… you don’t even understand it well enough to defend or
better yet, to note the cons for such an idea…for every idea, every idea ever,
there is a pro in favor of such an idea and there are cons for such idea’s…
you can’t even list some cons for such an idea as “consent violation”…

I have been alive for a long time and I have not have any need for
or any cause for “consent violation”… in other words, it is not a thing…
it has no value and why worry about something that has no, NO value in one’s

you make it like it is the key, cardinal principle in human existence,
and I deny that there is any key, cardinal principle in human existence
and secondly, if there was a key, fundamental principle in human existence,
“consent violation” wouldn’t be it…for you, it is a matter of faith,
it is a religion for you because there is no evidence that “consent violation”
even exists…

or to quote the bard… “consent violation”

a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing…

why should I pay even the slightest attention to “consent violation”?



It’s definitional. I’m not your god, your idol, Nietzsche, who was a moron.

If a tree exists. You can’t disprove it to make it exist.

I’m going to be straight forward with you. You’re not a philosopher, you’re a cognitive parrot.

Consent violation BY ALL POSSIBLE definitions is what nobody wants.

I’m not religious and I’m not playing word games with you dude.

I am going to reveal a truth… I just don’t give a shit about
“consent violations”… it is a means to an end…

I see the Ecu is trapped by his indoctrination of “consent violations”

he defines who he is and what is possible by this “consent violations”…

he needs to have a reevaluation of values in which he rethinks what it
means to be human… right now, for him, everything is defined by “consent violations”
and that just far too limited… we are human beings and we are not just defined
by some vague, nebulous idea like “consent violations”…

to seek what is possible for human beings, we need to rise above such
values which are not only limited but ignore everything that is possible for
human beings…such as his firm, unshakable belief in “consent violations”…

it has actually damaged his ability to see anything else out there for him
to achieve…he is so fixed on this “consent violations” that he cannot see
what is possible… hence we can see how people who are stuck on certain
beliefs like Ecu, for example, those who believe that “American is the greatest
country on earth” or that “Trump can walk on water” are actually damaged by
such false beliefs…they can’t see any other possibilities…just like Ecu, they are stuck
on “consent violations” or whatever they believe to the point where they can’t see anything
outside of their indoctrinations…their firmly held belief in the “greatness of America”
or in the “greatness of Trump”… they see no other options… no other possibilities…

he believe he has the courage of his convictions but he doesn’t have
the courage for an attack upon his convictions…

if one took away Ecu belief in “consent violations” he would have a mental
breakdown… he has no other strongly held convictions to help him keep
his mental state together…his entire ability to maintain his own self
is entirely bound up in this idea of “consent violations”… take it away, he
has nothing else…

and that is the danger of such indoctrinations like “America is the greatest
country on earth” or “Trump can walk on water”… the danger is when one
has so invested their self into these indoctrinations that they don’t even see
themselves anymore… they can only see the belief, the indoctrination of
“consent violations” and they can’t see anything else…

the answer for Ecu and you is quite simple, take some time and understand
your values, not your indoctrinated values that society/the state/the media/
the church put into you… but your values… become who you are…

understand and accept the values that you hold true and that you engaged with
to become who you are…are you engaged with the positive values of love, peace,
hope, justice, charity… or are you engaged in the negative values of hate, anger, lust,
greed, despair… your values are found in the ideas you hold to be true…

so if I believe in the value of equality, I would hold that value in such documents
like the Declaration of Independence…

“we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”

I hold to this document because of the values the declaration writes about…
I believe in the words, that “all men are created equal”…

equality is an universal value which can be applied to any situation and
to any person…

but does this value define who I am, no… it is a part of me, but
it doesn’t define what my possibilities are…

I’m going to add to my post here:

You are so full of shit Peter! If I could list a “con” as you asked me to be a rebuttle to consent violation, it would no longer be a consent violation!! Your standard is absurd! The only way I can prove it is to disprove it?! Now I understand why you seldom wander out of this thread. I almost feel bad for stepping into your bubble and showing you existence, this never happens for you!

Secondly, you use almost every post to lament trump! Someone who doesn’t believe in consent violation (as you claim to be and represent) cheers EVERYTHING NO MATTER WHAT!!! Even your own torture forever.

