Unite Against Racism

We can see the current state of play reflects his chastity.

You actually believe the drama over the facts. Presidents are selected because of the drama!

Bush: lost the electoral college but was elected by the Supreme Court on a split decision

Obama: bush 2.0 the first black president

Trump: douchebag president, lost by 2 million popular votes. (When basically nobody votes anymore)

You’re into the drama, not the facts. That’s what they want you to think!

I’m going to tell you trumps ‘accomplishments’…

He deregulated US industry

He hired Supreme Court justices who will overturn roe v. Wade

He made tax loopholes for the extremely rich national law.

His only promise to the American people was to “build the wall”

Let’s think about his ONLY campaign promise!!!

When he took office, he had the ENTIRE Congress with a republican majority!! Without even trying, he could have passed to build that wall no matter how many people were pissed off - he didn’t. This means he doesn’t give a fuck about to he wall!

He claims to have 10 billion dollars! The wall only costs 5 billion!! He could have paid for the wall out of his own pocket and STILL been one of the 1000 richest people on earth!! Again, he doesn’t give a fuck!

Donald Trump has ZERO excuse for not building that wall! His ONLY campaign promise (besides sending Hilary to prison for life). LOL

Dude you are losing it again.

I don’t share your values. Don’t yell at me presuming I do.

From where I stand I see a helplessly ill informed American, which is quite typically what Americans are as seen from these more ancient civilizations, yelling incoherently about their own leader, completely disregarding most of the elemental facts on the ground. Have you been paying attention to the progress of the wall? I don’t think so. Fuck your wall though, what kind of silly subject is that when Im talking about restoration of contents.

Do you know there is a continent called Asia, and one called Africa, and one called Europe?
Brother, did you know this before?

Do you disagree with me about his only campaign promise?

I have much, much higher security clearance than trump in the spirit world.

I actually don’t give a fuck whether “the wall” is built or not! What I do care about is Trumps integrity!

He lost that for the American people.

I know what his briefings look like. I know all the secret shit that’s dumped on him when he enters office.

The question is not about (in global enonomics) trump has to backpedal. Of course he does.

The question is about his absurd promises and rhetoric that aren’t related to those briefings.

From my perspective, the human world is very small. But, I do dislike “leaders” (and I hate every US president btw) who make promises that they can keep, that cause no problem - when they can keep those promises for sure! - and refuse to do it!

Whatever of you think of Molyneux, this is digital book burning plain and simple. Also, the SPLC along with the ADL are literal pond scum (their resentment towards everything Aryan(the real kind) is masked in this patronizing “educational,” mother-hen anti-racism…Which is essentially the state of nearly all public education now…the mind rape of children under self appointed moral tyrants that don’t possess even a flick of creativity)… The idea that Molyneux is “dangerous” so his content needs to be removed lest he lead impressionable children and young adults astray is laughable…

I never thought in a million years I would need to make sure I had digital and hard copies of Nietzsche… But who knows now… Nietzsche is TRULY dangerous and truly radical… It’s only a matter time before they realize this and go after him… They’re just taking out the easy targets right now…I always found it odd how the Germans in WW2 burned all these books (that aren’t dangerous at all) but left Nietzsche and Shakespeare alone (as if any serious, state funded look into these guys to help advance the dream of the thousand-year Reich wasn’t going to cause some serious internal conflict)…They’re not going to make the same mistake twice.

Trump really needs to win in November if only to buy us a little more time. Fuck, I haven’t got to visit Europe yet and now these assholes are intent on plunging the world into chaos as quickly as possible.

Trump has done the standard “clock in, clock out” with the US economy, and the economy (even with Covid) has done great! Any US president would do that though.

Trump cut the CDC, EPA and the NIH to basically skeleton status.

Trump doesn’t understand national security.

These organizations are not a “liberal conspiracy”. They are vital to national security.

Strongly disagree, Trump is a businessman before President. The economy would be in shambles if it were anybody else.

Concerning Philosophy and censorship, we are quickly devolving and delving into a new Dark Age. Copy, backlog, and safely store all philosophical content, before it is banned and burned.

The Inquisition has already arrived (Far-Left-Liberal Morality Police, “Anti-Fascist” Facists, “cancel culture”, meaning, cancel all free-thought, expression, creativity, art, comedy, etc.)

We are Philosophers. We have seen this before in history, across the centuries, many times. It comes, and it goes.

They can take our books, but they cannot take our memories (yet). The enemies to Free Thought and Philosophy are spawning.

I am privy to a lot of info you don’t seem to have. Trump saved us all, literally.
I love him.

Wait, dude, are you comparing Molyneux to Nietzsche??
You cant be serious.

Molyneux is an atrocity, a vile insult to the name of philosophy. I could never stand the man for a second, so pompous, dumb, empty and completely ignorant of philosophy as he is – claiming to be the Great White Hope – absolutely contemptible, sad little man.
Youtube is a private company so it can delete channels as it pleases, it has nothing to do with book burning.
Of course you need hard copies of Nietzsche, and of all authors you value. Whoever thought online content was going to cut it deserves to be rid of all his books. That is such a naive presumption.

Don’t get me wrong, I have been sick about the depravity of the left for decades, and Ive suffered of it personally more than probably anyone here. But that doesn’t mean I stoop so low as to appreciate Molyneux, or mourn the fact that left-wing black racist owned youtube deletes the largest right-wing white racist community on it. Who fucking cares. No one has ever become better by listening to to Molyneux, I am sure of that.

