
Hey bro, thanks. Looks like a lifetime of material there to explore. And yet there’s more. For example, check this out:

Dude, that is awesome.

I was looking for a gif of a circle being drawn to post but then didn’t find a good one and posted without and then I looked at my signature lol.

:slight_smile: When the shadow gives way to the light… a reprieve.

Random happenings… don’t you just love em. ; )

we’ve got two shadows.

One, the shadow lurks. Second, the shadow conceals.

Active and, passive.

Like we’ve got the shadow of the sun and then, in the shadow of the earth, the shadow of the moon.

So three shadows.

America’s shadow is the Indians, their sorrowful, neglected presence.

“Reservations”… Christ.

Okay, so there is the pain the reservations about being an American qua Earth, if this is really as simple as it seems now, all you have to do is make these places central to our whole culture, force children to learn wigwam making from cow to storm-test n the first years of school - force them to learn the values of the true goods, the animals.

Actual paganism.
I can see a loooong time coming.

Yet here it is - the true reason for paganism is our relationship with animals. Which isn’t there under Christendom.

Okey. So here is the mechanism as it works on da erf.


Human: s/he who sacrifices animals to gods. Who stands in the cosmic order, between god and animal.

This went, from high to low


(animals gone)

gods are sacrificed to humans by humans.

Oof. Now I know how the shadow hides.
The destroyed people is seen as an actor in a children’s game.
None of it was ever real.


Excellent, Felix. Thanks for the quotes.

Whats really fascinating is how my focus on Native American Indians fell synchronous with a lot of action in favour of them - most notably, the restoration of their sovereignty in Eastern Oklahoma.

Yes I see that. It’s spells a victory for unitive consciousness.

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote “at the end of the trail of tears was a promise”.

Here the Shadow takes on theological significance according to the principle of enantiodromia “a thing psychically transmogrifies into its shadow opposite, in the repression of psychic forces that are thereby cathected into something powerful and threatening.” This principle was explicitly understood and discussed in in Taoism and yin-yang and by Heraclitus. Yang becomes yin when it reaches its extreme, and vice versa.

And principally It’s mobius model, I dare say.

The strip flips as does every finite thing.

Here Aion, the god of eternity, stands inside of a Mobius strip-like zodiac suggesting that the cosmos itself flips: … h_W504.jpg

Jung’s notion of The Shadow corresponds with the guardian of the threshold " the spectral image which is supposed to manifest itself as soon as the student of the spirit ascends upon the path into the higher worlds of knowledge".

The Shadow/Dweller of the Threshold has obvious Karmic associations as in, for example, the projected apparitions experienced on the Bardo plane in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

So Felix, Meno, FC
could you give some examples, say from the last week, where your ideas of the shadow
your individual shadows
Played out
in the context of your more abstract ideas about the shadow in general.

How do you work with the idea?
Was there a moment of integration?
an awareness of a problem related to your Shadow?

or the like?

Perhaps someone else’s shadow as you percieve it in a concrete recent situation/dynamic/event from your personal lives?

What we know of our shadow is the most private and more relevant even perhaps, incomprehensible part of our mind.
It is a somewhat frustrating question, because one would like to answer it…

Of course this is a very difficult request since we don’t like to look at or think about our shadow side let alone talk about it or disclose it to others.
Nevertheless the psyche appears to be dynamic. Every dimension of the personality has both a light and a shadow side. And if we allow the nature of the psyche to take its course we may find one side to transform into the other.

Yes, it is a difficult request, but you guys have known about the shadow for a while, so presumably some part of it has come into your awareness and been integrated, otherwise it would be very sketchy to talk about the shadow at all. It would just be a very abstract discussion about something you have no experience of. My sense of you and FC is that you are the kind of people who do have that experience. Meno, God bless him, I have a hard time getting a sense of, but perhaps he too also has had concrete experience of his shadow and integration.

I can give an example for myself. I had been doing something inconsiderate, at the least, in relation to my partner. I had use Wifi quite a bit, which she does not like. It can give her headaches. I did this in secret. I was ashamed. I did it anyway. What is this?

Finally I investigated and realized I had a kind of anger that I had not gotten to do certain things I wanted and blamed her. There was some truth to this anger, but not noticing or accepting the anger and then dishonestly acting out in the way that I did was not cool.

I would call this Shadow because once I connected to this anger, I noticed it was big. REally big.

Now I am not Jungian, my approach is extremely expressive. So, I expressed that anger, by myself, in sound. I roared and raged, occasionally some outburst of words, but mainly just getting the anger expressed, accepted by me, integrated. Because I had so judged the anger, it got big and mean and heartless and cold, and without my being aware led me to be dishonest and disrespectful. Once I accepted the anger and expressed it, it because smaller and a part of me. Now those things I wanted to do I have openly made an issue, like a mature, honest person would. I realized that my judgments of my own need and wants led to a split and created shadow.

I have found much more violent and horrendous stuff in the Shadow and also worked with that. But that’s a recent example.

The shadow is no joke.

I’ve never laid a fucking finger on someone in my life.

Always thought I was a really good person.

I had TONS of emotional power! And I directed all of it to destroying existence forever!

Turns out, that can’t be done! But the fallout from that passion was MUCH worse than laying a finger on someone! I almost really fucked shit up massively!

The shadow side is no joke.

Thank you for your illustrative self-disclosure. It shows that when we become aware of our shadow side we can choose to stop inflicting it on others.