Iambiguous! Let’s do this again!

This shit is bananas. be ay en ay en ay ess

:angry-screaming: :banana-dance: :banana-angel: :banana-blonde: :banana-dreads: :banana-explosion: :banana-fingers: :banana-gotpics: :banana-guitar: :banana-jumprope: :banana-ninja: :banana-rainbow: :banana-rock: :banana-skier: :banana-stoner: :banana-tux: :banana-wrench: :angry-screaming:

[size=50]unless of course I’m wrong[/size]


[url=https://youtu.be/LVUcz6wPrCs]prom: Come, mister tally man, tally me banana

Biggs: Daylight come and me wan’ go home[/url]

I’ve always known you were a might makes right man. “Words are just words talking about words and never about me or anyone”

I’m interested to see if Carleas is really a person like that too.


So, which one is you?

I won’t hit your foot with a hammer. I will however send you to a planet that only has sand on it (and just you), and I will let you reflect on your bullying nature until you decide it wasn’t (nor ever will be) worth it.

Do you doubt me? Obviously, you’re mentally insane.

You often refer to dreams as your reason for lack of identity. Existence runs on “dream logic”, like when something made perfect sense in a dream and you wake up and go, “what the fuck was that?!”


Okay, you asked for it: DASEIN!!!


Now which one is you?

I’m the nice one. (Which isn’t saying much!). I’m also the boss of no one!!! My friends are death, the devil, Mara, Yama, Lucifer and Satan … like I said in that video, “I know everyone you’d send after me and they like me better than you”

You know why? Because unlike you, I’ve already sent this whole species to hell unless they create nonzero sum hyper-dimensional mirror realities attached to individual desire matrices.

I just flipped a coin and you won.

So, okay, just out of curiosity, how would one actually go about demonstrating to others that something like this is true?

You for example :-k

I’ve been to hell. Not only have I been there, you all elected to send me there.

My best advice to you: when your time comes, regret all of your memories. Every single one of them. You’ll be spared.

This is a loophole I found for beings. Like I said, I’m the nice one.

I have no interest in seeing anyone go to the hell they sent me to.

Thing is … you’ve already lost the debate.

Just shut up, regret all your memories and say thank you.

I know this sounds insane to you, but look around you… how much here is truly sane?!

You’ll have the protection and assent of my friends if you regret your memories. No regrets… bad news.

I should know, I’ve been to the bad news. I crawled my fucking way out of there. You know why demons agree with me on this? Because it satiates the hunger in them as well, to obliterate but not being able to, regretting all of your memories is not only a compromise, it’s the only rational choice.

There are many objective aspects of existence.

So, in addition to my last post, I’m going to explain a bit of it …

In a zero sum reality, when you win you lose and when you lose you lose. Under no circumstances have sex in the human species! Don’t even bother being flirtatious even though sex is out of the picture.

The rest is handled by the spirit world of which you are a part.

Parents should know that when they bring children into this world, if that child refuses to regret all of its memories, it will be sent to hell.

There’s only ONE game in existence! Eradicate zero sum consent violating realities. The rest is garbage. If you go out of your way to activate or appreciate a reality like this (say you run sex slaves or kidnap and torture people… the punishment is harsh!). If you keep a low consent violating profile and regret all your memories, you’ll be spared for this investment of your time here.

The spirit world exists whether you like it or not

I flipped the coin again and you lost. Then again and again and again. You know, just to be really, really sure. Same thing. Only this time, heads I win, tails you lose.

Now, on another thread, Mr. Reasonable suggested that, “you’re an idiot”.

I don’t think that is the case at all. I just suspect that for whatever reason your thinking process has become…impaired? But, again, that’s just a guess. It’s one possibility to explain thoughts that to me make absolutely no sense. And they certainly don’t amount to an attempt on your part to demonstrate why I and others should believe them.

Do you even believe them?

Well, when we’re on different planes of existence…

Life viewings are very easy. Then you’ll know.

That’s kinda neither here nor there.

One thing you should understand is that (by definition) nobody wants their consent violated.

Also by definition zero sum realities have one or more losers for every winner - which is also consent violation.

Thus: in the context of a zero sum consent violating reality, our wins harm people and are to be morally regretted.

I suppose it’s hard to care about these things if you haven’t actually been to hell.

If you regret it, then you harm yourself.

So, is it better to harm others or to harm yourself?

Lol, nice touch… I do like your style. =D>

He has fibromyalgia, but it doesn’t seem that he is enrolled in any pain clinics or coping strategy programmes… it’s not something that a person can deal with by themselves and the condition can literally ‘drive one mad’ because of its ability to debilitate and incapacitate at any time without warning or reason, well… without any sound reason. A full fibro flare consists of being totally engulfed in neuralgic pain… including in ones ears, jaw, gums, scalp… everywhere. It plays havoc with cognition and learning… though that is only temporary.

[size=85]Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.[/size]

Symptoms of fibromyalgia

As well as widespread pain, people with fibromyalgia may also have:

increased sensitivity to pain
extreme tiredness (fatigue)
muscle stiffness
difficulty sleeping
problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), such as problems with memory and concentration
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a digestive condition that causes stomach pain and bloating
If you think you have fibromyalgia, visit a GP. Treatment is available to ease some of its symptoms, although they’re unlikely to disappear completely.

How fibromyalgia is treated

Although there’s currently no cure for fibromyalgia, there are treatments to help relieve some of the symptoms and make the condition easier to live with.

Treatment tends to be a combination of:

medicine, such as antidepressants and painkillers
talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and counselling
lifestyle changes, such as exercise programmes and relaxation techniques
Exercise in particular has been found to have a number of important benefits for people with fibromyalgia, including helping to reduce pain.


LTHOL :laughing:

This is sociopath logic, psychopath logic.

Always better to harm yourself than others unless harming yourself does both.

Suck it up! Anyone with a conscience in a zero sum consent violating world will be compelled to regret all their memories. As I stated above, it’s basic logic.

Hell is not very forgiving, you need to be tough to survive it, hell doesn’t give you THE MANUAL!!! They fucking love and laugh at your ignorance… you’ll be there and keep asking (confused) “why the fuck am I here?” No answers! In fact, that’s part of the hell!

We do in fact live in a hell realm. If you fuck up here, it gets even worse, thus: we’re definitely in a hell realm!

People think existence is perfect because revenge is exacted. There is a beauty to this for sure, and then some spirit like me comes along and says psst “we don’t need to live in zero sum consent violating realities!

While you’re in one, seriously, don’t fuck around…

Almost every possible decision you can make here will send you to a hell worse than this one… and don’t be confused… this is a hell realm!

Even the beings entrusted to hell people would never fuck with a being who regrets all their memories here. If that’s the logically necessary karma that they have to take if they fuck with you, they’ll back the fuck off.

I’m an awakened being, in spite of people who think I’m cognitively deficient.

Fiber myalgia is just a simple human hell, not really a hell. Hell is much, much, much worse than fiber myalgia.

You folks tease me on these boards and talk down to my EXCELLENT advice as the ravings of a mentally incapacitated person.

I know how the hellers think. I survived them.

I said: “though that is only temporary.”

…or, judging from his last post, maybe not… in his case. :neutral_face:

You’re playing games you don’t understand. I can get you off on the mental retardation technicality. Seriously, when shit comes down on you - plead this shit!