You probably paid Molyneux the greatest compliment he has ever had by suggesting he has anything to do with Nietzsche. But he doesn’t. Nietzsche was a good writer, Nietzsche was no racist, he was not a hollow windbag, he wasn’t a person who bragged about how popular he was with the masses - its like you’re comparing Sophocles to Doctor Phil.

And yeah, obviously we want Trump to be re-elected. Though there would be a morbid humour to seeing the US elect a heavily demented guy just in order to avoid having to look at unfashionable hair. That would be fitting in a sense to the flitty, slutty country that it is for such a large part, but fuck, 4 more years of Trump would rock.

Perpetual, true Pagans are never truly racist.

Why is that, well because race is far too broad, too easy.

No one who is born with blue eyes needs to make an effort to maintain his blue eyes. But someone who worships Odin must, will, desires to sacrifice very much of his time and energy to Odin on a daily basis.

Molyneux could never be a pagan. He is too self-smirky, satisfied, popularist – for the gods sakes, he even disavowed his own parents and advocates that all must do so – the very opposite of ancestor-worship, which is the ground to paganism.

Come to think of it, that parent-hatred is actually a typically leftist trait.
Yeah. The dude was a Marxist posing as one of us. Fuck him and all his fans.

I don’t know how you got that from what I wrote… Never did i say they were comparable (the only one close to Nietzsche is Shakespeare or maybe the only one close to Shakespeare is Nietzsche)… I was drawing a comparison to how the Nazi’s similarly would burn books of people who really don’t pose a threat like Molyneux doesn’t… But would leave a real threat like NIetzsche untouched…and how that would probably backfire on them…A serious, state funded look into Nietzsche would probably cause the German Reich to short circuit.

We’ll have to disagree… I do consider it book burning when all these “private” companies have a wide scale monopoly on the flow of information. They’re basically setting the tone for what is and isn’t morally acceptable on a large scale. The lines between the public and private sector have been completely blurred. Their degenerate propaganda has reached every nook and cranny of federal, state, and local government. This determines how laws are written and enforced. Although I do find it sort of funny how the same cops who were all gung-ho to enforce these unconstitutional corona mandates are now under attack by their liberal masters.

Trump simply buys us four more years (in the U.S. anyways) to get our houses in order. What happens after that? The left keep accelerating at a startling rate… they are literally pushing for war while crying victim…

As an aside… I don’t even know why these BLM riots are happening in Europe (you guys don’t have the same racial problems the US has)…In the UK they rallied en mass like mental patients for one guy killed by the cops in America…but never raised a similar outcry for the industrial scale rape of over 10,000 underage, working class white girls by a bunch of morally depraved Pakistanis.

I agree but, again, he’s an easy target. What is truly pagan is far more dangerous to the left than the popularist racialists. If only because it’s more discriminatory and doesn’t stop at broad generalizations and is more of a direct threat to their rule.

Yes, “the messiah-in-chief”.

I’ve heard it all before.

Does trump come up to the podium and state, “zero sum worlds don’t work, we’re all in a hell realm?” No, he just bangs his wife and doesn’t give a shit

Trump literally is supremely ignorant about life on earth. I don’t call him evil. He’s too stupid to be evil. Actually, everyone is to stupid to be evil. But that’s another topic.

Also because he has no roots.

Leftism is the ideology of rootlessness. It spreads across the globe and suffocates much life with its supremely ugly growth, but it doesn’t ever accomplish anything for itself. It has no capacity for self-enjoyment, it is only greedy for attention, which it cant enjoy once it gets it, because it loathes itself.

Another note in that regard on Molyneux; how does this dork manage to at once claim racial heritage, and at the same time disavow his parents??

Surely he is a Hegelic imbecile.

He should not bang his wife? I think that would be unethical.
But yeah, he doesn’t agree with your ideology, nor do I. We are not in hell. Earth is sacred.

No, he is not the messiah, he did not bring spiritual liberation, and we don’t need, want messiahs - a pagan insist on being his own saviour.
But he did save a billion lives.
I don’t think you would have been able to ward off a nuclear war, but he did that. He is better than you, karma wise. Thats no insult to you. No one else on this planet pulled off what he pulled off.

Naturally, you are talking to yourself here, and to fellow leftists. You know very well I consider him a genius and that you have no power to change that. This frustrates you but it should not, because it is not something you should be worried about. You should be worried about what you can do.

I like this statement in an aesthetic sense.
I dont agree with it, as I have experienced a lot of clever stupidity which amounts to evil. But, I can see there is interesting thought behind it.

If you weren’t so leftist, you would be very productive and probably actually help people.

Fixed cross…

You really don’t understand either this species or existence.

Having sex to reproduce this species is not more important than your soul!

Obliterating planet earth with nukes is the least of your concerns!

There is so much you don’t understand. If you stick with me, I’ll explain it to you.

Thank you kindly but you radiate mostly confusion and pain.

There is a layer of brilliance in you but you are too hurt to ever let it come to any fruition.

I don’t think you understand anything about this planet or about yourself, but I do think you understand a little bit about the powers of the human mind. Not as much as people in my tradition generally do, but you aren’t complete idiot in that regard.

Still. You need healing.