What do you make of Coincidence? (Life's Odd Mystery)

That’s a brilliant random coincidental occurrence =D>

I love those kinds of coincidences, where events follow such an order, that it suits one’s immediate needs beautifully, and thus was meant to be… or appears as if it was… the deck of cards, being stacked in one’s favour.

Have I experienced such? yes… do I think them amazing? yes… is it a coincidence? yes, but a beautiful one, to smile about, cherish, and remember in awe and selfish-delight.

Thanks so much, MagsJ

Smiling, cherishing, and remembering in awe and selfish-delight :smiley:

I don’t know whats so annoying about your lies. Maybe that they’re so badly told.


If you’re irritated it’s because you’re able to be. Not my problem. There are a few people who sound disgruntled every time they post no matter what the thread and you’re one of them. Congrats.

I don’t care if you believe me. My story probably made you feel small in some way, so you’re having a reaction to it.

Apparently I made up the name Seer’s Sage, as well. Yeah . . . right.

I dare anyone who doesn’t believe me to try Salvia. It’s legal most places. Dare.

I didn’t try that but to be honest, I did acid, unwittingly, I wrote about it elsewhere.

It was a very high dosage , around 1000 micrograms. It was devastatingly unmoderated, I couldn’t talk of it, but I’m still into flashbacks after all that time.

So I do believe You, and as far as having changed my mind, it really changed turned my life around.

All I lerned from it was the reiteration of the cliche, " Be careful what you wish for".

Well, I got what I wished for big time.

Stuff like that can twist life around big time.

Berkeley Babes,

Like I stated before. I’d believe you if you told me you could fly but only when others aren’t looking.

I’ve seen much crazier shit than that. In my personal life (people on these boards may think it’s a stretch for sure) my affect makes people really comfortable.

It’s for two reasons:

1.). I don’t disbelieve “crazy” stuff
2.) I understand why you are the way you are, and I’ll talk with you instead of judging you. I know this species was taught poorly, your problems are 100,000 years old, not really your fault.

It’s not nearly visceral and crazy enough to be a salvia experience. You are a cerebral person averse to risk taking with a pale caricature of an idea about drugs.

That people think your stale made up adventure is out there shows how protected and inexperienced they are.

Not visceral and crazy enough for you? I got crushed by buildings. Sure I didn’t include every detail, nothing about evil Sesame street puppets, okay, I spared you that because it had nothing with the topic of coincidence.

But wait, then again, you were not there for any of this, so either you think your intelligence is so superior you can experience other peoples lives or just like working people up like a troll.

Also I am not trolling your youtube account. Advice: stop attacking people, insulting them, and you wont become paranoid about being attacked yourself. See how that works? Mr. All knowing?

Thanks for placating.

After being at ILP for over a decade, (under a different name) I’m logging out for good. Yeah, I’ll probably read your replies if you do, but I don’t feel like defending myself against intellects that are riddled with doubt about everything. Can’t share under those conditions. I don’t have to prove myself to strangers. Welcome to the internet. This post is cringe. Goodbye chin holders.

when experimenting with hallucinogens it is very difficult not to fall victim of a cognitive bias or another, or all of them
conscious and unconscious are at war, each telling you the other is an illusion
my own approach is to take it the therapeutic value of it, use it to grow
make note of the coincidences, remember the visions, but don’t speak about them
remember how deeply vulnerable and fallible the brain is as a whole, it doesn’t even believe itself
save it to some very close people, or to people who understand the magic of those mental states

disclaimer: my use of hallucinogens is strictly done under the federally sanctioned religious practice of santo daime. i’m law-abiding as fuck.

co incidence means happening in the same second.

To be more precise, exactly within a scintilla of difference.

Running late for a meeting…

Took my time still…

Phone off/battery dead since yesterday…

Think to myself, that when I switch my phone on, they’d have messaged me to meet later than planned…

They did. I had intuited that… go Intuition.

Are deja vu’s considered coincidences?

Deja vu is something that you think has happened to you before but can not be absolutely certain that it has
Memory is not too reliable so some deja vus will really have happened before while others are just imaginary

There is also serendipity which is when something good but spontaneous happens to someone with very positive benefits
I just think this is mere coincidence and nothing more and human beings attach far too much significance to these things

Sometimes things just happen because they can and there is no deeper relevance to them that this
In your life good things will happen to you and bad things will happen to you as that is the way it is

…experiencing weird phenomena, that happens far too often, to be comfortable with. Coincidence or no?

Did that really happen? Ive experienced some strange synchronicities but nothing like this. Pretty amazing.
Did you get out of the trip alright?