Yes. You are an asshole and a hypocrite.

Deal with it! By the way. I fucking hate trash like you that doesn’t have their personal consent violated when a 6 year old girl is raped! Fuck you! Go to fucking hell! And when I say that you cocky piece of shit, it means something!

K: and I must admit I did use Ecu… for a specific reason…
I knew he couldn’t admit to not understanding “consent violations”
and what it means, but I also knew that he at some point, either by
himself or he otherwise has been indoctrinated by this
false idea…

his entire viewpoint is wrapped up around an idea he doesn’t even understand…
he views everything in terms of, or in light of “consent violations”…
his entire personality, the very way he views himself is in the light of
“consent violations”… exactly the same way a Christian or a Buddhist would
define their person in terms of belief in Jesus or in terms of the Buddha and
where they stood in the path of reincarnation…

the very way he understands himself is in terms of this nebulous concept
of “consent violations”…

his entire vision of who he is, is tied up in “consent violations”…

what is called for is an reevaluations of values, which means he tries to
understand his existence in terms of something else besides “consent violations”…

but can he? I don’t think so…so when I was indoctrinated by my parents
and the media and the culture and the church when I was young, it could be
considered the same thing as Ecu and his entire vision of his existence
being tied into “consent violations”… the indoctrinations of values such
as “America being the greatest country on earth” or their “being a god” is no
different then the indoctrination of “consent violations”…

it gives his life meaning and purpose… it creates a goal… but, but is
this goal of forever pushing “consent violations” really the goal or
purpose of existence?

not for me anyway… perhaps for Ecu… but it isn’t really about how we got
to these indoctrinations which define us, like “consent violations” or how
“America is the greatest country on earth” Or how there is a “god”…

we cannot let our indoctrinations be the way we define who we are…

I was able to revaluate my indoctrinations, I grew from this revaluations
of values and discovered my values… not the values I was defined by when
I was indoctrinated with certain values…I am the creator of my own values…
and that makes me autonomous… which has been defined by the Enlightenment
period as being part of the nature of the “true” or “real” human being…

at one point, Nietzsche for example, wrote that his goal was to
be an rational, autonomous person…and I accept this goal with
limitations… I am not sure about what being rational means…

we have, as part of being human, feelings, emotions, passions that exists
outside of and separate from any rational, logical part of us…

and how do we answer this aspect of us?

I am not sure…

but this answer is actually part two of two parts where I have attempted to
work out this problem of Ecu and his complex about “consent violations”

I hope the two part answer helps… both you and myself…


Peter it’s very simple,

Your consent is not violated when a 6 year old girl is beaten and raped. Because “consent violation is just false, doesn’t exist or is just for wussies”

You don’t know it yet Peter. You’ve already been sent to hell for my “fucking hallucination that consent violation exists”

Peter, the fucking arrogance of you really pissed ALOT of beings in existence off!!!

K: ok, not to feel too heartless but when a 6 year old girl is raped, my own personal consent
isn’t violated…hers is for sure, but me, at most, I can only grieve for such a
tragedy…I have a daughter, so I can understand the rage a parent would feel if
such an event occurred to their daughter…

but I must admit, I still don’t understand what a 6 year old girl being raped, has
to do with me… I wasn’t involved in the event and had I been there, I would have
tried to stop it, but I wasn’t… it doesn’t involve me…I can say, it was a tragedy
and shouldn’t have happened but I have no control over such an event…

you are making assumptions and bad ones at that…

what does a child who is raped, which is terrible, have anything to do with me?


K: I have to admit, you are trying very hard to connect me to some notion of yours, but
I still don’t see how “Consent violations” connect to me…

my mom, very midwestern women, once said to me, that between being sent to heaven or
hell, she would pick hell because she would know a whole lot more people there…

as I don’t believe in hell or heaven for that matter, it doesn’t matter to me if you 'sentence"
me to hell… I just don’t care…

I am going to bed, as I have to get up at 4:00 am to get to work on time, I shall leave
you too your “consent violations”… I am working for the next two days, so maybe you might see me
on Saturday or Sunday…
