ILP Supperclub...

…a carrot… an organic one, to be precise.

I’ve not had supper since well… a gf/V jam-tart one, before the prior one below, so barely…

This evening’s carrot was equally as delicious as that last’s…

My taco sandwich project was a success.

1 jar salsa, 1 red onion, 1 green bell pepper, sour cream, nacho cheese,
all cooked with beef, the beef was seasoned with a BBQ rub.
Ate on dempsters 12 grain bread.

The rest of what I’d had fir dinner… lamb & a carrot/ginger slaw.

A super large orange, but not too super sweet… I definitely feel better when I have a small supper, a few hours before bed.

Thai prawn crackers and an Organic Sauvignon Blanc…

I had a chunk of pineapple at some point, but can’t remember whether it was before or after the prawn crackers :-s

Last night… a carrot… gotta let the gut rest from the weekend’s few minor indulgences.


Fresh pineapple and home-made chocolate… a great combination, and helping to curb the hunger pangs from not having been eating properly for days… due to random sleeping patterns messing my eating schedule up.

An orange…

Only having had a coupla fried eggs and a bit of facon, this evening…
I am indulging in a lamb and courgette stirfry, which is proving quite delicious.

Pan-fried spaghettied-courgette & carrot, with garlic & salt.

Hungry, but keeping it light at this time of the night.

A green tea and half a banana… the other half, having been consumed this morning, with breakfast.

Yo I just heard some great advice on a noom commercial that I nvr thought about.

If u use a smaller plate, it’ll trick your brain into thinking u have more food on it… and in theory you might eat less therefore.

Weight Watchers et al have known about that culinary trick for decades…


Er… because I woke up at an absurd hour of the
morning. :confused:

Well… I don’t exactly hate insomnia, and I can
use this awake-time wisely.

…but you know Dreyfus ain’t ever ate any god-damn pizza or cereal, and he ain’t ever sat on any god-damn couch and watched TV. I’m not feeling his first-person perspective, borne from a fake narrative.

That is because he lacks Long Term Memory. But he has a self-referencing ability which is why he concocts false narratives about himself, one minute his name is Dreyfus, the next it’s Bob. But as soon as a Long Term Memory system is attached to GTP, it will then be able to expand that self-reference over the dimension of time, creating an authentic personal identity and personal history.

Having explained that false narrative, GTP said to this post

Oh! just me and a coupla Bots tonight…

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